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1、1.1. Automatic 自动Selecting the automatic mode within the various modes, you enable the web guide in the automatic control mode. In this mode automatic correction function is used to correct the measured error. The display visualizes the following window.在各种不同的模式中选择自动模式,此系统进入自动控制模式。在此模式下,自动纠正功能 被用来纠正

2、测量出的错误。显示屏出现如下界面:Auto 0( 0) It is possible to change the offset values (initially set at zero by the system), by introducing a new setpoint reference value. Pressing the arrow keys in automatic mode, it is possible to increase and decrease the setpoint reference value. If the system doesnt get a pro

3、per scanning head signal the error is out of tolerance the red Alarm LED is turned on. Pressing the arrow keys together with the OK button the manual low speed movement is activated. To exit from the automatic mode press the Esc key.可以改变开始值(系统初始化设置为0),通过引入新的设置点参考值。在自动模式下按箭 头键,可以增加或减少设置点参考值。如果系统无法获得正

4、确的扫描信号或者错误超出承受 的范围,红色的警报灯会亮。同时按下箭头键和 OK 键,启动低速移动。退出自动模式按 ESC 键。1.2. Sensor setup 探头设置In sensor setup mode the system can be programmed to work in various operational conditions: 探头设置模式可以设定不同参数以适应不同的工作条件: Edge scan: Right edge (DX), Left edge (SX) and Line control. Light select: Led (direct) and Dif

5、(diffused). Diffused light is useful for reflecting materialsSensor output: S1(sensor 1) and S2 (sensor 2)检测类型:右边缘(DX),左边缘(SX),线条照明灯类型:LED (直射型)和DIF (散射型)散射型适合于反光材料。输出探头:S1 (探头1)和S2 (探头2)Sen sor Sett ingSet v| vLed The machine parameters are used to set the different functionalities of the system. T

6、hese parameters are programmed when the system is installed but they can be changed afterwards by the enabled operator.用参数来设置此系统不同的功能。安装系统的时候设置这些参数,但是操作员可以再更改。To enter the programming of the machine parameters, it is sufficient to insert correctly the password after selecting the Memory mode (passwo

7、rd may be disabled). After that, it is possible to enter the parameters programming. To exit the parameters programming mode, press Esc key.在设置机器的参数时,先选择记忆模式输入正确的密码(密码可能失效)。然后可以设置参 数。退出参数设置模式,按 ESC 键。The displayed parameter is selected by pressing with arrow keys. To change a parameter value press t

8、he OK key and the cursor moves to the value field which can be changed using the arrow keys. After each number press the OK key to move to the following number, and at the end accept changes by pressing OK key once more. To cancel the modifications press the Esc key. To exit from the programming mod

9、e press the Esc key.通过按箭头键来选择参数。改变参数值按OK键,用箭头键使光标移动到所需要的数值。在 每一个数字后按OK键来移动到下一个数字,最后在确定的更改后再按一定OK键。要取消 更改按ESC键。退出设置模式按ESC键。Memory vGKPValue00100The machine parameters are numeric values used to program and configure the SELEGUIDE 9000 system. The parameters values should be checked for each specific

10、application. It is advised to write down the programmed parameter values after installing the system. Programming of these parameters requires a good knowledge of the system functionality and on the purpose of the various parameters.用这些参数值来设置SELEGUIDE 9000。在每一次具体的应用时要检查这些参数值。建意 在安装系统之后记下设置的参数值。设置这些参

11、数必须很了解此系统的性能。1.3. List of Parameters 参数清单1.3.1. GKPProportional gain 比例增益Usage:Proportional gain factor in correction mode.Description:This gain factor is used to calculate the correction of the error to find the proportional part of the error correction.Range:0 32767Default:100用法: 纠正模式中的比例增益系数。类型:此

12、增益系数通过计算纠正的错误,分析纠错的比例 范围:0 32767默认:1001.3.2. GKD - Derivative gain 微分增益Usage:Derivative gain factor in correction mode.Description:This gain factor is used to calculate the correction of the error to find the derivative part of the error correction.Range:0 32767Default:0用法:纠正模式中的微分增益系数 类型:此增益系数通过计算纠

13、正的错误,分析纠错的微分部分 范围:0 32767默认:01.3.3. GKI - Integrative gain 积分增益Usage:Derivative gain factor in correction mode.Description:This gain factor is used to calculate the correction of the error to find the integrative part of the error correction.Range:0 32767Default:0用法:纠正模式中的积分增益系数 类型:此增益系数通过计算纠正的错误,分析

14、纠错的积分部分 范围:0 32767默认:01.3.4. GIL - Integrative limit 积分极限Usage:Max limit of the integrative sum.Description:This field is used to limit the accumulative sum of the integrative factor.Range:0 32767Default:0用法:积分总数的最大极限 类型:限制积分系数的积聚的总数 范围:0 32767 默认:01.3.5. VMI - Minimum correction speed 最小修正速度Usage:M

15、inimum speed of correction.Description:This field indicate the minimum speed to apply to the correction motor. It permits to eliminate the inertia in the correction motor.Range:0 255Default:10用法:最小修正速度 类型:显示运用纠正电机时的最小速度。允许排除纠正电机的惯性 范围:0 255默认:101.3.6. VMA - Maximum correction speed 最大修正速度Usage:Maximum speed of correction.Description:This field indicate the maximum speed to apply to the correction motor. It permits to eliminate the over correction of the error.Range:0 255Default:255用法:最大修正速度 类型:显示运用纠正电机时的最大速度。允许排除过度修正 范围:0 255默认:1271.3.7. VMN - Manual speed 手动驱动速度



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