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1、Unit 16 知识点总结重点短语:1. abandon sb./sth. 抛弃、遗弃 abandon oneself to (doing) sth. = be abandoned to (doing) sth.=addict oneself to (doing) sth. = be addicted to (doing) sth. 沉湎于,沉溺于2. come into view/sight 看见,出现,进入视野范围in view/sight 在视野范围内,看得见out of view/sight 超出视野范围,看不见in ones view/opinion 在某人看来come into e

2、xistence/being 开始存在,产生come into effect/force 生效,开始实施come into use 开始使用come into fashion开始流行起来come into power上台执政come into ones mind 想起3. knock over撞倒,打倒knock down撞倒,打倒,拆除knock at 敲(门、窗)knock into撞倒某人身上;偶然遇到4. 某人突然想到某事:sth. occur to sb.=sth. hit sb.=sth. strike sb.It occurred to/hit/struck sb. that5.

3、 particularly=especially=in particular尤其,特别be particular about对挑剔6. block out堵住,挡住,遮住;抹去,忘掉(不愉快的回忆)7. suffer loss遭受损失(be) at a loss不知所措,迷茫be a loss to对来说是个损失be lost in thought陷入沉思8. be characteristic of有的特色,是的典型It is characteristic of sb. to do sth.做某事是某人的特色/一贯作风。9. a monument to 是的纪念碑10. on ones si

4、de 侧身on ones knees 爬着lie on ones back仰卧,平躺lie on ones stomach 趴着睡stand on ones hands倒立11. the joys and sorrows of life人生的喜与悲to ones sorrow 令某人悲伤的是to ones joy 令某人高兴的是12. feel/have/express sympathy for =show sympathy to 对表示同情13. burst into tears = burst out crying 突然大哭起来burst into laughter = burst out

5、 laughing突然大笑起来14. split up with sb.与某人分手split up into=divideinto把分成小部分15. on the way to + n. 在去的路上on the way = around the corner 在路上,即将发生,快要到来on the way home/here/there 在回家的路上/在去这儿的路上/在去那儿的路上16. A leave/make/give a impression on A给B留下印象B have a impression of A B对A 有着的印象A impress B A给B留下深刻印象B be imp

6、ressed by/with A B对A 有着深刻的印象impress sth. on sb. = impress sb. with sth.使某人铭记某事17. more than + 数字 =over 多于,超过more than + n. 不仅仅more than + adj./adv./v. 很,非常18. dig out 挖掘19. be of significance/importance=be significant/important 重要be of + n. = be + adj. 的用法还有:be of use=be usefulbe of benefit=be benef

7、icialbe of value=be valuablebe of help=be helpful20. nameafter根据给命名be named after 以来命名21. come across偶然遇到,偶然发现表示“偶然遇到”的还有:run across run into knock into meet withcome的相关短语有:come about vi.发生come up with vt. 想出,提出come up vi.被提出come out vi.出来;出版,发行;开花come to + n. 达到(一种结果或状态)come to an end结束 come to a c

8、onclusion 得出结论come to= come to oneself 苏醒过来When it comes to + n., 当说到、提及时,22. hold up vt. 支撑,举起;耽搁,延误;抢劫hold back vt. 忍住,抑制;阻碍,妨碍;克扣;隐瞒hold on vi. 别挂电话;坚持 hold up to vt. 坚持,紧紧握住23. count on sb./sth. 指望、信赖count on sb. to do sth.=count on sb. doing sth.指望某人做某事24. figure out vt. 理解,弄明白;计算出figure in vt.

9、 把计算在内,把考虑在内keep ones figure 保持身材figure skating 花样滑冰be/become a figure of fun 成为笑柄25. discourage sb. from doing sth. 使某人没有勇气做某事,阻止某人做某事encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事26. open up to 向敞开27. now that = since conj.既然,由于 (引导原因状语从句)28. the key to + n. 的关键、钥匙、键have access to + n.有权进入、接近、使用the answer to +

10、n. 的答案the approach to + n. 的方式、方法the solution to + n. 的解决方法重点句子:1. It is no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收。2. It is apparent/obvious that显而易见=Apparently/Obviously,3. It is the forms of the people who were caught in the disaster that have made the city a monument to history.正是这场灾难中遇难的人们的姿态使这座城市成为了历史的纪念碑。4. Now that Helen understood the key to language, she was very eager to learn more and use it as much as she could.由于海伦理解了语言的关键,她就非常渴望能学习更多的语言并能尽量多得去应用。5. Without love, you would not be happy or want to play.没有爱,你就不快乐,也不想玩。


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