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1、阅读理解 - 练习十六( 总分: 20.00 ,做题时间: 90 分钟 )一、 Text A ( 总题数: 1,分数: 4.00)Police corruption is a complex phenomenon, which does not readily submit to simple analysis. It is a problem that has and will continue to affect us all, whether we are civilians or law enforcement officers. Since its beginnings, many

2、aspects of policing have changed; however, one aspect that has remained relatively unchanged is the existence of corruption. An examination of a local newspaper or any police-related publication on any given day will have an article about a police officer that got busted committing some kind of corr

3、upt act.Corruption within police departments falls into two basic categories, which are external corruption and internal corruption: external corruption that concerns police contacts with the public, and internal corruption, which involves the relationshipsamong policemen within the workof the polic

4、e department. The external corruption generally consists of one or more of the following activities: 1) Payoffs to police by essentially non-criminal elements who fail to comply with stringent statutes or city ordinances (for example, individuals who repeatedly violate traffic laws). 2) Payoffs to p

5、olice by individuals who continually violate the law as a method of making money (for example, prostitutes, narcotic addicts and pushers, professional burglars).3) Clean Craft where money is paid to police for services, or where courtesy discounts are given as a matter of course to the police.In sim

6、ple terms, corruption in policing is usually viewed as the misuse of authority by a police officer acting officially to fulfill personal needs or wants. For a corrupt act to occur, three distinct elements of police corruption must be present simultaneously: 1) misuse of authority, 2) misuse of offic

7、ial capacity, and 3) misuse of personal attainment. It can be said that power inevitably tends to corrupt, and it is yet to be recognized that, while there is no reason to suppose that policemen as individuals are any less fallible than other membersof society, people are often shocked and outraged

8、when policemen are exposed violating the law. The reason is simple. Their deviance elicits a special feeling of betrayal.Most studies support the view that corruptionis endemic, if not universal, in police departments. The danger of corruption for police may invert the formal goals of the organizati

9、on and may lead to the use of organizational power to encourage and create crime rather than to deter it.(分数: 4.00 )(1) .The author implies in the first paragraph that (分数: 1.00 )A. aspects of police corruption have undergone some changes.B. it seems impossible to stop police corruption.C. cases of

10、policemen violating the law are quite often exposed.VD. police corruption is not supposed to be reported by national newspapers.解析:这是一道推断题。根据第一段的最后一句话“ An examination of a local newspaper or any police-related publicationon any given day will have an article about a police officer that gotbusted com

11、mitting some kind of corrupt act”,人们只要关注任何一天的当地报纸或有关警事的刊物,就会读到一篇有关某一位警察因某一违法行为而遭到拘捕的报道,也就是说警察违法经常受到曝光, 故选Co A项与作者所述正相反,作者在本段的第三句话里指出,自从有警察腐败以来,警界里有许多方面 发生了变化,但只有一件事没有变化,那就是腐败的存在,故A不可取。作者承认,腐败依然存在,但他并没有说腐败无法根绝,故B项不成立。D项也与文章内容不符,警察违法时常被地方媒体或警事刊物曝光,但这不等于说国家报纸不报道类似事件。(2) .Which of the following activiti

12、es is NOTincluded in the external corruption as is described by the author in the passage? (分数: 1.00 )A. Payoffs to police for repeatedly violating traffic laws.B. Bribery for being let go after caught for committing corruption.VC. Money paid to police for being engaged in dishonest trades.D. Police

13、men accepting free services or special discounts.解析:这是一道反选细节题。题目中的关键词是“ external corruption ”,学生需要回到第二段,扫读与a external corruption ”相关的细节,也就是外部腐败的具体表现。A项与第一条的表现相对应,D项在第三条“ Clean Craft ”中有对应的描述, C项所指对应第二条表现,所以这三项都应排除。唯有B项不属于“external corruption ”的表现,而是属于“ internal corruption ” (内部腐败 )的范围,故选 B。(3).The w

14、ord deviance in the third paragraph most probable means(分数: 1.00)A. violation. VB. visualization.C. derivation.D.devotion.解析:本题是一道语义题,对这个词要根据上下文来理解。上文谈到警察违法被曝光后,人们往往感到震惊和怒不可遏“ people are often shocked and outraged when policemen are exposed violating the law”;下文解释人们为何对警察犯罪尤为愤慨,“ The reason is simple

15、 feeling of betrayal.” 其中“ deviance ”与 “violating the law(4).The main purpose of the passage is to(分数: 1.00)Their deviance elicits a special”相对应,故选AoA.analyze the phenomenon and nature of police corruption.VB. identify various cases of police corruption.C. point out the inevitability of police corru

16、ption.D. distinguish police external corruption from internal corruption.解析:本题是一道主旨题,考查学生对全文的概括能力。文章开头的一句话点明了文章的要旨:警察腐败是一种复杂的现象,很难做一个简单的分析。作者的言下之意是将做一个深入的分析。因此,作者在文章中从腐败的类型、腐败的性质和腐败的危害着几方面来进行分析,故选Ao B项和D项对应的是作者在文章第二段分析和举例说明的两种类型的警察腐败,分别只是作者分析的一个方面,不能概括全文。C项与文章的内容有出入, 作者指出警察腐败现象一直存在,而且还将继续存在,但作者没有说腐败是必然的。Text B ( 总题数: 1,分数: 3.00)We are always between tears and laughter



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