江苏省泗阳中学2013届高三英语一轮复习单元检测Module7 Unit4 江苏牛津版本.doc

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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家Module7 Unit 4Public transport时间:30分钟.单项填空1Is that the laundry? I have some clothes _.Leave them in your room,please,and were going to fetch them soon.Ato wash Bto be washedCwashed Dwashing答案B根据语境可以判断是给洗衣房打电话,说有衣服要洗,分析可知应用不定式的被动形式作定语。2The “Home Electrical Appliances to Rural Areas” p

2、olicy _ to improve the life of those in remote areas.Aaimed BaimingCto aim Dto be aimed答案A句意:家电下乡政策的目的在于改善偏远地区人们的生活。3He gave me the girls picture _ I might recognize her.Ain hope of Bin the hope ofCin hope that Din the hope that答案D句意:他给了我这个女孩儿的照片,希望我会认出她。“in the hope that 从句”表示“希望,期待”。4It is reporte

3、d that two spacecrafts will _ with each other in orbit.Alink up Bline up Cpile up Dtie up答案A句意:据报道,两个航天器将会在轨道运行中对接。 link up连接,联合,符合句意。 line up使成行; pile up把堆积起来;tie up把绑起来。5You can find a bargain in the sales; all the goods will be sold_.Aat a discount Bat discountCwith a discount Dwith discount答案A句意

4、:在减价销售中你会找到便宜货,所有商品都打折销售。 at a discount 为固定词组,表示“打折”6The driver began to _ to make up for the lost hours hed lost in the traffic jam.Aspeed up Bkeep up Ctake up Dcatch up答案A句意:司机开始加速以弥补在交通阻塞中市区的时间。speed up 加速,符合题意。7Such good use has been _ his spare time _ his English has improved a lot.Amade of;as

5、Bmade of;thatCmade in;that Dmade from;as答案B本题考查make good use of结构及such.that.结构。8The house is too small.My parents coming has brought us much _.Aimpatience BinconvenienceCinvitation Dinaccuracy答案BA项意为“不耐烦”;B项意为“不方便”;C项意为“邀请”;D项意为“不准确”。根据句意“房子太小,父母的到来给我们带来了很多不便”,选B项。9Many new problems will _ when the

6、new examination system comes into being.Aarise Brise Craise Darouse答案Aarise vi.(问题等)出现,产生;rise vi.上升;raise vt.举起,提出,饲养;arouse vt.唤醒,引起。根据题意选A项,句意:当新的考试体系形成时,许多新的问题也会随之产生。10Can he take charge of the computer company?Im afraid its _ his ability.Abeyond Bwithin Cof Dto答案A根据Im afraid可以判断为“他没有能力管理电脑公司”,所

7、以选A。11It is reported that the government has lightened the burden on the students.Oh,today we are still _ from heavy schoolwork,_ at preparing us for the entrance examination.Asuffering;aiming Bsuffered;aimedCsuffering;aimed Dsuffered;aiming答案C第一空用suffering表示主动;而第二空用aimed at,相当于which is aimed at.,意思

8、是“繁重的作业旨在让我们准备”12Hearing her mean words,I stood there trembling and trying to _ tears.Achoke out Bchoke inCchoke back Dchoke up答案C根据句意选C项,意思是“强忍住泪水”。13Pollution is the major _ of the global warming.Acause Breason Cexcuse Devent答案Acause指造成某事实的原因;reason指说明或解释的理由;excuse指借口;event指事件,由此可知A符合题意。14The Town

9、 Hall _ in the 1800s was the most distinguished building at that time.Ato be completed Bhaving been completed Ccompleted Dbeing completed答案Ccompleted in the 1800s是后置定语,修饰The Town Hall,相当于定语从句which was completed in the 1800s。15We forbid _ here,Who permits you _?Asmoking;smoking Bsmoking;to smokeCto s

10、moke;to smoking Dto smoke;smoking答案Bforbid doing.禁止做;permit sb to do.允许某人做。.阅读理解AMost Americans get what money they have from their work;that is ,they earn an income from wages or salaries.The richest Americans,however,get most of their money from what they owntheir stocks,bonds,real estate,and othe

11、r forms of property,or wealth.Although there are few accurate statistics to go by,wealth in American society appears to be concentrated in very few hands.More than 20 percent of everything that can be privately owned is held by less than one percent of the adult population and more than 75 percent o

12、f all wealth is owned by 20 percent of American adults.The plain fact is that most Americans have no wealth at all aside from their homes,automobiles,and a small amount of savings.Income in the United States is not as highly concentrated as wealth.In 1917 the richest 10 percent of American families

13、received 26 percent of all income,while the poorest 10 percent received 17 percent,mainly from Social Security and other government payments.The most striking aspect of income distribution is that it has not changed significantly since the end of World War .Although economic growth has roughly doubl

14、ed real disposable(可自由使用的)family income(the money left after taxes and adjusted for inflation)over the last generation,the size of the shares given to the rich and the poor is about the same.By any measure economic inequality is great in the United States.The reality behind these statistics is that a large number of Americans are poor.In 1918,14 percent of the population was living below the federal governments poverty lin


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