冀教英语Book4 Lesson 25 My Favourite Colour 教学设计.doc

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1、冀教英语Book 4 Lesson 25 My Favourite Colour 教学设计河北省唐山市古冶区唐家庄第一小学 张春香教学设计思路: 根据英语课程标准的基本理念,本节课试图采用活动途径,倡导体验参与,使学生在老师的指导下,通过感知,体验,实践,参与和合作等方式,实现教学目标,感受成功。课上以多种活动培养学生积极的学习态度促进语言实际运用能力的提高。Teaching Topic:Lesson 25 My Facouite ColourTeaching Aim:1. knowledge:使学生在认读black brown green orange pink purple white这些

2、颜色词的基础上,达到正确书写和运用的水平。并能将这些表示颜色的词与后面名词组成短语,正确运用。 使学生能正确表达对颜色的喜爱:I Like . My favourite colour is . 学生能正确运用人称代词we , you , 物主代词 our , their。2、Skill:通过让学生描述身边的事物。eg: This is a .等。培养学生用英语交流,用英语做事情的能力。 Talk about your favourite clothes, your favorite food .活动。培养学生对所学知识举一反三的能力。3Feelings:通过在小组内讨论喜爱的颜色这一活动,培养

3、学生热爱生活的情感,初步培养学生积极动脑,乐于与他人合作的健康向上的好品格。Important Points:使学生正确表达对颜色的喜爱:I like .My favorite colour is .Difficult Point:人称代词we ,they 和物主代词our ,their 的正确使用。Teaching Tools:1.单词卡片(提前将画面涂好颜色)a red skirt a blue marker a purple sweater two yellow chairs four black keys ten brown kites 2.教师用书后附带的光盘3.自制多媒体课件。Le

4、arning Tools: 事先用自己喜欢的颜色做好胸牌,并配带好。Teaching Procedures:提前将学生按其喜欢的颜色编为七个组:black group brown group green group orange group pink group white group )Step one : Warming up1.T: Good morningafternoon, boys and girls.Ss: Good morningafternoon. Miss Zhang .2. T: Boys and girls. I have some colours. Can you s

5、ay it ?Ss: yes.(Ss speak out the colours together.)T: Now, Lets say a chant about colours,OK?Ss: OK.(Ss say the colour-point chant together. T show the cards. When the Ss answer correctly. The T says: Yes, it s red, its a red skirt.Then Ss practice the plural form . After they answer, the T says : Y

6、es ,they are yellow . These are yellow chairs . ) 设计意图:运用富有动感,合辙押韵的chant 形式,来复习前面学过的颜色单词,培养学生的语感,使学生在不知不觉中已经走入了学习新知识的大门。Step Two : Presentation .一、 No. 1. Colours 1 . Use the courseware to teach No.1 courseware 介绍:左上角是Mr. Wood图片,旁边是句子:Where is the white cat? 下面是标有数字的七个苹果,当点击每一个苹果时,都会出现一个与课本内容相同的句子。C

7、ourseware 出现步骤:Mr. Wood Where is the white cat ? 点击苹果,出某一句型的图出现与这一图片相一致的句子。T: Who is he ? S: Hes Mr. Wood .T: Mr. Woods cat is lost .Can you help him find his white cat ? “Where is the white cat ?”There are 7apples here .let me guess. No.1, Is this a white cat?Ss guess: Yes. This is a white cat. (No

8、, it isnt。Its a ) T: What s this? ( 点击苹果1)Ss: This is a monkey. (Its a brown monkey.)T: Now, can you guess .Which is the white cat ?( Ss guess out the six apples.当出现white cat 时,T: Oh, here s the white cat ,若不是 white cat, T继续提问:Whats this? )设计意图:多媒体课件的运用,激发了学生的学习兴趣,猜谜的游戏可以使学生始终保持高涨的学习热情,在学生的一次次猜测中运用了

9、所学的语言知识。2. Practice the sentences of No.1 (利用光盘)T: Now, let s listen and watch.T: This time, if you can follow, you follow it, if you cant, please listen carefully again.T: Now, please say the sentences loudly.设计意图:按静听-模仿-朗读的顺序,让学生学习句型,符合语言的输入,输出规律,满足不同水平学生的学习需求,培养学生听和读的能力。二. No.21. (T point to the

10、colour sign.)T: What colour is this? Ss: Orange.T: I like orange. My favourite colour is orange. Whats your favorite colour?(S1, S2, S3 answer.)T: Who can ask? Who can answer?设计意图:学生在经过大量的语言输入后,在教师的引导下,开始语言的输出。先由教师问,学生答,之后学生互相问答,实现由易到难的过渡。这样,既符合学生的心理需要,使每个学生的身心得到发展,又满足了不同类型,不同层次学生的需要。2. (T walk to t

11、he orange group.)T: I like orange .You like orange .We like the same colour. Our favourite colour is orange. (板书)T:Read after me.T asks the volunteers: How about your group?S1: We like the same colour .Our favourite colour is black.S2: We like the same colour .Our favorite colour is white.Practice i

12、n groups.(T walks to the green group.) T: I like orange. They like a different colour. Their favourite colour is green.(板书)(Practice in the same way as )设计意图:此句型早在三年级时,学生就已接触,所以学起来并不难,但我们的目的不仅是让学生学会朗读和书写,更重要的是他们能在现实生活中听懂,会用。本设计创设了语言环境,让学生亲自体验语言,在体验中学会语言。3 . Listen ,watch and read .(利用光盘)4. Let the s

13、tudents talk about their favourite food and clothes, according to the sentences they have learned just now.设计意图:在学生已经基本掌握句型的时候,安排这一拓展内容,既是对本课知识的巩固复习,又使学生做到了举一反三,将所学知识很容易地进行了正迁移,培养了学生的创造性。Step Three:Homework: finish the Activity book of Lesson 25 .Writing Design: Lesson 25We like the same colour. Our

14、 favorite colour is orange.They like a different colour. Their favourite colour is green. Lesson 26 My Favourite Clothes 教学设计河北省唐山市古冶区唐家庄第一小学 张春香教学设计思路: 本着教师在课堂中的角色要从对学生的教导改为对学生的引导的转变,以及学生从单纯的模仿和机械操练向多途径多渠道的学习的转变的思想,本课设计了各个活动,从而让更多的学生参与;使学生在英语课堂中不仅动口,而且动手动脑,使英语学习过程成为一个充满了智慧的思索过程和充满乐趣的操作运用过程。 Teachin

15、g Topic: Lesson26 My Favourite ClothesTeaching Aim:1、Knowledge:(1) 巩固、复习上一课所学人称代词we, they, 物主代词our, their.(2) 使学生能够正确表达对衣服的喜爱。(3) 使学生能正确地听、说、读、写、用but.2、Skill:(1) 培养学生用英语交流,用英语做事的能力。(2) 通过让学生听录音、勾答案这一步骤,培养学生静听的习惯和在听的过程中抓住关键词分析信息的能力。(3) Feelings:通过chain game 和 have a match等活动,培养学生团结协作的精神和合作竞争的意识。Important and difficult points:使学生正确表达对衣服的喜爱。Teaching



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