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1、Lesson 6 In the Living room教学设计抚宁县骊城学区殷陈庄小学 白俊颖一、教材分析:本课要求学生能正确听、说、读、写的单词和短语。通过多样性的活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动积极性,使学生在英语课堂中不断体验成功,感受乐趣,树立自信心,促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展。living room 是贴近学生们的生活的,这样的话题,让学生们更容易接受,同时学生们会觉得有话可说,能轻松融入本课的学习中。二、学情分析:本年龄段的学生具有一定的英语基础,听说能力已经比较强。本课所学的内容又贴近学生们的生活,学生们能怀着轻松愉快的心情参与其中。三、教学目标:1知识目标:要求学生掌握正

2、确听、说、读、写本单元的单词和短语。2. 能力目标:能够正确听、说、读、写本单元的单词和短语。3情感目标:通过多样性的活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动积极性,使学生在英语课堂中不断体验成功,感受乐趣,树立自信心,促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展。四、教学重难点:重点:1. 掌握客厅里的物品单词。如:TV, chair ,couch2. 掌握动词短语。如:watch TV, read the newspaper ,play cards, write a letter ,sit in the chair ,sit on the couch.3. 现在进行时的理解、掌握和运用。难点:1. 变现在分词

3、的不同方法。如:playing , reading , watching ,writing ,sitting2. 掌握现在进行时以及能够熟练运用。三、教学媒体:课件。四、教学过程:(一)Class opening and review. 1. Free talk: (出示教师照片课件) 让第一组学生,看着图片描述。 This is a woman. She is a teacher. She is 33 years old. She lives in a house.2. Review.复习房间:(出示房子的平面图)在学习纸上填写正确的房间名称及房间内物品Living room bedroom

4、 bathroom kitchenbed stove toilet refrigerator bathtub第二组学生上黑板写房间名称,并介绍第三组学生写房间物品并介绍 (二)New concepts. 1. Number 1.(1)猜客厅物品:T:Now look at my living room. Whats in my living room? Can you guess? En, maybe.S: The _ is in the _. (2)讲授TV、chair、couch三个单词。Ok, lets have a look. Whats this? (TV) I like to wa

5、tch TV. I watch TV every day. (板书TV)How about you? Do you like to watch TV? When do you watch TV? In the morning? Please dont watch TV for a long time. That is very bad for your eyes? Do you think so? Do we stand to watch TV? No, we sit. So I have a _. This is a chair. (板书chair) We call it chair. Th

6、is chair is different from this chair.(手指着学生坐的椅子) It has two arms. We can call it arm-chair. Are you clear?Is this a chair?(沙发图) No, its a sofa. We also call it _. (板书couch) O-u-c-h. How do you read? Couch, couch. Can you read it? You, please. 学生一个个说。(And next one? Everybody together.)Lets look. Wha

7、t is in my living room? There is a _, a _, a _.(2)通过同桌问答的形式,学习Jenny家客厅物品。How about Jennys living room? What can you find in Jennys living room? (客厅课件)This time, talk about Jennys living room with your partner. Ok, talk about in pairs.(教师巡视) Everyone, stop here. Who can tell me what you can find? You

8、, please. What colour is the chair? Where are the flowers? Ask the students answer the questions.S:I can see(find) a _.Ask the students answer the questions.让学生利用学习单练习对话,找第四组学生展示问答。(3)预测客厅里做的事情,为学习第二部分做准备。There are so many things in the living room? What can you do in the living room? I can _. 2. Nu

9、mber 2.(1)听录音,找客厅里的人物。T:Jennys family has many people. Who are they? Do you want to know? Who is in the living room? New lets listen carefully. (播放录音) Who is in the living room? Can you tell me? Who are they? (分别呈现Lynn、Bob、Danny、Jenny、史密斯夫妇、李明照片) Who is Lynn? And who is Bob? How many people are ther

10、e in the living room? Together. Seven people. (2)默读课文,完成填空,并讲授现在进行时知识。What are they doing? Now this time, open your books and turn to page 30. You read Part 2 quietly and fill in the blanks: (出示习题课件)What are they doing? Ok, lets read quietly. Ok, everyone, have you finished? Stop here. What are Jenn

11、y and Danny doing? (学生回答,教师板书watching, They are) Dont forget “ing”. I want everyone to read it together. What am I doing? (教师看向屏幕) Yes, I am watching TV, too. (板书:I am) Look at Jenny. Is Jenny standing? No, Jenny is sitting. Where is Jenny sitting? (学生回答)Jenny is sitting in the chair. (板书:in the cha

12、ir领读。)(板书sit)How do you spell “sitting”? Together. Dont forget the double “t”.(领读sitting in the chair)(板书She is)Number 2, what are Lynn and Bob doing? 指名回答。领读。Number 3, what are Mr. and Mrs. Smith doing? 指名回答。Are they standing? No, they are sitting. Where are they sitting? They are sitting on the co

13、uch.领读。(板书:sitting on the) So the right answer is “reading the newspaper”or “sitting on the couch”. Are you right?Number 4,what is Li Ming doing?(板书write a letter)领读。(板书He)How do you spell “writing”? Can you tell me? Who is Li Ming writing a letter to? Maybe. How about you? 让第六组学生读句子填空。(3)听录音,判断。Now

14、 look at these sentences. Are they right? I want you to watch and repeat. 学生跟读。Please take out a piece of paper and finish it. Look at Number 1. Try to read it, please. Do you know the answer? Where is Danny?You are so good. Is she right? Ok, Number 2. Yes or no? Please read it. Who wants to tell me

15、 the right answer?Are they playing loudly or quietly? They are playing quietly. Yes, you are right.Number 3. Lets read it together. Yes or no?The last one, who wants to read? Yes or no? Can you tell me the right answer? Lets read it together. I think you should be quiet in the living room. That is very polite. We dont affect others.让第七组学生读句子并判断(4)介绍自己家的客厅Jenny has a very big and beautiful living room. Do you have a beautiful living room? Can you show the picture of your living room? Please show me. Wow, so many beautiful living rooms. I want a volunteer t



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