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1、 写作生活秀:庆祝夏天过去了我们都知道,夏天是个好季节:露天乘凉和度假的好季节,更有数不尽的野外烧烤。但究竟夏天也是酷热的、让人流汗的季节。幸运的是,许多地方都快迎来穿卫衣的凉快秋天季节。下面这些是你为夏天快完毕了应当感到快乐的理由。 1. No more sweat你不用再出汗了 Lets face it. Actually, on second thought, lets not face it. Sweat is gross. Like, really gross. Theres nothing less refreshing than walking around with what

2、feels like a water balloon burst in your underwear an hour ago but still hasnt completely dried.面对现实吧!但思索过后,我们还是不要面对好了:流汗实在是太恶心了。浑身大汗还要处处走动,再没有比这更让人“提神”的了:那感觉就像一小时前内衣里有一个水球爆开了,但到现在却仍湿漉漉的。 2. No More Mosquitos没有蚊子了 Good thing winter is natures bug repellent. Because mosquitos are just terrible. They

3、live because of our blood, these iny, itchy, blood-sucking vampire mooches. I dont even know why they exist.冬天有一个好处就是它是自然界中的杀虫剂,由于蚊子实在太可怕了。它们靠我们的血而活,这些细小、令人发痒的吸血虫真厌烦。我不知道它们为什么会存在。 3. You dont have to make excuses about why you cant go camping你不必为不去野营编造借口了 Camping is outdoors torture. Hey, yeah, lets

4、 go sit outside where its really, oppressively hot, sweat a lot and eat things from cans while we try not to get eaten by bears. But we WILL feed our flesh to bugs because we dont really have a choice. Yeah, sorry, guys, but Im busy from now until mid-October.户外野营是一种熬煎。让我们坐在闷热的户外流一身臭汗,吃着罐头里的东东,与此同时还

5、要避开自己成为熊的美餐。但我们会喂饱各种虫子,由于我们真的别无选择。对不住各位了,从现在到十月中旬我都没空了。 4. No more stench of steaming, melting garbage不再有“臭气熏天”的垃圾臭味了 The sun is great for lots of things: light keeping our planet alive. Its also really good at taking something that already smells bad, and baking it until it smells like hot trash. B

6、ut it”s worse because its just everywhere.对许多生物来讲太阳是很好的,太阳供应光源让我们的星球生存。但同样地,太阳也很擅长把已经闻起来臭臭的东西烘成很热腾腾的垃圾。更糟的是处处都有垃圾。 5. Dont have to feel guilty about being on the internet不必为上网感到内疚 Listen, its okay, we understand. The internet is way cooler than exercise, fresh air, and socializing. But, once winter

7、comes around, its hyber-netting time! Its cold and windy outside, time to sit by the fire and internet until next year.没事的我们都理解。比起运动熬炼、新奇空气及与人交往,网络固然是帅气得多。但是一旦冬天接近,那就是超级网虫的时间了。外面又冷还刮风,是时候坐在火堆旁上上网了,始终上网到明年吧。 6. Sayonara swimsuit anxiety和泳装焦虑症说再见 Didnt reach your ultimate beach body goal this summer?

8、Thats okay, because itll be over soon and you dont have to worry about swimsuits and your figure for the rest of the year! In fact, you dont have to worry about bathing suits and overly crowded beaches.在这个夏天没有到达你最终的身材目标?没关系,由于这个夏天很快就过去了,在剩下的时间里,你也不必担忧泳装和身材的问题。实际上,你不必担忧的问题除了泳衣还有过度拥挤的沙滩。 7. No more me

9、nial summer job不用再做廉价暑期工 Summer is great, while summer jobs are not so much. Say goodbye to retail, flippin burgers or serving ice-cream to jerk kids, whatever you crazy kids do these day for money. Back to the grind, homework, tests, wait, all of these things suck, too.夏天很不错,但暑假工就没这么好了。不管你们是做什么来赚钱,

10、向零售、烙牛肉饼和向厌烦的小朋友卖冰淇淋这些零碎工作说再见吧。回归老生活,做作业、考试. 等等!这些事儿也同样令人厌烦啊! 8. Pretty much every T.V. show and sport is back on各大电视台各档节目和各项体育赛事回归 SNL, Family Guy, Modern Family, whatever it is you watch, its back on come fall. I mean, unless youre into True Blood. So grab your internet, camp out in front of the tv, and brace yourselves: winter is coming.周六夜现场、恶搞之家、摩登家庭,不管你看的是哪一档节目,在秋季它们都会回归(固然或许你爱看的是真爱如血)。重拾你的兴趣,在电视机前“安营扎寨”,抱着自己说:冬天来了。


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