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1、Unit3M8 Dictation1. 给打电话 ring up/ call up sb.2. 给回电 ring back sb.3. 挂断电话 ring off/ hang up4. 接通电话 get through5. 别挂电话 hold on/ hang on6. 不时 有时 now and then/ from time to time/ sometimes7. 使出名 distinguish oneself8. 区分A 和B distinguish A and B9. 辨别是非 distinguish/ tell right from wrong10. 分清善恶 distinguis

2、h/ tell good from evil11. 尊敬的来宾 distinguished/respected guests12. 著名的发明家 distinguished/famous inventors13. 对表示同情 show mercy to sb./ have mercy on sb.14. 着手去做set about doing/ set out to do/ get down to doing15. 写下 set down16. 把搁置一边set aside17. 出发 set out/ set off for18. 出乎意料 out of expectation19. 在意料

3、之中 in expectation20. 盼望得到in expectation of21. 不负所望live up to ones expectation22. 抓住机遇seize the chance/ opportunity23. 冰冷freezing cold24. 炽热burning hot25. 排挤freeze sb. out26. 容忍tolerate/ bear/stand/ put up with27. 记住bear sth. in mind/ keep sth. in mind/ remember sth.28. 救命稻草 the last straw (that brea

4、ks the camelback)29. 时事current events/ affairs30. 实际可行的方法practical measures31. 把付诸实践 put sth. into practice32. 惯例usual/ common practice33. 行得通 work in practice34. 很久不练习,荒疏 out of practice35. 熟能生巧 Practice makes perfect.36. 给打电话 唤起 使人想起 call up37. 号召 call on38. 需要 call for39. 取消 call off40. 使产生 call

5、forth41. 结束一天的工作 call it a day42. 收回 call back43. 拜访某人 pay a call on sb./ visit sb./ drop in on sb./ pay a visit to sb.44. 不挂断 坚持住hang on45. 闲逛 hang out46. 徘徊hang about/ around47. 通过 经历 克服 get throng48. 进展 get on 49. 下车 起飞 脱下get off50. 克服 get over51. 被理解 通过get across52. 摆脱 除去 get rid of友情提示:部分文档来自网络整理,供您参考!文档可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! /



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