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1、Unit 6 Pets Period 1 Head to Head 八年级 樊泳钊2016年5月17日一、教学内容:牛津英语上海版,八年级下册, Unit 6 Pets二、课型:Reading and Speaking三、教学时间:40 mins四、学情分析:学生通过初一和初二的学习,初步具备一定的阅读技能。学生已经接触议论文的阅读与演说,本课旨在为学生提供议论文阅读技巧和与搭建议论文的框架五、教材分析:1. 本单元主题为宠物。有部分学生有养宠物的经历,是一个对于学生而言比较贴近生活的话题。2. 本文主阅读篇章为两小篇议论文。两篇文段观点对立、结构清晰,可模仿性强。可用于锻炼学生制作蜘蛛网图的

2、归纳能力。六、教学目标: 1. 认知词汇:responsibility, responsible, care for, faithfully, attack2. 了解课文的内容与议论文的结构3. 模仿课文议论文的结构,做一个关于是否养宠物的演讲。七、教学重点和难点:重点:1. 对文本的理解并模仿课本内容做一个演讲;2. 利用思维导图思考养宠物的优点和缺点。难点:做一个条理清晰的演讲八、教学媒体:投影仪,幻灯片,黑板九、教学流程设计:StagesTeaching ObjectivesProcedures(Teachers activities)Tasks(Students activities)

3、1. Warmingup To arouse Ss interest about keeping pets.1. Ask Ss ideas about keeping pets and reasons.2. Lead in some new words1. talk about ideas about keeping pets and reasons.2. Learn four new words. 2. Reading 1) Pre-readingTo make Ss pay attention to the title, sub-headings, introduction of the

4、article.Ask two questions about the reading;Answer two questions.2) While-readingTo improve the reading skills of skimming and scanning.Passage 1(Emma):1. Ask Ss to skim the passage and find out the opinions;2. Ask Ss to scan the passage and complete the table.3. Draw a summary and try to retellPass

5、age 2(Matt):1. Ask Ss to finish the chart2. Ask Ss fill in the spider gram orallyPassage 1(Emma):1. Find out Emmas reasons for keeping a pet dog;2. Complete a table and have the awareness of the structure of the passage.3. Try to retell the passagePassage 2(Matt):1. Finish the chart2. Complete the s

6、pider gram and be familiar with the structure of the passage3. Try to retell the passage4.3.Post-reading 1) Preparing for the speech1. Lead Ss to know the structure of the article.2. consolidate what have learnt in the class1. Lead Ss to find out the structure, words and phrases of the article.2. As

7、k Ss to discuss the reasons and supporting details1. Find out the structure of the article.2. Think about the reasons and supporting details for keeping a dog or not.2) Making a speechAsk Ss to make a speech in groups.Follow the example and make a speech.3) Show time1. Choose individuals to present to the whole class. Give a speech.- 1 -



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