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1、2022年考博英语-北京大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题( ) that should be given priority to.问题1选项A.It is the committee has decidedB.It is only the committee has decidedC.It is what the committee has decidedD.It is what has the committee decided【答案】C【解析】考查强调句型。该句强调部分是被动句的主语what the committee has decided。句意:委员会的决定应该优先执行

2、。因此C选项符合题意。2. 单选题All the mountains are stunningly beautiful, and there are( )valleys and the smell of peat from every cottage.问题1选项A.woodenB.woodedC.woodingD.woods【答案】B【解析】考查形近词辨析。有题干得知,空格后为名词,因此应填入形容词。wooden“木制的;呆板的”;wooded“树木繁茂额,森林多的”;wooding无形容词用法;woods“木材”,也无形容词用法。修饰valley“山谷”的词应为wooded,因此B选项符合题

3、意。3. 单选题Microsoft founder Bill Gates has ( ) about being a parent, stating that 13 is an appropriate age for a childs first cell phone.问题1选项A.opened upB.taken upC.put upD.held up【答案】A【解析】考查动词词组辨析。open up“坦诚地说,开辟,打开”;take up“开始从事,占用”;put up“提供,提出,建造”;hold up“举起”。句意:微软创始人比尔盖茨坦言为人父母之道,表明13岁是孩子拥有第一部手机的合

4、适年龄。因此A选项符合题意。4. 单选题Charles Darwins “On the Origin of Species” is credited with sparking evolutions revolution in scientific thought, but many observers had pondered evolution before him. It was understanding the ideas significance and selling it to the public that made Darwin great, according to th

5、e Arnold arboretums new director.William Friedman, the Arnold Professor of Organism and Evolutionary Biology who took over as arboretum director Jan.1 has studied Darwins writings as well as those of his predecessors and contemporaries. While Darwin is widely credited as the father of evolution, Fri

6、edman said the “historical sketch” that Darwin attached to later printings of his masterpiece was intended to mollify those who demanded credit for their own earlier ideas.The historical sketch grew with each subsequent printing, Friedman told an audience Monday (Jan. 10),until, by the 6th edition,

7、34 authors were mentioned in it. Scholars now believe that somewhere between 50 and 60 authors had beaten Darwin in their writings about evolution. Included was Darwins grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, a physician who irritated clergymen with his insistence that life arose from lower forms, specifically

8、 mollusks.Friedmans talk, “A Darwinian Look at Darwins Evolutionist Ancestors,” took place at the arboretums Hunnewell Building and was the first in a new Directors Lecture Series.Though others had clearly pondered evolution before Darwin, he wasnt without originality. Friedman said that Darwins thi

9、nking on natural selection as the mechanism of evolution was shared by few, most prominently Alfred Wallace, whose writing on the subject after years in the field spurred Darwins writing of “On the Origin of Species”. Although the book runs more than 400 pages, Friedman said it was never the book on

10、 evolution and natural selection that Darwin intended. In 1856, three years before the book was published, he began work on a detailed tome on natural selection that wouldnt see publication until 1975.The seminal event in creating “On the Origin of Species” occurred in 1858, when Wallace wrote Darwi

11、n detailing Wallaces ideas of evolution by natural selection. The arrival of Wallaces ideas galvanized Darwin into writing “ On the Origin of Species ” as an “ abstract ” of the ideas he was painstakingly laying out in the larger work. This was a lucky break for Darwin, because it forced him to writ

12、e his ideas in plain language, which led to a book that was not only revolutionary, despite those whod tread similar ground before, but that was also very readable.Though others thought about evolution before Darwin, scientific discovery requires more than just an idea. In addition to the concept, d

13、iscovery requires the understanding of the significance of the idea, something some of the earlier authors clearly did not have 一 such as the arborist who buried his thoughts on natural selection in the appendix of a book on naval timber. Lastly, scientific discovery demands the ability to convince

14、others of the correctness of an idea. Darwin, through “On the Origin of Species,” was the only thinker of the time who had all three of those traits, Friedman said.“Darwin had the ability to convince others of the correctness of the idea,” Friedman said, adding that even Wallace, whose claim to new

15、thinking on evolution and natural selection was stronger than all the others, paid homage to Darwin by titling his 1889 book on the subject, “ Darwinism. 1.According to William Friedman, Darwins “On the Origin of Species” is great in that _.2.Friedman believes that Darwin attached a “historical sketch” to later printings of his book in an attempt to _.3.In Friedmans view, Darwins originality lies in _.4.We have learned that at first Darwin intended to write his idea in()5.Scientific discovery required all the following Except( )问题1选项A.i


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