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1、3A Module 2 Unit 4 My friends【教材分析Unit Analysis】 3B M2U4的教学主题是My friends.以“friends”为话题,牛津教材注重语言知识和技能发展上的叠加式积累与增长。因此,在进行教学设计之前,需要对各个年级同一模块下的学习内容进行梳理,明确学生在 My friends , my family and me这个主题下需要掌握哪些知识以及怎样打好基础为目标,为四,五,六年级这一模块的学习做好铺垫。从横向上来说,在本模块主题下,共有三个单元。Unit 4 My friends,学会对自己朋友的外形进行简单描述;Unit 5 My famil

2、y,要求学生了解自己的家庭,并初步构建family tree的家族概念;Unit 6 Me,学生不仅要学会人的五官,还要对自己的五官进行描述。本单元共有4个页面,在对教材进行梳理、统整之后,立足friends本身所包含的情感元素,设计出Finding friendsMeeting friends-Making friends的情感体验历程梯度,并进行了三课时的教学。【语言任务Tasks】1.学习各种外形的单词:tall, short, fat ,thin2.学会描述朋友的外形:This is ;He /She is my friend;He/She is (tall, short, fat ,

3、thin).3.能从姓名、外形以及人的五官等方面介绍朋友4.能够以书面或口头的方式介绍朋友。【语言知识Language Focus】1、掌握本单元的核心词汇:tall, short, fat, thin, friend, this etc.2、能用This is(name) ,Hes/Shes(adj.)介绍朋友。【课时划分Periods】第一课时:Finding friends第二课时:Meeting friends 第三课时:Making friends Unit 4 My Friends Period 1Contents3A Module 2 Unit 4 My friends(Peri

4、od 1)TeachingAimsAbout Language:1. Grasping the words of peoples characters: tall, short, fat and thin.2. Mastering the sentence pattern “This is .Hes my friend. Hes .”“This is . Shes my friend. Shes ”3. Organizing some activities to strength the use of the key sentences.About Skills:1. Be able to u

5、nderstand and speak the words of characters.2. Be able to use the sentence to describe friends.About Emotions:Teach the students to cherish the friendship.Key Points1. Be able to speak the words of characters correctly.2. Be able to use the key sentences.Difficult Points1. Mastering the pronunciatio

6、n and intonation of the new words.2. Be able to ask the questions correctly and be able to answer the questions.Teaching MethodsCommunicative Approach Task-based teaching approachTeaching Aidsa multimedia computerACTIVITIESTeachingProcedurePRE-TASK PREPARATIONTeachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesPu

7、rpose1. Warming up Look and say We study together. We work together. Were friends.2. Ask and answer Answer the questionsand introduce Running Man.3. Introduce Running Man one by one.There are seven people in the group. We meet some of them.图片导入,引入一起学习、一起工作的朋友的定义。听听说说,引入本课主人公Running Man,带领学生进入情境。 引入R

8、unning Man的各位成员,为下面的新授做铺垫。WHILE-TASK PROCEDURETeachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesPurpose1. Learn the new words by introducing the main character.1)This is Li Chen.Hes tall.t-allb-allc-allm-all2) Listen and do.Do the actions of being short and fat.3)Learn:thin,compare the thin and thick to find th

9、e commons in pronouncing.4)look and sayDescribe the characters by using the new words in new sentences.6) Chant it.Review the old language and use the new word.2.Finish Task 1 Guess the name by using the new sentences.During this time, students are access to more words to describe their friends.3. F

10、inish Task 2Listen and answer whos Peters friend?4.Read and answer.Students read the text by themselves and find more information.5. Read and say.Let Ss have a clear idea about the dialogue.6.Read the dialogue loudlyAct it out通过成员的高矮胖瘦,在语境中进行单词教学结合描述,训练学生语段输出的能力通过说一说,做一做学习新单词,使学生学习兴趣高。运用已经学过的句型操练新授单

11、词。通过游戏激发学生的学习兴趣,同时初步感知句型,为下面的学习做好语言铺垫。将核心单词和句型融入Chant,寓教于乐,进一步巩固核心单词和句型。任务型教学,层层驱动。拓展词汇,为学生的学习设计坡度,丰富语言的输入。先听后学,使学生养成良好的听音模仿的习惯。听后回答问题,及时反馈听力效果,提高学生有效获取信息的能力。角色扮演,学生在情境中操练语言;同时,也调动学生参与活动的积极性。POST-TASK ACTIVITYTeachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesPurposeRead and guessFind friends in our class. Stude

12、nts can understand the short passage.9. Make a dialogueDiscuss in groupsTry to say in groups about your friends.10. Look and enjoy.Enjoy pictures about sharing and helping.Friendship is so important.自读文本,猜测人物,学生提高学生的阅读能力。举一反三,鼓励学生积极交流。活学活用,通过变换操练,创设比较真实的情景,让语言操练与学生的实际生活有机结合。 检验学生写的能力。体验感知,提升情感。BlackboardDesignThis is _.Hes _.Shes_.


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