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1、英语新目标教学设计案例老师在教学中逐步渗透语音教学,让学生自己试读,长时间地坚持,他们由怯懦到自信,逐步驾驭了英语单词的拼法规律,为进一步学习打下了良好的根底。下面是我整理的英语新目标教学设计案例5篇,欢送大家阅读共享借鉴,盼望大家宠爱,也盼望对大家有所帮助。 英语新目标教学设计案例1 教学目标 1. 认知目标 (1) 能够听、说、认读Read and write局部的对话,完成相应的活动。 (2) 能够驾驭四会句子:Is he playing chess? Yes, he is. Is he counting insects? No, he isnt.并在情景中运用。 2. 实力目标 (1)

2、 造就学生语言运用实力与缔造力,能够运用语言去完成一些任务型的活动。 (2) 造就学生通过自主阅读获得信息和处理信息的实力和阅读技巧。 (3) 造就学生的阅读策略,留意对学生阅读策略的指导,让学生养成良好的阅读习惯。 3. 情感目标 (1) 通过在课堂上创设的情景,使学生感受一次实地考察的野外旅行,增长有关的课外学问。 (2) 激发学生酷爱大自然的奇妙情感,造就学生细致视察的良好习惯。 教学重难点 (1) 能够听、说、认读Read and write局部的对话,完成相应的活动。 (2) 能够驾驭四会句子:Is he playing chess? Yes, he is. Is he counti

3、ng insects? No, he isnt.并在情景中运用。 教学过程 Step 1 Warm-up Lets chant: “It is a nice day.” (在快乐的说唱中,创设情境,为引入新课做好准备。) Step 2 Pre-reading 1. 老师快速出现Miss White 和同学们在树林里的图片,问:Where are they? 引导学生答复:They are in the woods. They are on a trip. 2. T: Lets go on a field trip. What can we do on a field trip? . Look

4、at the pictures. What are they doing? (运用What is doing? He is / Are they.? Yes, they are. No, they arent./ Is he/she? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt.等句式复习A Lets learn与 B Letslearn的短语。为本课的阅读扫清障碍。) Step 3 While Reading 1. T: Do you remember Wu Yifan and Shara? What are they doing? Ss: They are watchi

5、ng Mike. What is Mike doing? Hes catching butterflies. T: Yes, they are having a lot of fun. But its late. Its time to go. Everybody is leaving for home. (出示课件学习理解leaving) 2. T: The teacher and the students are leaving. Is everybody here? Now, listen and watch. (第一遍通过听,获得简洁信息) T: Is everybody here?

6、Ss: No. John and Amy are not here. 3. T: Open the book. Turn to page 75. Read and answer the questions on the book. (课件出示课本中的两个问题) (通过其次遍阅读,获得主要信息) Listen and choose 4. T: Now, read the text again. And fill in the blanks. (通过第三遍阅读,获得具体信息。) Its sunny today. The students and the teacher are in the woo

7、ds. They are on a field trip. Everybody is having fun. Its five oclock now. Its time to gohome. But where is John? He is playing chess . Amy is not writing a report. Sheis not counting insects, either. Look! She is running to the teacher. 5. Watch the video and read. Step 4 Post-reading 1. Act and g

8、uess. (通过让学生表演动作,其它同学推想的形式稳固四会句型。) T: Is he/she.? Ss: Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt. 2. Look, read and write. (通过让学生写一写,检测学生对语言的运用状况。) Step 5 Homework. 1.Listen and repeat the text twice. 2. Read, look and write. 英语新目标教学设计案例2 教学目标 1、 能够听、说、读、写单词或短语hospital、cinema、bookstore、science museum、post offi

9、ce. 2、 能够听说认读句型Where is the cinema?Its next to the bookstore?并进展关键词的替换练习。 3、 初步了解合成词的相关学问。 4、 初步学会如何问路和指路。 5、 会唱歌曲Where is the hospital? 教学重难点 1、 驾驭Lets learn局部的四会单词和短语。 2、 精确书写四会单词和三会单词museum的发音。 3、 驾驭句型Where is the cinema?Its next to your bookstore?并进展关键词的替换练习。 教学工具 多媒体课件 教学过程 Step1、Warm-up 1、 Gre

10、eting 2、 Lets sing 3、 复习短语 4、 用句子Where is the book?Its.复习介词in、on、under、near。 Step2、Presentation 1、出示一本好玩的书,说自己想读,问学生Where can I go?I can go to the bookstore。引出单词bookstore。教读,板书,指名学生读。 出示书店和学校图片,T:Where is the bookstore? S:Its near the school。再次出示书店和学校图片T:Where is the bookstore?S:Its next to the scho

11、ol。 引出短语next to教读,板书句子,教读。 问一排学生,Where is heshe?练习句型Its next to. lets chant 2、在书店看到一本关于机器人的书,想看机器人,T:Where can I go?I can go to the science museum。教读,并板书.重点教读museum的发音。 让学生欣赏机器人。 出示图片学生做对话。 A:Where is the .? B:Its next to . 3、看到好玩的机器人,想到一部电影,想去看,应当去哪?T:Where can I go?I can go to the cinema。引出cinema教

12、读、板书。 学生欣赏电影片段 4、在电影院吃了太多的爆米花喝了太多的可乐胃疼, T:Where can I go?I can go to the hospital。引出hospital,教读板书 lets chant 5、这是好的一天也是坏的一天,想把自己的阅历告知自己的挚友,于是写了一封信,想去寄信,T:Where can I go?I can go to the post office。引出post office,教读板书 lets chant 6、翻开书第五页,吴一凡和Robin去了一个新城市,他们看到了哪些地方,把它们找出并圈出来。 Listen and repeat Role pla

13、y 7、小结:Compand word Step3、Practice 1、 Throwing the dice(掷骰子说骰子上的单词) 2、 Big lucky wheel(幸运大转盘。用转盘指针指出的单词两人做对话) 3、 Group work(三人一组) 设计自己宠爱的城市布局,小组内进展探讨 A:Is there ain your city? B:Yes,there is. A:Where is the.? B:Its . B:Is there ain your city? C:Yes,there is. B:Where is the.? C:Its . Step4、Expand 1、

14、Listen to the mucic 2、Asking and giving directions Step5、Homework 1、Copy English words three times 抄写英语单词3遍。 2、Design your own favorite imaginary city .Use the sentences weve learned lesson to talk about it . 设计你自己宠爱的想象中的城市,运用本节课学过的句型和你的挚友一起探讨。 英语新目标教学设计案例3 教学目标 1. 能够听、说、读、写短语:on foot,by bike,by bus,by



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