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1、高级英语教案 “ADVANCED ENGLISH” TEACHING NOTESFOREIGN LANGUAGES DEPARTMENT课程名称:高级英语 教学对象:英语本科三、四年级学生 教学内容:ADVANCED ENGLISH (Book One & Book Two)教学重点: 1. 文化背景知识;对课文的理解;语法的难点;作者的写作特点;词汇;有关英语修辞手法。2. 语言基本功的训练(听,说,读,写,译) 3. 培养学生进行语言教学的基本技能 每周学时:4节(每班)考试方式:形成性评价与终结性评价相结合 教学方法:General Methodology, Lecture, Repor

2、ts, Discussion, Demonstration, Learner-based Teaching.教学目的:1. To improve students four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. 2. To cultivate students basic skills in English language teaching.3. To acquire a certain degree of skill in analyzing the structures of each text.4. To

3、understand the difficult language points in each lesson.5. To improve students ability in oral presentation and demonstration.6. To develop an appreciation of the English language and its importance as our linguistic bridge to the rest of the world.7. To arouse the desire to improve ones own speech

4、habits for better communication in view of the fact that students are preparing to be English language teachers.教学基本要求: 1、提高独立工作能力,学会查找有关参考书,会自己动手写注释、做笔记。 2、培养分析、欣赏写作技巧的能力。 3、掌握基本的英语修辞手段的使用技巧。 4、准确掌握课文内容,学会分析课文的写作技巧,并能将其应用于写作。 5、培养语篇分析能力,学会词语释义,即用英语解释英语短语或句型转换。 6、 逐步培养对语言与文化之间的关系的敏感性。 7、学习、巩固构词法、区分同

5、义词的差别,更好地掌握词义。 课程基本内容和学时分配: 第一学期: 本学期的教学内容:张汉熙主编的高级英语第一册的1至8单元,共72学时。 教学安排:本学期共需学习8个单元,平均每个单元约需9课时。其中背景知识介绍、 相关文化知识介绍及文章结构概述约需1学时,课文讲解约需5学时,课后练习约需3学时。 教学要求:要求学生课前对每个单元的相关文化背景知识作必要的了解,预习课文;练习用英语对词语、句子进行释义;认识和辨别课文中出现的各种修辞手法;了解英语中各种文体的作用和特点;在老师指导下分析、欣赏文章的写作技巧、文章的结构、语言特点;学会查找参考书,并自己动手写注释、做笔记等。 Unit 1: T

6、he Middle Eastern BazaarI . Additional Background Knowledge 1. Middle Eastern Countries 2. Architecture of Gothic Style II . Introduction to the Passage 1.Type of literature: a piece of objective description 2.The purpose of a piece of objective description: -to record and reproduce a true picture w

7、ith opinions and emotions of the author excluded 3. Ways of developing a piece of objective description: -to begin with a brief general picture, divide the object into parts and organize the detailed description in order of space III . Effective Writing Skills 1. making effective use of specific ver

8、bs 2. using adjectives accurately 3. using five human senses-hearing, smelling, seeing, tasting and touching to make the description vivid 4.using rhetorical devices properly IV . Rhetorical Devices 1. simile 2. metaphor 3. assonance 4. onomatopoeia V . Special Difficulties 1. paraphrasing some sent

9、ences 2. translating some paragraphs 3. identifying figures of speech VI . Questions 1.What is a bazaar? Can you name some of the Middle Eastern countries in which such bazaars are likely to be found? 2.Name all the markets in the bazaar. What kind of economy do you think they represent? Give facts

10、to support your view. 3.What scene do you find most picturesque in the bazaar? Why? Unit 2: Hiroshima-“the Liveliest” City in Japan by Jacques DanvoirI . Additional Background Knowledge 1. The City of Hiroshima 2. The first dropping of an atomic bomb-“Little Boy” II . Introduction to the Passage 1.

11、Type of literature: a piece of radio report 2. The purpose of a piece of radio report: to inform the auditors of the truth 3. Some characteristics of radio report: authenticity and objectivity III . Effective Writing Skills 1. accurately recording the dialogues with some Japanese to reinforce the au

12、thenticity of the report 3. carefully observing and describing details to reinforce the authenticity of the report 3. vivid and humorous description to make the report interesting IV . Rhetorical Devices 1. metaphor 2. anti-climax V . Special Difficulties 1. reading between the lines 2. paraphrasing

13、 some sentences VI . Questions 1. What was the writers attitude towards Hiroshima? 2. Was Hiroshima in any way different from other Japanese cities? 3. Even in this short description one may find some of the problems of Japan, or at least, of Hiroshima. Can you say what they are? 4. How do the Japan

14、ese themselves look at Hiroshima? Why? VII. Detailed Teaching Notes:Hiroshima-the Liveliest CityIn Japan1. The Map of JapanHiroshimaHiroshima, city on southwestern Honsh Island, Japan, capital of Hiroshima Prefecture, at the head of Hiroshima Bay. The city was founded in 1594 on six islands in the t

15、a River delta. Hiroshima grew rapidly as a castle town and commercial city, and after 1868 it was developed as a military center. On August 6, 1945, during World War II (1939-1945), the first atomic bomb to be used against an enemy position was dropped on the city by the United States Army Air Forces (see Nuclear Weapons). According to



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