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1、Unit 5 Strange Creatures The fisherman and the fish教学设计广州市第一中学 邓洁璇教材:牛津英语上海版(2008年7月第2版),八年级上册,教学内容: Unit 5 More Practice B The fisherman and the fish课型:拓展课教学时间:40分钟辅助媒体:电脑,投影仪,录音机,黑板一教材分析:本单元的主题是谈论“奇怪的生物”,是学生比较感兴趣的科普话题。本课是本单元的最后一个课时,阅读材料是讲述渔夫和鱼的故事。二学情分析:1. 学生对“奇怪的生物”这个主题会比较感兴趣,而“渔夫和鱼”这个故事他们已经听过,所以他

2、们对此也有话可说,有利于引导他们进行深入的思考与探讨。2. 通过初中一年的学习,学生已具备一定的阅读理解能力,掌握一些阅读理解的策略与技巧,借助本课的阅读理解活动进一步巩固、运用已学的策略与技巧,以提高学生的阅读理解能力。三教学目标:1. 知识目标:通过有交际意义的听、说、读、写等活动,进一步巩固本单元所学的副词。2. 能力目标:通过拓展听力、阅读练习,指导学生运用所学的听力理解策略和阅读理解学习策略,培养听力和阅读微技能,如:听力前预测,阅读理解中的扫读等技能。3. 策略目标:通过体验、讨论、合作和探究等学习方式,提高学生用英语分析问题和解决问题的能力。4. 情感目标:一、通过生动的故事,使

3、学生体会作者对邪恶贪婪的人愤怒鞭挞的思想感情,认识真善美,憎恨假恶丑;二、我们美好的生活要用自己辛勤的劳动去创造。5. 文化目标:格林童话中渔夫与他的妻子是流传最广的故事之一。普希金的叙事长诗渔夫和金鱼的故事是对它的改写,或者可以看成这个童话的另一种版本。 四教学流程设计:步骤目的教师活动学生活动条件/手段Warming up 1. To arouse Ss interests;2. To make sureSs understandwhat the strangecreatures are;3. To lead in thetopic.1. To make the Ss think of w

4、hat the strange creatures are;2. Showing the pictures to help the Ss remember the creatures names。1. Tell the difference about some creatures;2. Think of the names of the strange creatures.Multi-mediaPre-readingTo make Ss familiar about the story1. Ask some questions about the story.2. To predict th

5、e ending of the story.1. Answer teachers questions.2. Review the storyMulti-media While-reading 1. To get the main idea of the story.2. To make sure that Ss know the details of the story.1. Ask Ss to read the story and finish the exercise.(True or False?)2. Get the Ss to find out the four wishes of

6、the fishermans wife.3. Ask Ss to find out the change of the weather when each of her wishes was made, then draw the weather in their textbooks.1.Read the story and say whether the statements are True or False.2. Find out the four wishes of the fishermans wife and fill in the speech bubbles.3. Find o

7、ut the sentences about the change of the weather and draw them in their textbooks.Multi-media, blackboard and textbookPost- reading 1. To learn the useful expressions.2. To make Ss discuss what they have learnt from the story.1. Ask Ss to find out the phrases in the textbook and match the meaning.2.

8、 Get Ss to discuss the questions: 1) What did the change of weather in the story present?2) What can you learn from the story?1. Find out the useful phrases and match the meaning.2. Discuss the questions with their group members.textbookConclusionTo consolidate what Ss have learnt in this lesson.Sum up what Ss have learnt in this lesson and what attitude they should have in the daily life.Sum up what Ss have learnt in this lesson and what attitude they should have in the daily life.Multi-mediaHomework Give assignmentReading: Greedy Cat (Book B P71)1


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