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1、人教PEP版四年级英语下学期语法填空专项攻坚习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 看图片,选单词并写一写。eraser ruler under1This is my_.2The ball is_the box .3I have an_.2. 根据每组所给单词的类别,选择同类词,将其标号填写在相应类别后的横线上。A. run B. upset C. yellow D. rulerE. worried F. blue G. pencil H. borrow1red green_2happy sad_3take speak_4pen book_3. 选择恰当的称呼,将选项写到横线上。parents aunt

2、grandpa uncle grandparents1fathers brother_2mothers sister_3father and mother_4mothers father_5grandpa and grandma_4. 写出下列单词的复数形式。1this 2cow3sheep 4tomato5that 6horse7potato 8animal5. 将下列单词或词组分类。A. art roomB. PE classC. getD. goE. teachers officeF. music classG. libraryH. eatI. Chinese classJ. compu

3、ter room1English class_2music room_3read_6. 找规律,写出表示月份单词的简写形式。1 23 47. 给下列数字图片选择对应的序数词。A. third B. first C. twelfth D. fifth E. second1(_) 2(_)3(_) 4(_)5(_)8. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1_I play basketball in the playground?No, you_. Its too hot outside. (can)2Its cool and_(rain).3Can your uncle_(swim) outside?4Is

4、 Beijing cold?No, it isnt. Its 25_(degree).9. 用所给的单词填空(注意大小写)。sorry happy can on in1. -_I have some noodles, Mum?-_, you cant.2._birthday to you.3. Turn_the light, please.4. Can I come_?10. 我会补。1Big_ 2Tiananmen_3_house 4CN_5Cherry_11. 根据汉语完成下列句子。1Its time_get up. (到起床的时间了。)2Its time_go to bed. (到上床睡

5、觉的时间了。)3Its time_PE class. (到上体育课的时间了。)4Its time_play football. (到踢足球的时间了。)5_football is this? (这是谁的足球?)6_is this boy? (这个男孩是谁?)7Is it cold in Guangzhou? (广州天气冷吗? )_, it_. Its hot. (不,不冷。天气热。)8_it near the door? (它在门附近吗? )Yes,_. (是的,它在。)9_the weather like in Beijing? (北京天气怎么样? )Its_in Beijing. (北京是下

6、雪天。)12. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1-How many_(mango) do you have, Mike?-Ten.2-Do you like_(dog)? -No, I dont. I like cats.3I have a doll._(She) mouth and eyes are big.4-Mum, where_(be) is my skirt? -It is in your bedroom.5My sisters_(ear) are big.6-What would you like, Liu Tao? -Id like_(any) noodles.7Id like two

7、_(cup) of coffee and three_(sandwich).8-Can you_(play) football? -Yes, I can.13. 从方框中选择合适的单词或短语补全句子。open, turn on, sweep, you, clean, put up, Wheres, near1Lets_theclassroom.2Myseatis_thedoor.3Letme_thefloor.4_theTV. Letswatchafootballmatch(足球赛).5We_anewpictureeveryyear.6_thedoor.7_myschoolbag?8Thank

8、_somuch!14. 根据中文意思,完成句子。每空一词。1What does your mother do on Sunday?She_(通常)goes shopping.2What do you have for_(晚饭)?I often have some noodles.3Jim likes_(看) TV very much. How about you?4My cousin often_(吃)lunch at school.5There is too much_(家庭作业) today. I am too tired.15. 选词填空。A.is B.are C.am D.in E.o

9、n1.Sam is going to run_the park.2.What are you going to do_sports day?3.Swimming_my favourite sport.4.We_going to have sports day.5.I_the winner.16. 选词填空。1_( Do / Does ) you have a playground?2We have_( a / an)art room.3Its_( to / on )the second floor.4The teachers office is next_( to / on ) our cla

10、ssroom.5Look! This_( is / are ) our new classroom.17. 找不同。大明的妈妈给大明看了一些家人的照片。细心的大明做了整理,观察家人们这些年的变化。现在请你帮大明写一写备注。1.My sister_then, but she_now.2.My mothers hair_then, but it_now.3.My grandma_then, but she_now.18. 选出合适的单词填入横线上。job people meet player uncle1How many_are there in your family?2Whats your aunts_?3This is my_. He is tall and strong.4Hi,_my family!5My father is a football_.19. 用指示代词this或that填空。1Is_yourcar?Yes, it is. Its my car.2Hello._ismyfriend,Amy.Oh.Nicetomeetyou,Amy.3Whos_man?He is my father.4_ismyEnglishteacher,Mom.Oh,nicetomeetyou!页码 / 总页数


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