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1、.Due Diligence lists尽职调查资料清单1. Basic information company and History 一、公司基本资料及历史沿革1.1 The latest business license ,organization code certificate ;最新的营业执照、组织机构代码证1.2 Articles of Association currently; 现行有效的公司章程1.3 Detailed written description of the following main profiles:下列重要概况的具体书面说明: 1.3.1 Histor

2、y 历史沿革1.3.2 Company on the industry and profile information of the company industry status .Business scope and the mode of operation ,the market share of the company are included.公司所处行业及公司行业地位的简介资料;涉及经营范围、经营方式、市场占有情况等;1.4 The latest shareholding structure, organization chart (all departments and aff

3、iliated companies are contained).最新的股权架构、组织结构图(含所有职能部门、下属公司)1.5 Companies engaged in business activities Certificates (or franchise certificate).公司所从事业务活动的资质证书(或特许经营证书)1.6 Related capital increase agreement ,equity transfer agreement and related documents; employee stock ownership plan ,labor union

4、,trust, principal holdings and related agreements(Depending on the actual situation);相关增资扩股协议、股权转让协议及相关文献;内部职工持股、工会、信托、委托持股情况及相关的协议(如有);1.7 All previous the verification report of increase registered capital since the company establishment, all previous evaluation report of the company(Depending on

5、the actual situation).公司设立以来历次增(减)注册资本的验资报告(工商局登记复印资料),公司历次评估报告(如有);1.8 A full set of industry and commerce the end of file data(including subsidiaries, since the establishment of the beginning).全套工商局登记底档资料(含子公司,自设立始)2. Corporate governance and internal Control公司治理及内部控制2.1Directors, supervisors, sen

6、ior executives and resume list;董事、监事、高管人员名单及简历;2.2 The written explanation of the modify of articles of association all previous .章程的历次修改情况书面说明;2.3All of the shareholder resolution since the company set up , the resolutions of board of directors and the board of supervisors .公司设立以来历次股东会决议、董事会、监事会会议决

7、议2.4 A full set of effective internal control system currently .全套公司现行有效的内部控制制度。3. Business Information公司业务资料3.1Sales 销售情况3.1.1Two years one time sales revenue of the company (two years one time equal to January 1 2023 to April 2023 , hereinafter the same).公司近两年一期(两年一期指2023年1月1日-2023年4月,以下相同)销售收入情况;

8、3.1.2 Sub regional sales situation two years one time . 近两年一期分区域销售情况;3.1.3Major customer sales situation two years one time, and be sure to provide important client and the basic information of the supplier, It should include contact person, telephone, fax, zip code, address and other information;(

9、if applicable) 近两年一期重要客户销售情况,并烦请提供重要客户及供应商的基本信息,需涉及联系人、联系电话、传真、邮编、地址等信息;(如合用)3.1.4Provide the mode of the sales ,the channel of distribution and the advantage area of sales currently;提供公司目前销售模式、销售渠道和销售优势区域;3.1.5Provide the company sales ,the development trend of the sales revenue and the trend of th

10、e prediction.提供公司销售量、销售收入的发展态势和变化趋势预测;3.1.6The sales contract of the important client( accounting for 80% of total revenue ) two years one time.( if applicable)近两年一期重要客户(占比总收入的80%)的销售协议(如合用);3.2Human resource人力资源3.2.1Company roster公司花名册3.2.2Payment of social security company personnel in two years (

11、 the payment of five insurance payments and the actually payment situation);近两年一期公司人员社保缴纳情况说明(五险一金的缴纳政策及实际缴纳情况)3.2.3Remuneration policies and system of the company in two years.近两一期年公司薪酬政策或制度;3.2.4 The company short and long term compensation system of the company , termination benefits , the arrang

12、ement of the equity incentive.公司长短期薪酬、辞退福利、股权激励事项的安排。3.2.5 Detailed list of staff salaries for two years. 近两年员工的薪资明细单3.3 Research and development situation (It depends on the actual)研发情况(如有)3.3.1 List of developed of items;研发项目清单;3.3.2 Research and development capitalized case.研发资本化情况4. Company Prop

13、erty Information公司财产资料4.1Estate房产4.1.1The companys list of buildings assets ;公司的房屋建筑物资产清4.1.2Real estate license房产证4.1.3 Land use right certificate of construction in progress, planning permit , construction Permit and construction contract .在建工程的土地使用权证、规划许可证、施工许可证及施工协议;4.1.4 The explanation of mort

14、gage of fixed assets, and provide the certificate of title of the mortgage assets, main debt contracts ( such as loan contract and the maximum mortgage of loan contract ) , the creditor own certificate of encumbrance.固定资产抵押情况说明,并提供抵押资产的产权证书、主债务协议(如借款协议及最高额抵押借款协议等)、债权人拥有的他项权利证书。4.2 Land use rights ,t

15、rademark ,patent ,franchise etc.( intangible assets )土地使用权、商标、专利、特许经营权等无形资产4.2.1 Intangible assets list ;无形资产清单;4.2.2 Land use rights certificate ,land contract ,land lease contract ,the explanation of land mortgage ,and provide the certificate of title of the mortgage assets , main debt contracts ( such as loan contract and the maximum mortgage of loan contract ) , the creditor own certificate of encumbrance; 土地使用权证书、土地出让协议、土地租赁协议、土地抵押情况说明,并提供抵押资产的产权证书、主债务协议(如借款协议及最高额抵押借款协议等)、债权人拥有的他项权利证书;4.2.3 Trademark registration ( if the trademark is the change made , prov



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