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1、Chapter 6Cognitionisthementalprocessorfacultyofknowing,includingaspectssuch as awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment.There existthreeapproaches tothestudyoflanguageand cognition: theformalapproach,the psychologicalapproach and the conceptualapproach.The Formal approach basicallyaddresses th

2、e structuralpatternsexhibitedby theovertaspect of linguisticforms,largely abstractedaway from orregarded as autonomous from any associated meaning.The Psychological approachlooks at language from the perspective ofrelativelygeneral cognitivesystems rangingfrom perception, memory, andattention to rea

3、soning.The conceptual approachis concerned with the patterns in which and theprocesses by which conceptual content is organized in language.Structurewill be used to refer both to patterns and to process, theconceptual approach can more simply be said to address how languagestructures conceptual cont

4、ent.Psycholinguisticsis the study of psychological aspects of language; itusuallystudies the psychologicalstates and mental activitiesassociatedwith the use of language.Six aspectsofresearchwithinpsycholinguistics:AcquisitionComprehensionProductionDisordersLanguageandthought NeurocognitionLanguage a

5、cquisition:Holophrastic stageTwo- word stage Stage ofthree- word utterancesFluent grammatical conversation stageConnectionismin psycholinguisticsclaims that readersusethe samesystem of linksbetween spellingunitsandsound unitstogeneratepronunciationsof writtenwords liketove and toaccess the pronuncia

6、tionsof familiar words likestove , or words that are exceptions to thesepatterns, likelove.Language comprehension :word recognitioncomprehension ofsentences comprehension of textCohort model : the first few phonemes of a spoken word activate a set or cohort of word candidates that are consistent wit

7、h the input.Interactive modelholds that higher processing levels have a direct,“top - down” influence on lower levels.The race model does not agree “top - down” effects, it has two routes that race each other-a pre-lexical route, which computes phonologicalinformation from the acoustic signal, and a

8、 lexical route, in which the phonological information associated with a word becomes available when the word itself is accessed.Serialmodels propose thatthe sentence comprehension system continuallyand sequentially follows the constraints of a language s grammar with remarkable speed.Parallel models

9、emphasize that the comprehension system is sensitive toavastrange ofinformation,includinggrammatical,lexicalandcontextual, as well as knowledge of the speaker/writer and of the worldin general.Inresonance model , information in long-term memory is automaticallyactivated by the presence of material t

10、hat apparently bears a roughsemantic relation to it.Languageproduction: Accessto wordsGenerationof sentences Written language productionFunctionalplanningprocessassigns grammatical functionssuch as subject,verb or direct object.Positional encodinguses the retrieved lexicon-grammar units and thefunct

11、ions they have been assigned to generate syntactic structures thatcapture the dependencies among constituents and their order.Cognitivelinguisticsis based on human experiences ofthe world and theway they perceive and conceptualize the world.Construalis the ability to conceive and portray the same si

12、tuation inalternateways throughspecificity,differentmental scanning,directionality, vantage point, figure-ground segregation etc.Construaloperationsarethe underlyingpsychologicalprocessed andresources employed in the interpretation of linguistic expressions.Attention/SalienceJudgment/Comparison Pers

13、pective/SituatednessTrajectorreferstoa dynamic figureand landmark to theground of a movingfigure.Deixisinvolveslinguisticformsthat pointatsomethingfrom thespeechsituation.Categorizationistheprocessofclassifyingourexperiencesintodifferent categories based on commonalities and differences.Therearethreelevelsincategories:thebasiclevelthesuperordinate levelthe subordinate levelThe categories at thebasic levelare those that are most culturallysalient and are required to fulfill our cognitive needs the best.Superordinatecategories are the most general


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