2014高考英语一轮 Unit1 Festivals around the world基础训练A、B卷(含解析) 新人教版

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2014高考英语一轮 Unit1 Festivals around the world基础训练A、B卷(含解析) 新人教版_第1页
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1、2014高考英语(新人教版)一轮基础训练(11)A、B卷(附答案或解析)Book 3 Unit 1 Festivals around the world.单项填空1A growing anxiety is disturbing the public_ the economy will continuously decline.AwhichBthatCwhyDwhere2This book tells _ life story of John Smith,who left _ school and worked for a newspaper at the age of 16.Athe;theB

2、a;theCthe;/Da;/3_ tricks_ others is something we should never do.APlay;onBPlaying;onCTake;ofDTaking;of4Excuse me,could you tell me where I could make a call?Sorry,Im a stranger here._.AThanks a lotBThats a pityCThanks anywayDIm sorry to hear that5The story_ me of an experience I once had in the fore

3、st.AmentionedBinformedCremindedDrecalled6I _ her,but I never could.Aought to helpBmust helpCmust have helpedDought to have helped7After she made herself up,she _ herself in the mirror.AfoundBadmiredCshowedDenjoyed8I owe her an apology _ what I said yesterday.AforBtoCofDwith9This is a book_ the const

4、ruction workers.Ain need ofBin praise ofCin case ofDin search of10None of us expected the chairman to_ at the party.We thought he was still in hospital.Aturn inBturn overCturn upDturn down11Jack_ and then dived into the water.Aheld his breathBtook a deep breathCcaught his breathDwas out of breath12T

5、his is not a match.Were playing chess just for_.AhabitBhobbyCfunDgame13_ worries me is the way he keeps changing his mind.AThisBThatCWhatDIt14In some parts of London,missing a bus means_ for another hour.AwaitingBto waitCwaitDto be waiting15She looks forward every spring to_ the flowerlined garden.A

6、visitBpaying a visitCwalk inDwalking in.完形填空It is a very interesting story that I heard.A young man longing to _16_ the beautiful daughter of a farm owner came one day to the _17_ to make the proposal(求婚)The farm owner looked at him _18_, saying,“All right.Lets go to my pasture(牧场)Ill _19_ three bul

7、ls one by one.If you can catch any ones _20_,youre qualified to marry my daughter.”Then they came together to the pasture.The young man stood waiting _21_ for the first bull to appear.A few minutes later the cattle shed(牛棚) opened and a bull rushed out _22_ him.It was the largest and ugliest bull he

8、 had ever seen.He thought maybe the _23_ one would be better,so he stepped aside to let it _24_ the pasture to the back gate of the shed.The shed _25_ again and the second bull came rushing out.It was not only very big but also unusually _26_.It stood with its hoofs (蹄子) kicking and its throat mutte

9、ring (咕噜)“How terrible it is! The next cannot be as _27_ as this.” He was so scared that he hurried to _28_ behind the railings (栏杆)It rushed away to the back gate.Soon afterwards,the shed opened for the third bull to come out._29_ it,the young man became very happy.It was not only small in _30_ but

10、 also thin and weak in strengththe _31_ type of a bull for him.When it rushed toward him he was ready to _32_.With a jump he stretched his hands to catch its tail but _33_ it simply had no tail at all.It goes without saying that the young man _34_ to marry the farmers beautiful daughter.He had been

11、given _35_,but they had all gone in a flash.16A.meetBknowCdateDmarry17A.farmBvillageCtownDcountry18A.up and downBhere and thereCagain and againDlittle by little19A.set outBgive outClet outDtake out20A.headBlegCbodyDtail21A.anxiouslyBsadlyChappilyDpatiently22A.fromBoverCuponDtoward23A.lastBnextCother

12、Danother24A.crossBpassCleaveDenter25A.closedBlockedCopenedDturned26A.fierceBgentleClovelyDcruel27A.excitingBsurprisingCfrighteningDamazing28A.fallBsitCwaitDhide29A.Looking atBSeeingCWatchingDObserving30A.sizeBlengthCweightDnumber31A.justBveryConlyDquite32A.actBbehaveCrunDperform33A.in astonishmentBin angerCin troubleDin vain34A.triedBdecidedCfailedDmanaged35A.luckBchancesCbullsDtime1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.C 11.B 12.C 13.C 14.A 15.D16.D 17.A 18.A 19.C 20.D 21.A 22.D 23.B 24.A 25.C 26.A 27.C 28.D 29.B 30.A 31.B 32.A 33.D 34.C 35.B*


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