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1、第三讲 形容词、副词、介词(短语)形容词和副词是历年高考的必考点,是考生做好英语语法填空题和短文改错题必须要掌握的知识。形容词主要用来修饰名词和代词,表示事物或人的性质和特征。副词主要用来修饰动词、形容词、副词甚至是句子。高考对形容词和副词的考查主要体现在以下几方面:1.形容词和副词的基本用法,主要涉及名词、形容词、副词之间的词性转化;2.形容词和副词比较等级的用法;3.易混淆的形容词和副词的用法。(一)语法填空常考点典题感悟(考什么、怎么考)谨记规律(为什么、怎么办)(2016全国卷)If you feel stressed by responsibilities at work, you

2、should take a step back and identify (识别) those of greater (great) and less importance.(2014全国卷)Finally, that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is cleaner (clean) than ever.(2014辽宁高考)The harder (hard) you try to beat him, the more likely you will get hit.He controls you!(2014广东高考)Aft

3、er our plane landed, we went to the hotel. We had made our reservation six months earlier (early), but the man at the front desk said there had been a mistake.比较级常考查的四种情况:(1)句中含有“than .”结构用比较级。(2)句中虽然没有“than .”结构,但暗含比较的意味,也用比较级。(3)表示“越就越”用“the比较级 ., the比较级.”结构。(4)常放在比较级前面用来修饰比较级的词和短语有much, far, stil

4、l, even, rather, a little, a bit, a lot, a great deal 及数字、倍数等。I can hardly believe that Betty can speak Chinese as fluently (fluent) as we do.平级比较的两个基本句式:(1)as形容词(副词)原级as .“和一样”。not as/so形容词(副词)原级as .“不如”。(2)as形容词原级a(n)n.as .“和一样”。How beautifully she sings! I have never heard a better (good) voice.否

5、定词no, not, never等与比较级连用可表示最高级意义。I now turn out to be a great speaker. Looking back, I know the greatest (great) difficulty on our way to success is our fear, overcome it and we will be able to achieve our goals.最高级的一个基本结构:表达在某个范围内“最”,使用“the最高级比较范围”结构。形容词和副词的比较等级典题感悟(考什么、怎么考)常设错点(为什么、怎么办)(2016全国卷)The

6、 teenage years from 13 to 19 were the most difficult time for me. They were also the best and worse years in my life.(2016四川高考)The dishes that I cooked were Moms favoritest.(2015陕西高考)My mum makes the better biscuits in the world, so I decided to ask her for help.比较等级的错用(1)比较级与最高级的错用。表示二者比较用比较级;表示三者或

7、三者以上比较用最高级(2)原级与比较级的错用。若句中有than或暗含比较意味用比较级,若没有比较意味或表示同等程度的比较则用原级(3)没有比较等级的形容词和副词absolute(ly)绝对的(地)entire(ly)完全的(地)complete(ly)完整的(地) thorough(ly)彻底的(地)perfect(ly)完美的(地) favorite最喜欢的(2013全国卷)I remember my grandfather very much.意近引起的错用有些形容词或副词意思相近但不能混用,例如,表示记得很“清楚”,应用clearly/well,而不能用much。(2016全国卷)How

8、ever, my parents didnt seem to think such.(2016浙江高考)When I was a very young child, my father created a regular practice I remember well years late.(2014辽宁高考)Beside, Cleo tends to bark an average of six hours a day.(2013四川高考)I found the test difficult, but I tried hardly to do it.The industry of Fran

9、ce was not yet high developed at that time.形近引起的错用(1)such与so:so是副词,可以放在形容词或副词之前作状语; such是代词或限定词,可用来修饰名词,作定语。(2)late, later, lately:late adj.迟到,近深夜的adv.迟,晚later(也是late的比较级)adj.后来的,以后的adv.后来,以后lately adv.(recently)最近,近来(3)besides与beside:besides作介词,后应接宾语,表示“除之外(还)”;作副词,表示与上文的递进关系,意为“此外”;beside只能作介词,意为“

10、在旁边(或附近)”。(4)意义有别的同根副词close靠近(通常指距离)closely密切地,仔细地hard努力地,费力地 hardly几乎不(5)表示宽、高、深的副词都有两种形式,以ly结尾的表示抽象意义,与形容词同形的表示具体意义。wide宽地widely广泛地high高地highly高度地 deep深地 deeply深深地(二)短文改错常考点高考对介词的考查主要集中在介词的基本用法及介词与其他词构成的固定短语的用法上。语法填空题对介词的考查形式为纯空格,即没有提示词,这对考生正确理解句意提出了较高的要求。短文改错题对介词的考查主要涉及介词的多余、缺失或误用,其中固定搭配中介词的误用是考查

11、的重点。(一)语法填空常考点1固定搭配中的介词典题感悟(考什么、怎么考)谨记规律(为什么、怎么办)(2016全国卷)But my connection with pandas goes back to my days on a TV show in the mid1980s.(2016全国卷)Most of us are more focused on our tasks in the morning than we are later in the day.(2015全国卷)For those who fly to Guilin, its only an hour away by car a

12、nd offers all the scenery of the betterknown city.(2015全国卷)When a new day breaks, the walls have given up their heat and are now cold enough to cool the house during the hot day; at the same time, they warm up again for the night.(2015广东高考)He sold or exchanged some of the milk in the towns nearby fo

13、r other food and made cheese and butter for the family with what was left.(2015湖北高考改编)This meeting room is a nonsmoking area. I would like to warn you in advance that if you smoked here you would be fined.(2014辽宁高考)OK. Dont laugh at me. I may look funny.(2015陕西高考改编)The little pupil took his grandma

14、by_the arm and walked her across the street.(2015重庆高考改编)Last year was the warmest year on record, with global temperature 0.68 above the average.(2016济南一模)Its obvious that the new manager is rich in experience.(2016福建四地六校联考)My brother likes eating very much but he isnt very particular about the food

15、 he eats.介词名词at名词at sea, at work, at lunch, at risk, at table, at rest, at the same timein名词in advance, in case, in charge, in common, in demand, in fact, in order, in progress, in return, in turn, in vainon名词on purpose, on leave, on holiday, on strike, on sale, on guard, on foot, on time, on the contrary, on behalf of, on averageunder名词under observation, under construction, under consideration, under repairout of名词out of breath, out of balance, out of date, out of control, o


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