附录4 学生现场笔记摘录.docx

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1、In terms of Critical Thinking: Interviewer:1. How do you think about this debate?2. Are you in favor of cloning animals?(unmoral & cruel)3. Do you think there is any commercial value in cloning animals?4. Are you worried about the safety of cloned animals?(moral question)5. Can those new cloned spec

2、ies survive in this society?(human beings)6. What is your idea about cloning for treating diseases? Or unfair to treating?7. In moral question, whether the cloned can get along with the cloned animals? Think Tank:Positive Side:1. Unclear weapon was disapproved and Einstein said it might be a mistake

3、 but it helps us behave well(?).2. It has been applied to many people and helped them. And you will find the original moral question has disappeared with the time flying and the applied technology upgraded.3. There have been many death both (among) animals and people in every scientific revolution b

4、ut its meaningful because our eventual goal is the development of science and protection the more rest animals. 4. produce mass quantities of plants 5. conduct research on new plant species and for medical research with animals 6. save people by using cloned organs to replace damaged organs7. clone

5、genetically-modified animals to make people adjust to environment8. A cat copied in Texas has lived more than 15 years. There is no direct connection between cloning and aging. Clone animals may live longer than traditional animals.9. Dollys death has nothing to do with cloning, other non-cloned ani

6、mals also died, maybe Dolly is not so lucky.10. Although it may cause problems, what we should do is to face it and solve it.11. Technology is a double-edged sword. With our constant efforts, cloning technology will become mature and benefit human society one day.Negative Side:1. Actually, if there

7、is medical aid, will the rich and the poor get (the) same opportunity to gain treatments? Of course not. It is UNFAIR!2. The cloning creatures may not adjust to the surroundings now, (so) its dangerous.3. The variety will be destroyed. (Because) They may not be able to resist a particular illness.4.

8、 (if you bring the pets back to life) Although they have (the) same appearance and even every cell is same, they are not the person we love.5. The drawbacks of gene will be worse and worse as time goes.6. The diversity of genes to adjust the change of environment is the most important, otherwise clo

9、ned animals will be pets of manual production.7. Animal cloning technology will break the gender balance because male will be no use in the future.8. Some people may use the clone technology to get humans organs. Then what we humans are? I think Its a violation of human rights.(moral)9. Imagine if y

10、ou have a child owning the same appearance as yours and your husbands, will you accept it without and uncomfortable feelings? Dont you think it is embarrassing?(moral)10. The future of cloning is very questionable, as now cloning is not supported in the United States. The government is banning exper

11、imenting with cloning.11. Clone may give rise to damage which government cant take charge of. It is hard for government to figure out when crime occurs.12. One big disadvantage of cloning is that it has not been perfected yet. The clone of the sheep Dolly had 276 failures before successfully cloning

12、 a sheep. I think its a waste of resources and time.13. It may destroy scientists lives and often have problem-causing issues in their genes. I think human life should be valued and not wasted as a process in a laboratory.14. Cloned animals probably have severe medical problems.15. As we all know, n

13、umerous attempts and money have been made to clone animals, but the results are discouraging.Some Useful Expressions:1. Their opinion may seem possible at first glance, however, we would like to remind you that2. What I want to emphasize is that3. Let me rephrase what I said4. I understand your view

14、 (of) point, but it fails to prove that5. We firmly insist that6. To sum up, our motion must stand, simply because during the debate we have shown 7. Honorable judges and distinguished guests8. To set the framework for our opinion, we believe it is necessary to state9. We would like to introduce our

15、 stand by giving the following examples.10. In order to debate (over) this topic, we would like to propose11. I would be glad to hear the other teams opinion of12. Im convinced that13. The other team have tried to make some good points, however, they forget to think about some very important issues14. I think that your point have some deviation from the subject of English debate contest. Our opinion is whether animal cloning should be allowed. So you should be back to the subject.


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