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1、讲义课程名称:新视野大学英语读写教程(Book 1-Unit 2)I. Vocabulary 1. concern n.& v.搭配: concerning 关于 = aboutconcern oneself with/in/about sth. 忙于;关心 = be occupied with as far as be concerned 就而言 As far as I am concerned, 依我看e.g. The doctor expressed serious concern about his health.医生对他的健康表示担忧。e.g. More and more peopl

2、e are concerning themselves with environmental problems. 越来越多的人关心环境问题。e.g. He was concerned in the crime. 他与那起罪案有牵连。e.g. The rise in interest rates will be disastrous as far as small firms are concerned. 就小公司而言,税率上调将是灾难性的。2. click vi. 发出咔哒声, cn. 咔哒声搭配: click out an article 打文章 do sth with a click 做某

3、事发出咔哒一声e.g. The door opened with a click. 门咔嗒一声开了。3. forth ad. 出来,向外搭配: back and forth 来来回回地4. burst vi. 冲,闯 (burst, burst)搭配: burst into+ n. = burst out + doingE.g. burst into tears 嚎啕大哭 burst into song 放声高歌 burst into laughter 放声大笑5. stuff cn. 原料,材料,东西;v.t 填;塞搭配: stuff with 用装(填、塞)stuffinto 把装(塞)入

4、辨析:stiff adj. 僵硬的,生硬的;浓烈的staff 集合名词 全体职员 in a staff meeting 职工大会e.g. What stuff is this jacket made of? 这件夹克是用什么料子做的?e.g. Leave your stuff in the hall. 把你的东西放在客厅里。e.g. They stuffed their suitcases with all sorts of things. 他们在手提箱里塞满了各种各样的东西。 6. grab v. 抓住,夺得 (grabbed, grabbing)搭配: grab the opportuni

5、ty of 抓住的机会辨析: grab 抓住, 强调结果 grab at 企图抓,强调动作e.g. The little boy grabbed the womans bag and ran away. 小男孩抢过那个妇女的包就跑了。e.g. She grabbed the opportunity of a free trip to America. 她抓住机会,免费去了一趟美国。 7. thorough a. 全面的,彻底的搭配: be thorough in 在方面很彻底 a thorough inquire ( into sth) 彻底调查e.g. A thorough search w

6、as conducted in the area by the police. 警察在该地区进行了彻底调查。拓展:thoroughly ad. e.g. After a hard days work, I feel thoroughly exhausted.辛苦工作一天后,我觉得累极了。8. makeup un. 化妆品搭配: wear/ put on (ones ) makeup 化妆- wear / put on (ones ) eyeliner 画眼线辨析: make up 化妆 dress up 盛装出席,乔装打扮 9. toast un. 烤面包 cn.& vt.祝酒,干杯 搭配:

7、a piece of toast 一片烤面包 make/ propose a toast 干杯10.tune cn. 曲调,旋律搭配: in tune (with) 和谐,悦耳 out of tune 跑调 = tuneless adj. 11. offensive a. 极讨厌的;攻击性的搭配: be offensive to sb 令人讨厌,冒犯某人 be offended at/ by sth 对. 感到生气offensive remarks, behavior 无礼的言语、行为offensive weapons 进攻性武器e.g. His actions were offensive

8、to everyone. 拓展:offend vt. 进攻,冒犯 offender cn. 犯法的人,犯规的人 offense n. 进攻,冒犯,不礼貌辨析:defend v. 防御, defensive a. 防御的 12. appeal v. 恳请,呼吁,吸引搭配: appeal to sb 吸引某人appeal to sb. for sth./ appeal to sb to do sth 呼吁某人.e.g. The police are appealing to the public for information about the crime. 警方呼吁公众提供这宗罪案的信息。e.

9、g. She appealed to the kidnappers to release her son. 她恳求绑架者释放她的孩子。e.g. Does the idea of working abroad appeal to you? 出国工作对你有吸引力吗? 13. rid a.& v. (rid, rid) 摆脱搭配: rid sb / oneself of sth. 使某人摆脱某事sb is / get rid of sth 丢掉e.g. A huge vaccination program rid the world of smallpox. 一个庞大的接种计划使整个世界摆脱了天花的

10、侵害。e.g. She is trying to rid herself of dependence on drugs. 她正努力摆脱对毒品的依赖。 14. influence n.& v. 影响搭配: under the influence of 受的影响have a (good / bad) influence on sb. = have an effect on 对某人有良好的/恶劣的影响辨析:influence, affect & effectinfluence 指通过说服、举例对人的行动、思想和性格等产生不易觉察的、潜移默化的影响。affect 常强调外界因素施加的较直接的(消极)影

11、响。effect 使发生、引起,强调造成特殊的效果。e.g. Influenced by a high-school English teacher, he took up the study of translation.e.g. The area has severely affected by pollution. 15. patience n. 耐心,忍耐搭配: have patience with 对有耐心lose patience with 对失去耐心out of patience with 忍受不了扩展:patient a. 耐心的impatient a. 不耐烦的,急躁的be

12、impatient with 对不耐烦be impatient of 不能忍受be impatient for / to do sth. 急切做某事e.g Im impatient to graduate and get a good job.我急于盼望早日毕业并找个好工作。patient n. 病人 in-patient n. 住院病人II. Translation1. 1.As she was going to turn off the music, her father burst into her room and shouted at her, “ Cant you turn dow

13、n the music a little bit? ”2. The boss of the bar kept looking at the girl dancing while pretending not to.3.Rock music appealed to Sandy so much that she turned it up, paying no attention to her fathers objection.4.As usual, when his parents dont like what he wears, they begin to bug him.5.At the m

14、eeting, they discussed how to keep channels of communication between teachers and students open.6. It makes my blood boil to think of these young boys and girls who are forced by their parents to beg for money along the streets.III.Reference Version第二单元 深深的忧虑收音机“咔嗒”一声,摇滚乐就大声地响开了。音乐像枪声似的将桑迪吵醒。她看了一下钟,早上6点一刻。她躺在床上,听着她喜欢的电台广播,嘴里哼着歌词。“桑迪,” 她父亲喊道,“桑迪,把音乐关了!”史蒂夫芬奇冲进她的卧室。 “你为什么一定要听这么糟糕的音乐? 还听了一遍又一遍。虽然有节奏,可恐怕不是真正的音乐。”“我喜欢这种音乐,爸爸。这是我最喜欢的。您听一下吧,您肯定会喜欢的。” 桑迪伸手把音乐开得更响。“别,别开那么响,我受不了。把收音机音量调低点,这样我和你妈妈就听不到了。我敢肯定,那音乐既伤你的耳朵,又伤你的大脑。”桑迪走进浴室,打开淋浴喷头。然后她抓起香皂,浑身上下洗个遍,连头发也



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