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1、牛津小学英语5B Unit 8 At the weekends 第一课时【教学目标】 1. 语言知识1.能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对。2.能正确地听、说、读、写单词talk, learn from, sport, of course, very。 3.能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语和词组I can learn a lot from it. Of course, I can.2. 语言技能在老师的帮助下能很好的理解课文,能根据图片提供的情景进行描述课文。3. 情感态度培养学生乐于用英语与伙伴们进行交流的兴趣。【教学重点】1四会单词和句型的掌握。2.能正确理解、掌握A部分会话。

2、【教学难点】1.能比较流畅的朗读对话,并能在掌握对话的基础上分角色表演。2. 课文的朗读与理解。【课前准备】1.教具准备:单词、挂图、录音机、磁带和图片。2.板书准备:预先写好课题Unit 8 At the weekends【教学过程】Step 1Preparation1、Free talk T: Nice to see you again, boys and girls .Ss: Nice to see you , Miss Zhang.T: Whos on duty today?S: I am .Today is Friday.2、T : Oh,“weekend” is coming(新授

3、单词weekend,揭题).Today well learn Unit8 At the weekends.Step 2. Presentation and practice1、师生交流周末活动,引导学生学习单词often, spend, course, Sometimes.T: I like weekends very much .Because I can do many things at the weekends. I can watch TV、listen to music、surf the Internet and so on. Do you like weekends?S: Yes

4、 , I do .T: You can say another way“Of course, I do.”T: Can you tell me what do you usually do at the weekends?S: I usually.T: How about you?S: I usually.T: You also can say “I often”.(启发回答)what do you often do at the weekends?How do you spend your weekends?S:I often.T: Do you want to know how do I

5、spend my weekends?Ss: Of course, I do.T: You can ask me loudly: Miss Zhang, How do you spend your weekends?Ss: How do you spend your weekends?T:I often surf the Internet at weekends .Because I can learn a lot from it . Do you surf the Internet at weekends?Ss: 引导用Of course, I do .来回答T: But Sometimes

6、I.2学习句型How does he/she spend his/her weekends?T: Well done, Please practise with your partner, then tell me how does your partners weekends.3.Say a rhyme英语教学中教师要根据小学生的特点和教学内容,把握好课堂教学节奏,要善于调节课堂教学氛围,使学生能随着积极的教学气氛进而不断地调节自己的学习积极性,保持旺盛的学习精力。需采用唱、游、演等活动,动静结合,在“动”中学。例如:Surf,surf, surf the Internet.Play,pla

7、y,play basketball.Go,Go,go climbing.Do,do,do housework.Step 3. Production 1、T: Boys and girls,(出示挂图)Look at the children,what are they doing now? How do they spend their weekends?Lets listen to the tape and answer the questions. a.What day is it today? b.What are the students doing?2The students lis

8、ten to the tape and try to understand the passage.(学生听引言部分的句子,试着理解句子。)3Discuss the questions.(引出新授词组talk about。)4How do the students spend their weekends? Lets listen to the tape completely and think over it.(让学生整体感知对话内容,总体描述课文中人物的一些周末活动。)5、Read and fill ,Sometimes用 Often用 。NameSportMikeHelenYang Li

9、ngWang BingSu HaiSurf the internetGo swimmingPlay basketballGo climbingListen to musicGo to the cinemaGo to the parkDo houseworkWatch cartoonsCatch butterflies6、Check the answers.7、Read after the tape.8、自读、分角色朗读课文。(进一步强化复习,巩固新授内容,从而更有效地掌握课文。)Step 4. ProgressT:Now Mike is telling his parents about hi

10、s classmatesactivitis at the weekends. Please try to complete the passage.(根据课文内容完成短文填空。)At the weekends,Wang Bing often_the Internet, sometimes he_swimming or Basketball.He likes_.Helen likes _ TV,she and Yang Ling often housework.At home,the twins (双胞胎) often_cartoons.Sometimes _butterflies in the park.Homework:1. Read Part A three times. 2. Talk about your weekends with your partners.【板书设计】Unit 8 At the weekends How do you spend your weekends? How does he/she spend his/her weekends? Wang Bing surf the Internet play basketball go swimming


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