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1、Animals of the Arctic武汉市常青第一学校 谢雁一、教学内容Join in剑桥小学英语 Book 3(for Grade 6)Unit 6 Life in the Arctic Part 3 Animals of the Arctic1. The polar bear Polar bears are very big. 3 metres 650 kilosTheir fur is white. So other animals cannot see them when they hunt.Their favourite food is seals.2. The arctic

2、foxArctic foxes have beautiful white fur.In winter, the foxes live in groups.They make tunnels under the snow.Their favourite food is lemmings.3. The arctic hareThe arctic hare can run very fast.In winter, the arctic hares make tunnels under the snow.They can hide in the tunnels and it is warm there

3、.4. The snowy owlSnowy owls hunt in the daytime.Their favourite food is lemmings.They also hunt birds.二、教学目标语言知识:1、 能听懂会说单词:polar bear arctic fox arctic hare snowy owl seal lemming2、能读懂短文并回答问题。3、了解北极动物的特征及生活习性。语言技能:1、能理解并流利的朗读短文。2、能用自己的语言描述北极的动物。情感态度:1、 培养学生热爱大自然的思想感情。2、 树立学生保护环境从而保护北极动物的意识。认知目标:根据学

4、生的认知结构,结合本课的教学内容,采取了让学生利用推理、归纳等手段分析和解决问题的方法,掌握第三人称用法及动词短语的构成。学习策略:运用所学过的语言知识自主探究新的句子规律,发现其内部的规律。三、学情分析六年级的学生正处于形象思维向抽象性思维转型的阶段。大部分的学生对英语语言规律产生了浓厚的学习兴趣,并具备一定的自学,迁移的能力。在此堂课授课之前,学生已具备一定的词汇量,掌握了第三人称单数谓语动词要加“s”等句子规律。而对于介词的使用方法比较陌生。四、教学重点:短文的理解及朗读五、教学难点:1、 句子:So other animals cannot see them when they hun

5、t. They make tunnels under the snow.的理解和运用2、 用自己的语言描述北极的动物。六、教具准备:课件 单词卡片 录音机 磁带七、学生课前准备:收集有关北极和北极动物的资料,并试着用简单的英语介绍。八、教学过程:I . Warm up.1. Greeting.2. Free talk: Whats your favourite animals?II. Presentation.1.T: In different places therere different animals. Today , lets visit a beautiful place- the

6、 coldest place in the world. ( CAI ) Where is it ? ArcticLearn to say : ArcticDo you know anything about the Arctic ? Ss introduce.2. Lots of animals live in the Arctic , how many do you know? Great , now well learn something about animals of the arctic. ( topic )Learn to say : animals of the arctic

7、III. Text.Polar bear1. Do you know which is the king of the arctic ? ( CAI ) Thats right. Its the polar bear.Learn to say: polar bear2. Polar bears are very big. How big are polar bears?( open the book )Please read the text and find the answer.3 metres 650 kilosLets look , how long is 3 metres? How

8、heavy is 640 kilos?Read : Polar bears are very big. 3 metres 650 kilos3. Polar bears are big , so they eat many food a day . What is the favourite food of polar bears ? ( CAI ) sealsLearn to say : seals They live in groups on the snow.Read : Their favourite food is seals. Yeah, they hunt seals . ( C

9、AI ) Learn to say: hunt They hunt seals . 4. They also hunt the hare. ( picture ) Can you see the polar bears? Why ? ( Its white.)Learn to say: Their fur is white. ( touch the toy and learn to say )So other animals cannot see them when they hunt.Practice : Look at these animals , what colour are the

10、ir fur ? Why ?5 . Oh , I think the polar bear is very lovely , do you like it ?Listen and read the text . Arctic fox1. Polar bears are the king of the arctic , now , lets watch a beautiful animal in the arctic . ( CAI ) Learn to say: arctic fox2. What do you want to know about the arctic fox? Disscu

11、ss in groups and write your questions on the paper.3. Answer the questions and learn to say some new words. What colour is their fur ? What is the favourite food of them ? lemming ( CAI ) Learn to say: lemming When do they live in groups ? In winter , where do they live ? tunnel Learn to say: tunnel

12、4. Learn to read the text.Snowy owl1. Therere many animals in the arctic , and therere also many birds here . Whats this ? ( CAI ) Learn to say: snowy owl2. Listen to the text , can you answer the questions? When do the snowy owl hunt ?Whats their favourite food?What do they also hunt ?3. Read the t

13、ext together.Arctic hare1. Look at this picture , whats this ? ( CAI ) Can you talk about this animal ? ( practice in groups )2. Now, lets read the text , and answer the questions. Where can the arctic hares hide in winter ?IV. Practice.1 Tick true or false. Polar bears have brown fur. ( T ) The fav

14、ourite food of polar bears is lemmings. ( F ) Polar bears do not eat seals. ( F ) In winter, arctic foxes live in countries where it is warm. ( F ) Arctic foxes make tunnels under the snow. ( T ) Arctic hares cannot run very fast. ( F ) Snowy owls eat birds. ( T ) 2 Which animal do you like best ? C

15、hoose one and talk about it. ( practice in groups ) Look at the blackboard.VI. Consolidation.1. ( CAI ) The weather in the arctic is getting warmer and warmer , the animlas cannot live there . We must take care of the animals . What shall we do ?V. Task.1. Choose one part and remember it.2. Write about an animal of the arctic.板书设计: Animals of the Arcti


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