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1、Abstract 1A computer is an electronic device that can receive a set of instructions, or program, and then carry out this program by performing calculations on numerical data or by compiling and correlating other forms of information . The types of computers are mainly inclusive of Microcomputer, Mic

2、rocomputer, Mainframe Computer and Supercomputer, etc. Microminiaturization, the effort to compress more circuit elements into smaller and smaller chip space is becoming the major trend in computer development. Besides, researchers are trying to develop more powerful and more advanced computers.计算机是

3、一种能够接受一系列指令或程序,然后通过进行数值计算或者编译和联系其他形式信息的来进行处理的设备。计算机的类型包括微电脑,微机、大型计算机和超型计算机等。计算机微型化,就是通过把更多的电子元件压缩变成越来越小的芯片,这是电脑发展的趋势。除此之外,研究人员正在尝试开发功能更强大,更先进的计算机。Abstract 2Secondary memory has two features that can not be provided by RAM memory. First, while RAM memory may not be large enough to hold all of the dat

4、a that a program needs, secondary storage can be arbitrarily large. Secondary storage is a fast accurate, inexpensive, high-capacity, nonvolatile extension of main memory. The least expensive of the secondary storage media is magnetic cassette. The most common microcomputer secondary storage medium

5、is diskette or floppy disk. Data stored on hard disk can be accessed far more rapidly than data stored on diskette. And hard disk storage capacity is considerably large. An optical disk can hold 650 megabytes of data, the equivalent of hundreds of floppy disks. Moreover, an optical disk makes an imm

6、ense amount of information available on a microcomputer. CD-ROM, WORM, Erasable Optical Disks are becoming popular because of large capacity and flexibility. U-disk is a new high tech product, which has attracted the worlds attention.辅助存贮器有两个特征是随机存取内存不能提供的。首先,随机存取内存没有足够大的空间容纳一个程序的数据;其次,二级缓存的大小不定。二级缓

7、存是主内存的一个快捷、廉价、高容量的长期的扩展。最便宜的二级存储介质是磁性卡式磁带. 微机最常见的二级存储介质是磁盘或软盘。存储到硬盘的数据访问起来比存储在软盘的数据快。因为硬盘存储容量是相当大的。一张光盘可容纳650兆字节的数据,相当于数百张磁盘的容量。此外,光盘极大地增加了微型机算计的信息容量。光盘驱动器,蠕虫,可擦写的光盘由于其容量大和灵活性变得大受欢迎。U盘是一种新的高科技产品,已经引起了全世界的注意。Abstract 3PCs gave the world a whole new way to work, play and communicate. The PC-plus era w

8、ill be revolutionary. Computers will take many forms, but there will always be a place for the all-purpose machine weve come on depend on. Combine digital technology with advanced software, smaller and more powerful microprocessors, and exponential growth in fiber and wireless bandwidth, and you get

9、 something far more useful-seamless, universal connectivity. No matter how the PC develops, one thing is certain, that is, it will hold an even more indispensable role in our work and life.个人计算机给世界带来一个全新的工作,娱乐和沟通的方式.计算机时代是大变革的世纪. 计算机可能会呈现多种形态,但这种多功能的机器总会有一种形式是我们所依赖的。联合数字技术结合先进的软件,更小、功能更强大的芯片,以及以指数级别

10、提制高造材质和无线通讯带宽,使得人们可以更有效得到某样东西,可以与世界紧密相连。无论个人计算机如何发展提高,有一点是可以肯定的,那就是计算机将会在人们的工作和生活中发挥更加必不可少的作用。Abstract 4Every general-purpose computer must have an operating system to run other programs. Operating systems perform basic tasks and provide a software platform. The choice of operating systems determine

11、s to a great extent of the applications. DOS seems to have been out of date while Windows is dominating all the other operating systems. OS/2 is an operating system for PCs developed originally by Microsoft Corporation an IBM. OS/2 is compatible with DOS and Windows, which means that it can run all

12、DOS and Windows programs. However, programs written specifically to run under OS/2 will not run under DOS or Windows. Linux is a freely-distributable open source operating system that runs a number of hardware platforms. Because its free, and because it runs on many platforms, Linux has become an ex

13、tremely popular alternative to proprietary systems.每一台普通的计算机上都必须有一个操作系统来运行其它程序。操作系统执行基本任务,并提供一个软件操作平台。操作系统的选择对计算机的性能有重大影响。当视窗操作系统在所有操作系统中占主导地位时,DOS系统似乎是过时的。OS/2是微软公司和IBM公司最初为个人计算机的发展设计的操作系统。OS/ 2能兼容DOS和Windows ,这就意味着它可以运行所有DOS与Windows程式. 然而,专门为OS/2系统编写的程序是不能在DOS或者视窗系统下运行的。Linux是一个可自由分类的,能运行多个硬件平台的开放

14、性源代码操作系统。因为它能自由调配以及可以在多个平台上运行, Linux在众多专利系统中变得特别受欢迎.Abstract 5In order for a computer to perform the required task, it must be given instructions in a language that it understands. However, the computers own binary based language, or machine language, is difficult for humans to use. Therefore, peopl

15、e devised an assembly language to shorten and simplify the process. In order to make a computer more friendly to use, programmers invented high level languages, such as COBOL, FORTRAN, ASSEMBLER, PASCAL, C+, etc, which made the computers easier to use. For the time being, HTML and XML are very usefu

16、l languages as well.为了让电脑能够执行规定的任务, 必须使用一种计算机能够理解的语言下达指令。然而, 人们是很难直接去使用计算机的二进位语言和机器语言的。因此,人们发明了一种汇编语言用来缩短和简化程序。为了使计算机变得更方便可用,程序师们发明了高级程序语言,如COBOL语言, Fortran语言, PASCAL语言, C+,等等。就目前而言, HTML和XML是非常有用的语言。Abstract 6The database is often used to describe a collection of relate data that is organized into an integrated, sophisticated structure that provides different people with varied access to the same data. A database management system (D



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