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1、高中英语选修7Unit 19 LanguageUnit 19 Language-Language Awareness 【教材教法分析】Unit 19 Language-Language Awareness 4 授课 班级 Senior 2 授课 教师 孙铁玲 授课 时间 2009-2 /009-2Topic /OPICModule 7-Unit 19 Language-Language awareness 4Teaching Objectives Students will be able to 【知识与技能目标】Understand the main idea of the passage

2、by guessing the meaning of new words from the contexts. Match the headings with the paragraphs. Use the impersonal report structure to express a general opinion/ experience of a present belief or a belief held in the past: It is hoped thatIt was realized thatHe is known to beHe is known to have been

3、 【过程与方法】Understand to use appropriate structures to express appropriate ideas. 【情感、态度与价值观】To have a sense of caring about animals which are facing extinction.教学重点 Use the impersonal report structure to express a general opinion/ experience of a present relief or a relief held in the past 教学难点 To jud

4、ge whether an event happened at the same time as the belief or earlier than that.解决方法 Understanding through contexts. 教具 Pictures, multi-media教学过程教学步骤学生活动教师活动设计意图Prediction1. Think and talk about when they feel lonesome with the whole class.2. Look at the picture of the tortoise, read the title “Lon

5、esome Male of the Galapagos” and guess why the tortoise is lonesome. Show Ss a picture of George and ask Ss to talk about why they think the tortoise feels lonesome. To arouse Ss interest and lead in the topic.Reading1. Read and find out why the tortoise is lonesome.2. Read again and match the headi

6、ngs with the paragraphs individually. 3. Check up the matching in pairs. Watch and help if necessary. Organize to check up the matching of the headings. To read and check if their guesses are right.To read for main ideas.Language awareness1. Talk about what the purpose of the writing is in pairs. 2.

7、 Try to find out some sentences which show Georges situation to arouse the publics concern about the tortoise individually.Ask Ss to find out Georges situations. To focus on the language. 3. Work in groups and classify the sentences they have picked up. 4. A present belief or a belief held in the pa

8、st?Its hoped thatIt was realized thatIt was feared that.It was acknowledged thatA general opinion or opinion of a particular person? 5. Exercise: Use the above patterns to express the pictures.Lead Ss to discuss the sentences they have picked up. Understanding of the structure.6. Find the sentences

9、which express the same as the following sentences. (Ex. 5 on page 15)7. Understand how to use a timeline to show the time of the belief and the time of the situation or event.8. Exercise. Finish exercise 2 on page 94 to consolidate. Draw a timeline to show the time of the belief and the time of the

10、situation or event. To understand the meaning of the structures and practice using them.Language in useWrite a short paragraph calling on people to protect animals.Lead Ss to watch a flash and think about the situation. To use the structure in context. summaryStudents sum up how to use impersonal report structure. To consolidate Homework: Polish the paragraph and hand it in tomorrow.



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