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1、 人教版英语八年级上册 Unit3 Im more outgoing than my sister教学设计枣阳市平林中学 黄先菊 一、设计意图,本单元围绕“talk about personal traits and compare people”的内容进行教学,使学生学会通过对本课的学习,力争掌握用形容词和副词的语言结构表达人物特点和人物比较基本句型:Hes calmer than sam. Tom is more athletic than sam. I am a little taller than her. My friend is the same as me. , 二、教材分析,本

2、单元是新目标英语八年级上册第三单,为第九单元Can you come to my party打基础的,旨在通过朋友,同学之间的相聚来对人物进行比较,以便更好地做人与人之间的沟通交流,了解,更能促进友谊的进一步发展。经过七年级一年的学习和八年级前几单元的学习,学生在知识和技能等都有了一定的进步,但是第三单元是一个新的语言点,貌似简单,可学起来未必容易掌握,所以笔者想通过提前让学生准备了自己的ID card,内容扩展到他们容易感兴趣的age weigh height favourite color等;运用多媒体进行英语教学使教学内容化抽象为具体,从单一的模式向直观性,趣味性,艺术性和立体化的模式发

3、展,减轻了呈现教学目标的枯燥和单调,学生在学新的语言点就会一目了然,轻松愉快地掌握, Teaching aims: talk about personal traits talk about the differences of two people in some ways talk about what a good friend should be like Teaching important points : serious outgoing calm wild heavy tall thin short quiet funny both I am a little taller t

4、han her. Lin Ying is not as good at sports as her sister . Taras hair is shorter than Tinas. Marias best friend is quiter than she is . Teaching difficult points: learn to compare people talk about what a good friend should be like Teaching methools: practic speaking and listening ask and answer in

5、pairs students help each other and teacher offers help Teaching tools:A tape recorder , ID card, pictures , a projector 谈论学生感兴趣的话题,指导学生学习自己和他人特点的的单词,学习应用形容词和副词的比较级,培养学生的观察和理解力;更加了解他人,珍惜友谊,热爱生活。 三、教学设计 Step1:warming up and leadin T:Yesterday I came to my friends party .I knew a girl, we look the same

6、 and look different in some ways, Can you guess she looks like and what she is like? Ss:she is shortshe is tallshe has long hair T:No.she is taller than me, she has longer hair than me . She is more ontging than me . lead in the class subject. Step2:Revision Revise the forms of adjectives and adverb

7、s wither and more Step3:Presentation play the projector Jordan is tall. Yao Ming is taller than Jordan. Lin Huan is short. zeng zhiwei is shorter than Liu huan. Liu huan is heary. Fei Mao is heavier . Fei Mao is heavier than liu huan . Lin Xinru is thin . Liu Yifei is thinner than her. 【设计意图】陈述操练之后进

8、行比较,目的是让学生逐渐明白本课所学内容,完成 sectionA的1a : match each word with its opposite 解决问题:陈述完之后,继续播放放映机,让学生仿照刚才操练的句子,说五个形容词,副词的句子,时间为五分钟,大胆鼓励,小组长到黑板板书他们的答案,教师对学生结构进行归纳总结:A与B两者相比:AB A在某方面比B更A谓语(adj/adv)比较级than B如:Tom is taller than Mike . Mike works harder than Tom. A=B A在某方面和B一样A 谓语as (adj/adv)原级 as B如: Tom is a

9、s old as Mike AB A在某方面不如BA 谓语的否定式(not)as/so 原级asBTom does not run as fast as Mike Han Hong is heavier than Sun Yanzi - Sun is not as heavy as Han Zhao weis eyes are bigger than Zhou Xuns -Zhous eyes arent as big as Zhous Step4: Consolidation Activity:do a survery (group work ) 利用学生的IDcard In your gr

10、oup : Who is taller ? Who is heavier ? Who is older ?Who ( is) name comparethinLilyLucy is taller than LilyoldMike Mike is older than Tom 【设计意图】: 此项活动可以使学生进一步巩固所学的单词和句型。加强学生的语法应用,区分形容词和副词的变化规则,教师把学生的总结归纳如下: 一般在词尾后加er 以不发音的e后加r 重读闭音节词词结尾只有一个辅音字母时,双写最后一个字母再加er以辅音字母y 结尾的双音节词变y为i ,再加erStep5 :listening S

11、ectionA 2a2b Fill the differences between Tina and Tara in the blanks after listening TinaTara 【设计意图】 此项活动可以使学生把本单元的单词和句型加以应用,从而达到学以致用的效果,不仅进一步掌握了Section3a 的内容,而且巩固了Section3b的一些重要的词组和句型如:both the same Liu Ying is more athletic than me I am a little taller than her etc . 不仅是学生容易达到本单元索要掌握的学习目标,而且进一步消化

12、了所学的单词和句型,让所有的学生都在参与,一直处于积极地状态,从而提高教学质量。 Step6:Do exercises and write a report :教师可以根据班学生们学后的情况加以检查露出几个题目在黑板上学生们练习, 教师从中获得一些信息:1.Who is (0utgoing),Lily or Lucy 2.I am a girl with (long) hair. 3.Beingjing is (far )than Wuhan from here. 4.Tom is as (health) as Bill.5.Lucy is a (quiet) girl .Lily is (o

13、utgoing )than her. 6.He is always (friend)to others. 【设计意图】:作业可以继续使用课堂上所学的句型来练习,把课堂上学生合作,教师引导的内容加以消化掌握,学生彻底掌握本单元知识后,可以在以后的应用写作写作中觉得有话可说,达到将所学语法与英语作文相结合,使所学的知识得到一个质的飞跃。教师的这篇习作通过仿写向别人介绍自己和他人,感到非常熟悉又内容可写,因为刚刚学过课文,所以记忆犹新,感觉像是信手拈来,有文可依,为我所用,就不觉得有抓耳捞腮的困惑了,作文也因此就容易写好了。 四、板书设计:Blackboard design Lucy is tall

14、er than Lily. China is larger than the USA. Tom is funnier than Jim . This box is bigger than that one .She is more outgoing than her sister. 【设计意图】对于加横线的单词让学生容易看到形容词和副词比较级的变化规则,让学生一目了然,清晰可见。五、教学反思: 本单元安排为四课时,笔者为了把本单元上好,自己安排了顺序,怎样让学生有足够的时间去理解,阅读,小组合作操练,消化吸收,准确地谈论他人的外貌特征达到灵活应用,游刃有余的学习状态,是本单元的教学目标。因此,本单元我采用了理论与实际相结合,让学生自制ID


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