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1、161. He insisted that we could or should take up the matter at the meeting.2.“DO you work in the lab every afternoon?”“No, but sometimes I wish I _” a)have time b)had time to do c)have time to d)had time to3. The Reform Club proposed that wages _ a)would be raised b)would have been raised c)be raise

2、d d)were raised4. Id just as soon that you _ those important papers with you. a)wont take b)dont take c)didnt take d)not take【16】宾语从句谓语动词的虚拟虚拟语气的宾语从句主要有下列几种: l)表示提议、要求、命令、意志等动词后的宾语从句,谓语由“should+动词原形、”或只用动词原形构成)这类动词有:suggest,request,demand,propose, order, command, require,desire,insist,urge,recommend

3、,advise,prefer,ask,decide,maintain(主张),move(提议)。I propose that we(should)set a dead line for handing in the plans我建议我们应为计划上交定个期限。I desire the patient should have a bath everyday我希望患者每天洗一次澡。 I recommend that the students finish writing their composition as soon as possible我建议学生们尽早写完作文。we prefer that

4、your father give the instructions我们倒希望你父亲讲清怎么办。 The housemaster was strict; he requested that we not watch television on week nights.房主人很严厉,他要求工作日晚上不可看电视。 2)wish后的从句,表示与现在事实相反的愿望时,谓语动词用过去时;表示与过去事实相反的愿望时,用过去完成时;表示对将来的愿望时,用would十动词原形。I do wish I knew more about politics.我真希望自己对政治懂得更多。She wishes she ha

5、dnt said it.她希望她没讲那活。I wish you would stay a little longer我希望你多呆一会。 3)would rather, would sooner ,would(just)as soon后的宾语从句,表示愿望,用过去时表示现在和将来的含义,用“had十过去分词”表示过去的含义。I would rather you came tomorrow我更希望你明天来。I could go myself but I would sooner you went.我自己能去,但我更希望你去。Id rather you hadnt done that. 我更希望你没

6、干。 4)had hoped 后的宾语从句,谓语要用“would十动词原形”构成,这个句型表示一种“过去未实现的愿望”。His father had hoped that he would go into business with him. 他父亲本来希望他会跟他一起经商的。We had hoped that he would stay longer.我们本来希望他呆在这里的时间会长一些。 因此,1的答案为should,2,3,4的答案分别为d)、c)和c) Exercise:Fill in the blank of each sentence with the best choice.1.

7、 I demanded they _ their work on time.a)finishes b)would finish c)finish d)finished2. Tom had hoped _ his letter. a)her to answer b)that she answer c)her answering d)that she would answer3. We prefer that your father _ the instructions. a)gives b)gave c)will give d)give4. My wife would rather we _ e

8、ach other any more. a)do not see b)did not see c)will not see d)shall not see5. She wishes she _ yesterday, instead of staying at home. a)came b)come c)should come d)had come6. Hed just as soon we _ the bill last week. a)paid b)had paid c)pay d)would pay7. The mother insisted that Tom _ her the ring

9、 back. a)gives b)give c)given d)had given8. They required their children _ TV on week nights. a)not watch b)must not to watch c)not be watching d)have not watched9. Kumar can take his car apart and put it back together again. I certainly wish _ he me now. a)teaches b)will teach c)has taught d)would teach10. I wish that the weather _ not so warm. a)was b)be c)were d)is



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