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1、Have you ever met a situation where, you know it very well, deep in your heart, there are many thoughts to pour out,you know , a release of pent-up emotions to get out of a sinking mood.However, words fail to you to express what youre feeling.Trapped in low spirits, lingering and cant be taken away,

2、 you feel as if you are abandoned in a desolate island,where nobody is around and is able to comfort you.All the friends around, none of whom can share your feelings and bring the slightest warmth and bright to your gloomy heart.All that belonged to you , in the trance ,appears fairly far away than

3、any ever, catchs you off guard.Endless bitterness and loneliness smothered and almost swallow you.你有没有过这样的经历?明明心里有很多压抑的情感亟待释放,却不知道如何用语言表达自己。怎么也走不出挥之不去的阴霾,感觉自己似乎被遗弃在一个孤岛上,没有人会在你身边,没有人能安慰你。一切属于你的东西,恍惚间,似乎离你从所未有的远,一切又是那样的让人猝不及防。无尽的苦涩和孤寂让人窒息,几乎吞噬你。As is ofen the case, you cant resist the impulse to indu

4、lge yourself and just follow your heart to do as you please,leaving everything behind,let go your real-self.Who cares who your own is,what youre supposed to do, what the rules you have to follow to be bounded.Getting rid of all the things that imprison your heart,a feeling of relif and relax youve n

5、ever known comes to you.Bathed in a pleasant air,time passes by without noticing.Time to catch up and get back to whats at hand is up. It all rushes back,so as old rules,old routines.经常,你忍不住想放纵自己,跟着自己的心走,做自己想做的事,忘却所有,释放真实的自己。忘了自己是谁,忘了自己该做什么不该做什么,忘了束缚自己的规则,所有的所有。摆脱心灵的束缚,你感到从所未有的释然轻松,沐浴其中,感觉不到时间的流逝,感觉

6、不到美好的瞬间即将远去。是时间回去并重新投入到现实中了,一切又将回到从前.Now that you know it clearly what you want to do and what you truly love to do.Then how come youre in such a depression and frustration? 既然你清楚地知道自己真正想做什么,可为什么还是这样的沮丧,这样的失落呢?Why not just fly your heart and do what keeps you in high spirts ?Life is always on the go

7、 .we strive to work for life.Occupied with things the stuff,or something like that.Time is so filled with that less is spared to get around to fulfill our own space, leaving us tired and lost.As a matter of fact, bearing your dreams,as long as you never say die to whats in your heart,soon or later,y

8、ou have a ray of light ,out of the blue,shining in and bring hope ,brightening your dark days.As long as you follow the light ,deep into your soul,eventually you can make it to a clear and bright sky生活忙个不停。我们为了生活而奔波,他们挤占了我们太多的生存空间,留给我们自己的时间少之又少,我们忙碌而空虚着。其实,只要我们永不放弃自己心中的梦想,怀揣着梦想前进,总有一天,会有一丝光照射进你的心,给你

9、惊喜,给你生活的希望,照亮你的人生。只要你跟随着心中的那束光,走下去,走下去,最终你会拥抱明朗的晴空!Do hold your dreams, maintain your vigor and enthusiasm.Listen to our souls call!its badly needed to get refreshed and move on ,expecting a much better tomorrow.坚持自己的梦想,保持青春活力!聆听我们灵魂的召唤!那是我们亟需的,去抖擞精神,继续前进,前进,祈盼更好的明天!Whats gone is past, the best is yet to come! Believe it!相信!最好的明天正等着我们!


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