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1、2012届高考英语顶尖学案:大纲版Unit 11The sounds of the world全世界的声音核心词汇1The_(提议)was put forward that more volunteers be sent to the earthquakestriken areas.2Vegetables and fruits_(含有)rich vitamine are helpful to health.So eat more.3To_(表达)his gratitude,he sent us the native produce.4The workers are trying to appl

2、y modern techniques to this_(传统的)craft.5Society is made up of a _(种类的)of people.Some are good,others bad,and still others in between.6I like to_(款待)friends with music and refreshments at home.7Shes the equal of her brother as far as_(智力)is concerned.8The news was soon_(传遍)through the whole town.9用sa

3、tisfy的适当形式填空:(1)Nothing_her;shes always complaining.(2)I am not at all_with the present situation.(3)The service that the company offers all over the country is quite_.(4)Last night they watched our performance with_.10She_a lot of money and her_for wealth made her put all her money in the bank.When

4、 she learned that it was possible that interest rate should be reduced,she almost went crazy.(desire)1.suggestion2.contain3.express4.traditional5.variety6.entertain7.intelligence8.spread 9.(1)satisfies(2)satisfied(3)satisfying(4)satisfaction10.desireddesire高频短语1_填写表格2_ 心里有;在想;在计划3_ 演奏乐器4_ 自那时以来5_ 共同

5、(的),共有(的)6_ 不同种7_ 接某人8_ 挑选出9_ 把变成10_ 伴着跳舞1fill in/out a form2.have.in mind3.play an instrument4.since then5.in common6.a variety of7.pick sb.up8.pick out9.turn.into10.dance to.重点句式1Well,Peter loves music,so _ I would give him a CD.噢,彼得喜欢音乐,所以我原以为我会给他一个CD唱片。2People_the blues for many years,but the mu

6、sic has kept many of its characteristics.人们演奏布鲁斯音乐已有多年,但这种音乐的许多特征仍保持不变。3For example,love in a pop song is _,but in a rock song it can be both good and bad at the same time.例如,在一首流行歌曲里的爱情好坏分明,但在摇滚歌曲里,它可以是利弊兼而有之。4There is a wide variety of new music to be discovered in every corner of the world,so _yo

7、u look for a tape or a CD,dont just look for Chinese or American musicopen your ears to the sounds of the world!世界的每一个角落,都可以找到丰富多彩的新音乐,所以下一次你寻找磁带或激光唱片时,不要只找中国或美国的音乐敞开你的耳朵,聆听全世界的音乐吧!1.I thought2.have been playing3.either good or bad4.the next time知识详解1suggestionn提议;意见;迹象;暗示;联想【教材原句】 (P72)Ask your par

8、tner to give some suggestions.请你的同伴提一些建议。(牛津P2021)Id like to hear your suggestions for ways of raising money.关于筹集资金的办法,我想听听你的建议。(牛津P2021)She agreed with my suggestion that we should change the date.她同意我提出的更改日期的建议。He made the suggestion that all the political prisoners (should) be set free.他提出建议释放所有的

9、政治犯。(1)make/offer a suggestion提出建议follow ones suggestion接受某人的建议(2)suggest vt.建议;暗示suggest sth./(sb.) doing sth.建议某事/(某人)做某事suggest that.建议It is suggested that.人们建议思维拓展It has been suggested that bright children should take their exams early.有人建议天资好的孩子提前参加考试。The parents suggested sleeping in the hotel

10、 room but their kids were anxious to camp out during the trip.父母建议在宾馆房间里住宿,但是孩子们渴望在旅行期间宿营。His happy expression suggested that he was satisfied with the result.他脸上高兴的表情表明他对结果非常满意。【温馨提示】(1)suggestion在表示建议时,与其相关的主语从句、表语从句及同位语从句都要用虚拟语气,其谓语动词用should动词原形,should可省略。(2)suggest表示“建议”时其宾语从句用虚拟语气;但是当suggest表示“

11、暗示,说明”时,其宾语从句要用真实语气。即境活用1(2009年高考上海卷)Bill suggested_a meeting on what to do for the Shanghai Expo during the vacation.Ahaving heldBto holdCholding Dhold解析:选C。本题考查非谓语动词作宾语。句意:比尔建议开一个关于假期期间为上海世博会做些什么的会议。suggest后加宾语需加动名词,不能加不定式,更不能加动词原形,故排除B、D两项;having held表示完成,不符合本题要求,故也被排除。2performvt.& vi.表演;履行;执行;(机

12、器)运转(1)演出,表演(牛津P1475)Im looking forward to seeing you perform.我期待着看你演出。(2)做,履行,执行(1)performance n.表演,表现,业绩give/put on a performance演出 (2)performer n.表演者,艺人思维拓展He will give /put on two more performances before leaving China.在离开中国之前,他将再加演两场。即境活用2完成句子(1)他们总是忠实地履行自己的职责。They always_faithfully.答案:perform

13、their duties(2)他说外科医生正在做一项危险的手术。He said that the surgeon was _.答案:performing a dangerous operation3containvt.包含;容纳;克制;抑制,控制【教材原句】(P73)Todays American culture contains many different musical styles.今天的美国文化包含许多种不同的音乐风格。(1)包含,包括,含有。一般不用于进行时态。The Chinese diet contains a lot of fruit and green vegetables

14、.中国的饮食包括很多水果和蔬菜。(2)遏制,抑制When the guy offended him again,he couldnt contain himself any longer.当那个家伙再次触怒他时,他再也不能控制自己了。(3)容纳The hall can contain/hold/seat/admit 3,000 people.这个大厅能容纳3000人。比较网站contain,include都有“包括,包含”的意思。(1)contain侧重“整体内有”,指在一定范围或容器内能容纳某物,意为“含有,容纳,里面装有”。This little book contains all the information that you need.这本小册子含有你所需要的所有信息。(



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