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1、Module 1 Family and relativesUnit 1 My family tree学习目标1. 复习用“be动词+名词”表示人的身份。2. 复习用have表示“(人)有”。3. 复习How manydo you have?4. 学习频率副词always,usually和sometimes。5. 学习用特殊疑问句提问及其应答。教具准备:图片课时安排:二课时第一课时Learn aims:1. 复习用“be动词+名词”表示人的身份。2.复习用have表示“(人)有”。3.复习How manydo you have?教学过程:Step 1: Show the subject and

2、the aims.1. Greetings.2. Show the subject and the aims.T: Boys and girls, do you like make a friend? Today were going to learn Module 1 Unit 1 My family tree(板书)Here are our aims, they are(利用小黑板出示学习目标)Step2:第一次先学后教1.先学:Show the learn guide one: Learn “look and read” this part,find you cant read word

3、s and dont understand of sentences. Ill give you about five minutes read, five minutes later, well check up.2.后教:1.请同学们说出自己不会读的单词。2.指名的同学读课文。(其他同学帮助改正读错的单词)3.同学们齐读课文。4.师领读课文。5.通过句型,操练单词。例如:This is my mother.This is my father.在此基础上可以进一步说:He is my ,She is my ,They are my father and mother.They are my

4、uncles.等等。Step3:第二次先学后教1. 先学:Show the learn guide two: Learn “Say and act” this part. find you cant read words and dont understand of sentences. Ill give you about five minutes learn, five minutes later, well have a match.后教:1. 请同学们说出自己不会读的单词。2.指名的同学读课文。(其他同学帮助改正读错的单词)3.同学们齐读课文。4.师领读课文。5.给学生区分清How m

5、any 和How much 的区别,How many 后面要用可数名词的复数,如:How many uncles do you have?How much后面要用不可数名词,如:How much gule do you have?Step4:当堂训练:Introduce your family.(ten minutes)Step5:Homework写一篇小短文,介绍自己的家人,不少于50个单词。板书:Unit 1 My family treeThis is my They are my How many 后面要用可数名词的复数,如:How many uncles do you have?How

6、 much后面要用不可数名词,如:How much gule do you have?教学反思:第二课时Learn aims:1. 学习频率副词always,usually和sometimes。2.学习用特殊疑问句提问及其应答。Step 1: Show the subject and the aims.1. Greetings.2. Show the subject and the aims.T: Boys and girls, do you like make a friend? Today were going to learn Module 1 Unit 1 My family tree

7、(板书)Here are our aims, they are(利用小黑板出示学习目标)Step1:先学后教1. 先学:Show the learn guide: Learn “Listen and say” this part, find you cant read words. Ill give you about two minutes.后教:1.指名的同学读课文。(其他同学帮助改正读错的单词)2.师领读课文。3.小组练习对话。4.告诉学生always,usually,sometimes都是表示频率的副词,应该根据词义区别使用。告诉学生这三个副词通常应放在谓语动词之前。如:I usual

8、ly go shopping with my mum.但是如果谓语动词是be动词,这三个副词要放在be动词之后。如:Kitty is always happy.Step2:当堂训练:“Ask and answer”.Homework:课本后面Workbook中的习题。板书: Unit 1 My family treealways总是,usually通常,sometimes有时I usually go shopping with my mum.Kitty is always happy.He sometimes go swimming with his father.教学反思:Module 1

9、Family and relativesUnit 2 I have a good friendLearn aims1.复习副词always的用法。2.复习“be动词+形容词”说明主语情况。3.学习否定词never的用法。4.学习句型Have you been toyet?及其肯定回答:Yes, I have been to和否定回答:No, I havent been toyet.5.学习用句型What about?表示提出建议。教具准备:小黑板 图片课时安排:二课时第一课时Learn aims:1.复习副词always的用法。2.复习“be动词+形容词”说明主语情况。3.学习否定词never

10、的用法。教学过程:Step 1: Show the subject and the aims.1. Greetings.2. Show the subject and the aims.T: Boys and girls, do you like make a friend? Today were going to learn Module 1,Unit 2 I have a good friend(板书)Here are our aims, they are(利用小黑板出示学习目标)Step2:第一次先学后教1.先学:Show the learn guide one: Learn “Read

11、 a poem” this part, understand the idea of poem,find you cant read words and dont understand of sentences. Ill give you about five minutes read, five minutes later, well check up.2.后教:请学生提出问题,让学生帮助学生解决问题,必要时教师纠正,引导学生读出诗的节奏、重音和停动,让学生体会到诗的韵律。3.当堂训练:Well have a match “Read a poem”. ( five minutes )Step

12、3:第二次先学后教2. 先学:Show the learn guide two: Learn “Read and write” this part. Ill give you about five minutes learn, five minutes later, well have a match.3. 后教:注意否定词never在句中的位置,频率副词always在句中的位置4. 当堂训练:Introduce your friends to us.(ten minutes)教学反思:第二课时Learn aims:1.学习句型Have you been toyet?(你去过吗?),及其肯定回

13、答Yes, I have been to和否定回答No, I havent been toyet.2.学习用句型What about?表示提出建议。Step 1: Show the subject and the aims.1. Greetings.2. Show the subject and the aims.T: Boys and girls, do you like make a friend? Today were going to learn Module 1,Unit 2 I have a good friend(板书)Here are our aims, they are(利用

14、小黑板出示学习目标)Step1:第一次先学后教2. 先学:Show the learn guide one: Learn “Listen and say” this part, find you cant read words. Ill give you about two minutes.3. 后教:先让学生读,然后教师指导,纠正发音。Step2:第二次先学后教1. 先学:Show the learn guide two:继续学习Learn “Listen and say” this part,学会用Have you been toyet?提问,及其肯定回答Yes, I have been

15、to和否定回答No, I havent been toyet. Ill give you about five minutes, then well have a match.2. 后教:注意already and yet 的用法。3. 当堂训练:I speak Chinese, you speak English. I speak English, you speak Chinese.教学反思:Module 1 Family and relativesUnit 3 Spending a day out togetherLearn aims:1.学习北京一些著名景点的英文名称。2.复习句型What do you (usually) do (at weekends)?及其回答。3.复习用句型 Where have you been? 和Ive been to进行问答。4.学习用be going to表示“将要”。5.学习用 shall表示“将”。 6.学习用句型How are going to?询问将要做某事的方式;用When



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