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1、A girl and three bears 教学设计 东四小学 曹蕊一、教学目标1.知识目标Words :hungry, thirsty, tiredSentences: I want some I want some and 2.能力目标:学生能用图片中的句子来表达,能理解故事大意后 复述课文内容。3.情感目标:学会助人为乐为快乐之本。二、学情分析二年级学生好奇心强,爱动,好玩,好探究,他们对英语学习有了一定的兴趣,形成了一定的语言学习习惯。从故事的导入开始,借助故事背景创设符合文本的有效情境,一下子抓住学生的眼球,让他们带着欣喜和好奇自然地进入认知的路径,教学也就随着孩子们的兴趣自然而然

2、地启动。三、教学重点会表达“Im thirsty/hungry/tired.”四、教学难点 学生理解并表演图片内容,结合新单词表演故事五、教学设计Step1. Warm up.Hows the weather? Its sunny. Lets go to the forest and sing a song.(设计意图:设置在晴天去森林游玩的教学情境,激发学生的学习兴趣,为Baby Bear 的出现做铺垫。)Step2. Lead in the story.In the forest, we met Baby Bear and his family. (播放音频)say hello to Ba

3、by Bear. (播放音频) who can introduce Baby Bears family?(设计意图:引导学生用句型This is 来介绍Baby Bears family)Ill tell you a story. Watch the story and answer questions:Are the three bears at home? Who came to the house? (设计意图:播放故事引导学生入境,提出问题,启发学生思考,使学生基本了解故事的概况,为模仿和体验做好基本准备。)Step3. Presentation.1. Listen and answe

4、r: Are the three bears at home? (播放音频)Ss:No. T: Its sunny. Lets go out. S2: OK, Lets go. 引导学生进行对话练习2. Look and say. Its sunny. I want to skate. What do you want to do?看图对话,引导学生练习I want to句型。What can you see? A nice house.感知nice 的含义。师生进行自由对话,鼓励学生大胆发言(设计意图:情境式故事输入,学生带着问题进入故事情境,了解故事的基本内容,探究活动使教学自然展开,学生

5、学习积极而有趣。)3. Lets say. (播放音频,提出问题) Who is hungry, thirsty and tired?将hungry, thirsty, 两个单词展开,学习句型: Im I want someListen and say. 根据课文提出问题Does Lucy like the soup? Why? (设计意图:新词呈现部分,采用问题情境来引发学生的学习思维,让学生用自主探究的方式去获取新知。)Step4. ExerciseLets act. If you were animals in the forest, youre hungry, thirsty, wha

6、t do you want to eat? What do you want to drink?Lets say. Im tired. Are you tired? I want to 借助图片讲解sleep, 学生练习I want to 句式。强调字母组合ee发音,让学生感知字母组合ee在其他单词中的发音。Step5. Task reading.Listen and answer. (播放音频)Is the chair hard? Is the bed soft?Choose and complete. Choose the word and complete the sentences.

7、(设计意图:通过一系列问题引导学生理解故事内容。扣住文本对话的主要内容,学生在提纲挈领的问题主旨下获取信息,理解对话。)Step6. Role reading.Read the picture 9 and picture 10.(设计意图:分角色朗读带领学生进入故事情境,朗读活动使学生产生模仿的意识,并且使学生熟悉了人物与语言之间的联系。)If you met Lucy, can you help her? There is an old saying in China. Helping others is the root of happiness. If someone help you

8、, you should say “thank you”.(设计意图:通过故事的学习,让学生体会到助人为快乐之本。)Step7. Consolidation.Try to act out the story. (设计意图:重构文本,提取故事的精华,鼓励学生想一想,演一演。)Step8. Homework.Try to retell the story.Try to act out the story. (设计意图:让每个孩子喜爱故事,让每个孩子享受英语。)六、板书设计 Unit 12 A girl and three bears. Im hungry. I want some_. thirsty. tired. I want to_.



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