九 从句的复习.doc

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1、九 从句的复习 复合句:定语从句、名词性从句、状语从句。 定语从句: 1. that,which,who的使用。一个句子当中有两个相同的名词,将其中的一个名词进行替换,如果是人,用who;如果是物,用which;that既可以指人又可以指物。重磅阅读2. 谓语动词(结构)和后面的介词有两种关系:关系紧密关系疏远;定语从句中如果谓语结构和介词关系紧密,则介词必须保留在谓语结构的后面,不能做任何位置的改动;如果谓语结构和介词关系疏远,介词一般提到which/who/that的前面; 介词加which正好表示时间,可以表达成whe- n;表示地点时,可以表达成where;表示原因时,变成why; 3

2、. 限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句。限定性定语从句:定语从句和关系词关系非常紧密,删掉定语从句后,整个句子意思会改变;非限定性定语从句:定语从句和关系词关系不是很紧密,删掉定语从句后,整个句子意思不会改变,定语从句只起到补充说明的意义; (2)非限定性定语从句: eg: He won the first place in the competition, which is out of our expectation. 非限定性定语从句:which引导非限制性定语从句只能放在后面,as则只能放在句子前面 名词性从句:主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句及同谓语从句; 形式: 名词+从句; 连接词取决

3、于后面的从句是什么样的形式; 如果是陈述句,直接加that引导; 一般疑问句:先把一般疑问句变成陈述句语序,然后在其前加上weather或者if; 特殊疑问句:直接保留特殊疑问词,后面的句子变成陈述句语序; 定义:在句子中起名词作用的句子,且在句子中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同谓语、介词宾语等成分; eg. Yuminhong, the president of New Oriental School. 状语从句:两个独立的句子中间用一些含义不同的连接词连接;状语从句用来表达两个句子之间的逻辑关系;分成原因状语、条件状语、结果状语、时间状语、地点状语、让步状语、目的状语、比较状语、方式状语等九大

4、类型; 定语从句是名词+关系词+从句,关系词的用法取决于名词的问题; 名词性从句:同谓语从句:名词+关系词+从句,关系词跟后面的从句有关系,如果是陈述句,直接加that引导; 一般疑问句:先把一般疑问句变成陈述句语序,然后在其前加上weather或者if; 特殊疑问句:直接保留特殊疑问词,后面的句子变成陈述句语序; 宾语从句:动词+关系词+从句; 表语从句:系动词+关系词+从句; 主语从句:关系词+从句+谓语动词; 名词性从句,其关系词的来源取决于后面的从句的性质。 状语从句:完整句子1+逻辑关系词+完整句子2; 如何区分定语从句和同谓语从句:whether,what,how接在名词后面一定是

5、同谓语从句;关系词是when ,where,why如果前面不是时间、地点、人物,那么是同谓语从句;如果是的话,则为定语从句;如果见到which的话,which在句中翻译成“哪一个”,就是同谓语;翻译不成“哪一个”就是定语从句;that 就是看它在句中是否充当成分,如果充当成分就是定语从句;不充当成分就是同谓语从句; Whether the plan is feasible remains to be proved. (主语从句) 是否这个计划是可行的仍然值得去考证。 I worry about whether he can pass through the crisis of his illn

6、ess. (宾语从句) 我担心他是否能度过疾病的危险期。 They are investigating the question whether the man is trustworthy.(同谓语从句) At time when hiring qualified people is becoming more difficult(定语从句),employers who can eliminate invalid bias from the process have a distinct advantage. (定语从句) 在雇佣合格人才变得越来越困难的时期,那些能够在雇佣过程中消除站不住脚

7、的偏见的雇主具有明显的优势。 Eg. While (让步状语从句)even the modestly educated sought an elevated tone when (时间状语从句)they put pen to paper before the 1960s, even the most well regarded writing since then has sought to capture spoken English on the page. 在20世纪60年代之前,当人们伏案写作的时候,即使那些接受教育不多的人也会追求一种高雅的风格,但是从那以后,即使是那些令人敬仰的文学

8、作品也在追求一种口语的风格。 Eg. About 45% of the worlds population lived in the climate zone where mosquito transmit disease . 全球45%的人口都生活在这样的一个区域,这个地方的蚊子会传播疾病。 Eg.He was an Asian American (who was) raised in a household where respectful zones in authority was show by averting your eyes . (定语从句) 他是一个亚裔美国人,在他生长的环

9、境当中,避免与有权威的人对视是对对方尊重的一种表现。 五、定语从句: eg:I know the girl. The girl comes from Beijing. I know the girl who comes from Beijing.重磅阅读 步骤: 1.找到两个句子中相同的名词; 2.将两个名词中的一个进行替换,若是人,用who替换;若是物,用which替换;that既可以指人,又可以指物; 3. 将who 或which引导的句子放在相同名词之后; eg:I like reading books. The books were written by O Henry. I like

10、 reading books which were written by O Henry. eg:I planted a tree. The tree is taller than the house. The tree which I planted is taller than the house. 1. who/that/which所引导的句子必须放在相同名词之后; eg:The teacher prized the boy. The boy is my neighbor. The boy who the teacher prized is my neighbor. eg:This is

11、 the book. You are looking for the book. This is the book which you are looking for. eg:This is the book. You are interested in the book. This is the book which you are interested in. 2. 谓语动词(结构)和后面的介词有两种关系:关系紧密关系疏远; 关系紧密:谓语结构和介词合成在一起,联系紧密,不可分割,一旦分割意思就会发生改变; eg:look for, be interested in , look afte

12、r, look at 定语从句中如果谓语结构和介词关系紧密,则介词必须保留在谓语结构的后面,不能做任何位置的改动;如果谓语结构和介词关系疏远,介词一般提到which/who/that的前面; eg: This is the book which you are looking for. This is the book which you are interested in. This is the book in which you are interested . This is the book which you asked for. 3. 关系代词和关系副词: eg:Beijing

13、is the place. I was born in the place. Beijing is the place which I was born in. Beijing is the place in which I was born . 定语从句中,如果介词+which表示地点,则可以用where替换; Beijing is the place where I was born . eg: I cant forget the day. I join the army on the day. I cant forget the day which I join the army on. I cant forget the day on which I join the army . I cant forget the day when I join the army . 判断:This is the mountain village where I visited last year.



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