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1、Lesson 1 Nature Food CropsTarget Words1. abandon 6. intensify2. adversely 7. irrigation3. aggregate 8. obtain4. cultivation 9. photosynthesis5. fertilize 10. precipitationDefinitions and Samples1. abandon v. To leave; to give upTo save their lives, the sailors had to abandon the sinking ship.Parts o

2、f speech abandonment n2. adversely adv. In a harmful way; negativelyExcessive rainfall early in the spring can adversely affect the plantingof crops.Usage tips Adversely is often followed by affect.Parts of speech adversity n, adverse adj3. aggregate adj. Gathered into or amounting to a wholeIt is i

3、mpossible to judge last years performance without knowingthe aggregate sales numbers.Usage tips Aggregate is often followed by a term like sum, total, ornumbers.Parts of speech aggregate v, aggregate n4. cultivation n. Preparing the land to grow crops; improvement foragricultural purposesWith the de

4、velopment of land cultivation, hunters and gathererswere able to settle in one place.Parts of speech cultivate v5. fertilize v. To supply with nourishment for plants by adding helpfulsubstances to the soilThis farm fertilizes tomatoes more than any other crop.Parts of speech fertilizer n, fertilizat

5、ion n6. intensify v. To increase in power; to act with increased strengthJacobs long absence intensified his certainty that he should marryRose.Parts of speech intensification n, intense adj7. irrigation n. The supplying of water to dry landIn dry areas of the country, you can see ditches all over t

6、he farmlandfor irrigation.Parts of speech irrigate v8. obtain v. To gain possession of; to getAfter a series of difficult interviews, he finally was able to obtainthe job.9. photosynthesis n. The process by which green plants make theirown food by combining water, salts, and carbon dioxide in the pr

7、esenceof light.Oxygen is a by-product of the process of photosynthesis.Parts of speech photosynthesize v10. precipitation n. Water that falls to the Earths surfaceIn the Pacific Northwest, the high level of precipitation ensures rich,green plant life.TOEFL Prep I Complete each sentence by filling in

8、 the blank withthe best word from the list. Change the form of the word if necessary.Use each word only once.abandoned precipitation cultivation fertilize photosynthesis1. Through _, green plants create organic materials with thehelp of chlorophyll.2. The coastal city gets half of its _ during the m

9、onths of January,February, and March.3. Farmers use various methods of land _.4. When they heard the hull crack, all but two of the sailors _ship.5. Inexperienced gardeners may not realize how important it is thatthey _ their plants.TOEFL Prep II Find the word or phrase that is closest in meaningto

10、the opposite of each word in the left-hand column. Write theletter in the blank.1. obtain (a) weaken2. intensify (b) separate3. irrigation (c) lose4. aggregate (d) drainage5. adversely (e) positivelyTOEFL Success Read the passage to review the vocabulary youhave learned. Answer the questions that fo

11、llow.In countries like Niger and Mauritania, the cultivation ofland has changed little in the past several centuries.Additionally, these countries mono-modal rainfall patternbrings precipitation for only three months during the year.As a result, food production doesnt nearly meet demand.Several agen

12、cies and organizations have intensified their efforts toincrease the productivity of land in these countries.They have introducednew strains of seed, improved irrigation techniques, and introduced newmethods of fertilization and soil management.With ample sunlight forphotosynthesis and modern irriga

13、tion techniques, sustainable farmingtechniques should allow farmers to boost aggregate production in orderto meet demand.Still, crop revitalization faces an unexpected adversary: institutionalincompetence.Where crop specialists have convinced individual farmersto abandon old farming techniques in pl

14、ace of new, they cant readilyobtain the governmental cooperation they need.The biggest hurdles arepolitical corruption, incompetence, and the absence of a marketinginfrastructure.1. In this passage, the word adversary is closest in meaning toa. friendb. helperc. enemyd. leader2. In the last paragraph, the word they refers toa. crop specialistsb. farmersc. farming techniquesd. adversaries


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