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1、目 录1994高考真题51995高考真题71996高考真题81997高考真题101998高考真题111999高考真题122000高考真题132001高考真题142002高考真题152003高考真题162004高考真题172004北京192004天津202004全国一202004湖北212004湖南222004江苏232004辽宁242004重庆252005北京春262005北京272005全国二272005安徽282005福建292005湖北302005湖南312005江苏322005辽宁332005全国一342005山东352005天津362005浙江372005重庆382006浙江3920


3、22008全国二732008江西742008陕西752008湖南752008四川762009全国I772009全国II782009天津792009辽宁802009江西802009宁夏812009山东822009陕西832009四川842009浙江852009重庆862009江苏872009湖南882009福建892009北京902009安徽912009上海921994高考真题11. IsyourcameralikeBillsandAnns? No,butitsalmostthesameas_. A. her B. yours C. them D. their 12. Doyouremember

4、_hecame? Yes,Ido,hecamebycar. A. how B. when C. that D. if 13. Doyouthinkitsgoingtorainovertheweekend? _. A. Idontbelieve B. Idontbelieveit C. Ibelievenotso D. Ibelievenot 14. Wouldyouliketocometodinnertonight? _Idliketo,Imtoobusy. A. and B. so C. as D. but 15. CanIjoinyourclub,Dad? Youcanwhenyou_ab

5、itolder. A. get B. willget C. aregetting D. willhavegot 16. ItoldSallyhowtogethere,butperhapsI_forher. A. hadtowriteitout B. musthavewrittenitout C. shouldhavewrittenitout D. oughttowriteitout 17. Hi,haventseenyouforages!Youlookfine! _.Youlookwell,too. A. Great B. Thanks C. Oh,no D. Notatall 18. She

6、setoutsoonafterdark_homeanhourlater. A. arriving B. toarrive C. havingarrived D. andarrived 19. Imsorrytokeepyouwaiting. Oh,notatall.I_hereonlyafewminutes. A. havebeen B. hadbeen C. was D. willbe 20.Sheis_newcomerto_chemistrybutshehasalreadymadesomeimportant discoveries. A. the;the B. the;不填 C. a;不填

7、 D. a;the 21. Imustapologizefor_aheadoftime. Thatsallright. A. lettingyounotknow B. notlettingyouknow C. lettingyouknownot D. lettingnotyouknow 22. Ratherthan_onacrowdedbus,healwaysprefersabicycle. A. ride;ride B. riding;ride C. ride;toride D. toride;riding 23. ShallItellJohnaboutit? No,you_.Ivetold

8、himalready. A. neednt B. wouldnt C. mustnt D. shouldnt 24. Howlonghasthisbookshopbeeninbusiness? _1982. A. After B. In C. From D. Since 25. Themissingboyswerelastseen_ neartheriver. A. playing B. tobeplaying C. play D. toplay 26. Dontallspeakatonce!_,please. A. Eachatonetime B. Onebyonetime C. Onefo

9、reachtime D. Oneatatime 27. Doyoulikethematerial? Yes,it_ verysoft. A. isfeeling B. felt C. feels D. isfelt 28. Johnplaysfootball_,ifnotbetterthan,David. A. aswell B. aswellas C. sowell D. sowellas29. Idontreallyworkhere; I_ untilthenewsecretaryarrives. A. justhelpout B. havejusthelpedout C. amjusth

10、elpingout D. willjusthelpout 30. Ittherewerenoexaminations, weshouldhave_ atschool. A.thehappiesttime B.amorehappiertime C.muchhappiesttime D.amuchhappiertime 31. Ididntseeyoursisteratthemeeting.Ifshe_,shewouldhavemetmy brother. A. hascome B. didcome C. came D. hadcome 32. ThevisitingMinisterexpress

11、edhissatisfactionwiththetalks,_thathehadenjoyedhisstayhere. A. havingadded B. toadd C. adding D. added 33. Heresmycard.Letskeepin_. A. touch B. relation C. connection D. friendship 34. Thefirsttextbooks_forteachingEnglishasaforeignlanguagecameoutinthe 16thcentury. A. havingwritten B. tobewritten C. beingwritten D. written 35. Dontforgettocometomybirthdaypartytomorrow. _. A. Idont B. Iwont C. Icant D. Ihavent 36. Idontknowtherestaurant,butits



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