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1、Unit 1 单元过关检测( 100 分)(时间 45 分钟 )I .单项选择(15分)。() 1. A. I; I_ am a girl. _ name is Wang Lei.B. I; MyC. My; IDMy; i() 2. I m Lucy Brown. Lucy is my _ name. So you can call(称呼) me Miss Brown.A. firstB. middleC. lastD. family() 3. -What s your English teacher s name -_ name is John Smith.A. HeB.HisC. She

2、D.Her() 4. This is Linda. She _ an English girl.A. isB.amC. areD.be()5. -What s your _ -It s 555 -6688.A. name B. first nameC. phone number D. last name() 6. This is ID card.A. aB. anC. a myD. an my() 7. -What s this _ English- It s a map.A. atB. inC. / D.on() 8. -_ is your pen- It s black.A. What B

3、. How C. What s colorD. What color) 9. My telephone number A. is B. are C. am D. be) 10. -My name is Gina. -Hi, Gina! A. Nice meeting you! B. What s your nameC. Nice to meet you! D. Thank you.) 11. - Whats your telephone number- 7089456A. I mB. My is C. It sD. it s) 12. My car number is 53659. It re

4、ads(读作) A. five three six five nine B. five four six five nineC. five four five six eight D. five three five five nine) 13. The boy is Bob Green. His is Bob.A. family name B. last name C. the first name D. first name) 14. -Whats your family name -.A. It s Miller B. It s Tom C. I m Gina D . I m Jack)

5、 15. name is Mike and name is Jenny.A. His; His B. Her; Her C. His; Her D. his; Her.n .完形填空(10分)。I am a Chi nese girl. My 16 Wang We nbo. I 17 12 years old(岁数).18 firstname is Wenbo and my 19name is Wang. I m in Class Three, Grade(年级)20 . I have21 ID card. Its 22 is 368899. Miss Cao is my En glish t

6、eacher. She 23 very nice. Weall like(都喜欢)her very much. What s24 telepho ne number Oh, 25 666-4349.()16. A. nameB. n amesC.n ame sD. n ame are()17. A. amB. isC.areD.be()18. A. I1B. MyC. SheD. Her()19. A. familyB. firstC. n ameD. give n()20. A. Severi B. EightC. Ni neD.Six()21. A. aB. anC.theD.two()2

7、2. A. nameB. nu mberC. cardD. family()23. A. isB. amC.areD.be()24. A. yourB. hisC. herD. she()25. A. itB. itsC. isD. She s川.阅读理解(20分)oA判断以下结论是否正确,正确地写(T)错误的写(F)oHello,every one. Im Cindy Smith. Thisismy friend.His name is Eric Brown. His phone numberis two four five eight seve n six four. And this i

8、s my friend, too. Her first n ame is Grace. Herlast n ame is Black. Five six eight nine four three one is her phone nu mber.() 26. Grace Black is my friend.() 27. Eric s last name is Jones.() 28 Grace s family name is Black.()29. 5689431 is Eric s phone number.()30. Grace s phone number is two four

9、five eight seven six four.BMary 09:45:10Hi, Jim. Nice to meet you!I m a girl. Myname is Mary Green. Myfavorite(最喜爱的)color is red. Mytelephone numberis 873-3516.Jim 09:46:05Hi, Mary. Nice to meet you, too!I ma boy. Myname s Jim Hand. Myfavorite color is blue. And mytelephone number is 894-2015.()31.

10、Mary likes (喜欢) .A. redB. greenC. blueD. black()32. The girl s last name is.A. MaryB. Gree nC. RedD. Yellow()33. The boy s first name isA. JimB. MaryC. BlackD. Gree n()34. Jim s teleph one nu mber isA. 837-2015B. 873-3516C. 894-3516 D.894-2015()35. The two kids(小孩) are on line(在网上)A. i n the morni n

11、g(在上午)B. in the after noon(在C. in the eve ning(在晚上)D. at night(在夜间)IV .词汇运用。根据句意及首字母提示填写单词(5分)。1. His fn ame is Dale.2. Five and two is s.3. The boy in a red jacket is David. His ln ame is Brow n.4. N to meet you, Bob.5. - What s this - It s a . (电话)V .用 am / is / are 填空(7 分)。1. -Howyou - Ifine, tha

12、 nks.2. His n ameTom Brow n.3. What colorthe ruler4. Thisan orange jacket.5. IAla n, and youNick.W .选择下面的人称代词填空(6分)。my, your, his, her, I, you1. -What sn ame-Jack.2. -What sn ame-Lin da.3. - Hello, what sname - I m Alan.4. - Hi, Cindy! How are-I m fine, thanks.5. - Hello,name s Jenny.-Hello,am Tony.

13、 Nice to meet you.vn.根据汉语意思,完成英语句子(20分)。1. 他叫什么名字他叫 Tony.n ame n ameTony.2. 你姓什么 布莱克。-Whatn ame -Black.3. 你的电话号码是什么我的电话号码是4778596。-is- 4778596.4. 我是布鲁斯,见到你真高兴。 Bluce, 5. 我的身份证号是 420620.Mynu mber is 420620.vrn.选择合适的选项完成对话(10分)。()1. What s this()2. Nice to meet you!()3.Hello!()4.What s yourname()5.Good morning,Mike.()6.Goodbye.()7.How are you()8. What s his teleph one nu mber()9. What color is it()10. What s his family nameIX .书面表达(7分)。请根据下面的资料卡并根据此卡介绍一下Alan Gree n,不少于五



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