四年级英语上册Lesson 10 Department Store教案 冀教版

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1、Lesson 10:Department Store教学目标:知识与技能:掌握词汇 department store及bicycle department ,book department ,clothes department ,toy department等用语 . 学生能够使用正确的礼貌用语:May I help you?并进行交际。过程与方法:模拟情境进行教学,采用小组合作式、体验式等多种学习方式,使学生在感知认识的基础上主动参与学习。运用图片等形象直观的演示促进学生的理解。情感态度与价值观:培养学生较好的文化意识与英语语感。能够运用英语在日常生活中礼貌交际。小组合作,互相帮助。教学重

2、、难点:1、学生能够正确及时使用: May I help you?2、了解、运用本课的词汇对身边的场景进行描述。教具准备:图片、教师卡片、录音机等学具准备:教科书、 学生卡片教学过程:一、 Class opening and review1. GreetingT:” Hello, boys and girls! Nice to see you! On Sunday, where do you go ?(学生谈论假日活动及购物的相关内容)Are you happy? Lets go shopping!2. Reviewlets play a game . “What is this?”二、Key

3、 concepts1.What is it ?(1).师出示图片Read the word a few times with the students.(2).PracticePoint to bicycle department, book department, clothes department, toy department.(3).Read these words a few times.2. May I help you?(1).师在教室中创设情景演示T: May I help you?A: Yes! I want to buy _,please.T: This way , pl

4、ease . Here they are.在学生理解后出示课文内容No.2 May I help you?(2).Listen to the tape and the students follow in their students books a few times .(3).Ask and answerWhat does Jenny want to buy?Does this department store has it?What does Danny want to buy?Does this department store has it?(4).表演学生自愿结组,分组表演学生根据自己的理解,可以进行大胆创新进行表演。(5).展示后评价:每位同学将自己的happy face粘贴到认为表现最好的小组标志牌上。教师给予鼓励。三、 Class closingAre you happy in this class?Go shopping with your mother!See you next lesson! Good-bye!板书设计: Lesson 10:Department Storebicyclebook departmentclothestoy May I help you ?课后反思:


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