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1、贸易付款条件解释及应用T/T Telegraphic Transfer电汇D/P 付款交单 Document against Payment D/A 承兑交单 Document Against Acceptance L/C 信用证 Letter of Credit信用证的定义(1)UCP500所下的定义信用证是指由银行(开证行)依照客户(申请人)的要求和指示或自己主动,在符合信用证条款的条件下,凭规定单据:、向第三者(受益人)或其指定的人进行付款、或承兑和(或)支付收益人开立的汇票,或、授权另一银行进行该项付款、或承兑和支付汇票,或、授权另一银行议付(2)普通的定义信用证是开证行根据申请人的要

2、求,向受益人开立的一定金额、在一定的期限内凭规定的单据在指定的地点支付的书面保证文件,它是一种有条件承诺付款的书面文件。T/T可以分为前T/T,和后T/T,前T/T就是,合同签订后,先付一部分订金,一般都是30%,生产完毕, 通知 付款,付清余款,然后发货,交付全套单证。不过前T/T比较少见一点,在欧美国家出现的比较多。因为欧美国家的客户处在信誉很好的环境,他自己也就非常信任别人。最为多见的是后T/T, 收到订金,安排生产,出货,客户收到单证拷贝件后,付余款;卖家收到余款后,寄送全套单证。国际贸易的结算工具、结算方式有哪些?工具主要有:汇票 本票 支票结算方式:汇付,托收以及信用证付款特点和适

3、用情况分别为:汇付:风险大,资金负担不平衡,手续简便,费用少在进口商荣誉可靠或与出口方有特殊密切关系的条件下,这种方式有利于扩大出口托收:商业信用性质,因上为中间人,适用于新产品开拓市场,滞销,进口方信誉较好的情况下使用信用证:是一种银行信用,独立于合同之外的一种自足文件,是一种单据买卖信用证县阶段被广泛应用是最重要的支付方式在实际业务操作中,这三种方式还可以相结合来使用payment支付,付款to pay付款,支付,偿还dishonor拒付deferred payment延期付款progressive payment分期付款payment on terms定期付款payment agreem

4、ent支付协定pay order支付凭证payment order付款通知payment by banker银行支付payment by remittance汇拨支付payment in part部分付款payment in full全部付讫clean payment单纯支付simple payment单纯支付payment by installment分期付款payment respite延期付款payment at maturity到期付款payment in advance预付(货款)Cash With Order(C.W.O) 随订单付现Cash On Delivery(C.O.D)交

5、货付现Cash Against Documents(C.A.D)凭单付现Pay on delivery (P.O.D)货到付款Payment in kind实物支付 Payment for (in) cash现金支付,付现pay.Co. only仅付.公司pay.Co. not negotiable付.公司,不准疏通pay.Co. or order(pay to the order of.Co.)付.公司或其指定人refusal拒绝the refusal of payment拒付the bank interest银行利息 Payment is to be effected (made) bef

6、ore the end of this month.这个月末以前应该付款。Its convenient to make payment in pound sterling.用英镑付款较方便。Now, as regards payment, weve agreed to use U.S. Dollar, am I right?至于付款,我们已同意用美圆,对吗?We may have some difficulties making payment in Japanese yen.用日圆付款可能会有困难。Ive never made payment in Renminbi before.我从未用过

7、人民币付款。We cant accept payment on deferred terms.我们不能接受延期付款。Whats your reason for the refusal of payment?你们拒付的理由是什么?Collection is not paid.托收款未得照付。We dont think youll refuse to pay.我们相信你们不会拒付。Only one refusal of payment is acceptable to the bank.银行只接受一次拒付。You ought to pay us the bank interest once pay

8、ment is wrongly refused.如果拒付错了,你们应该偿付我方的银行利息。Well not pay until shipping documents for the goods have reached us.见不到货物装船单据,我们不付款。Were worrying that a decline in prices might lead to refusal of payment.我们担心市场价格下跌会引起拒付。Of course payment might be refused if any thing goes wrong with the documents.如果单据有问题,当然可以提出拒付。The equipment will be paid in installments with the commodities produced by our factory.设备以我们工厂生产的产品分期偿还。


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