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1、市四小2013-2014学年第一学期期末检测三年级 英语一 下给列单词选择正确的汉语意思 (12分) ( )1. train A 火车 B 公交车( )2. panda A熊猫 B 鸭子( )3. cake A汉堡 B 蛋糕( )4. rice A米饭 B 面条( )5. hand A头 B 手( )6. knee A膝盖 B 腿二 选出下列每组单词中与众不同的一项 (10分) ( )1. A. cat B. bag C. bird ( )2, A. bike B. bus C. ball( )3. A. pen B. pencil C. milk( )4. A. leg B. foot C.

2、monkey( )5. A. blue B.apple C. Banana三 单项选择 (20分)( )1. Whats name? My name is Dabing. A. I B. you C. Your( )2. Good morning. Good . .A. morning B. afternoon C. evening( )3. Look my nose. A. in B. on C. at( )4. are you? Fine, thank you.A. what B. How C. Who( )5. I have doll.A. a B. an C. /( )6. I see

3、 it? A. Am B. Can C. Are( )7. Heres a cake you . A. to B. for C. on( )8. This my plane. A. is B. am C. are( )9. Nice meet you. A. to B. for C. too( )10. Hello! I Peter. A. is B. am C. are四根据A栏的句子,在B栏中选择相应的答语。 (12分)( )1. Whats your name? A. Its black.( )2. What colour is it? B. Glad to meet you, too.

4、( )3. How are you? C. Bye, Kate!( )4. Look, I have a ball. D. Fine, thank you.( )5. Goodbye! E. Wow! How big.( )6. Glad to meet you. F. My name is LiYan.五情景选择 (20分)( )1.当你想让别人看你的眼睛时,应该说: A.Look at my eye. B. Look at my ear. ( )2. 当别人对你说“Thank you”时,你会说:A. Here you are. B.Youre welcome.( )3. 当你想称赞别人的

5、小汽车很棒时,你会说:A. The car is super. B.Sure( )4. 你想告诉别人你有一个新的玩具娃娃时,你会说:A. I have a new ball. B. I have a new doll. ( )5.当你想对别人表示你喜欢热狗时,你会说:A. I like hot dogs. B. I like hamburgers.( )6.当朋友请你吃苹果,而你不想吃,你应说:A. Here you are. B. No, thanks.( )7.当你想告诉小朋友,熊猫是黑白相间时,你应说:A.The panda is black. B.The panda is black

6、and white.( )8.当你想祝你的朋友生日快乐时,你会说:A. Happy birthday. B.Thank your apples.( )9.你想看看别人的新书包,你应说:A. Show me your new book. B. Show me your new bag.( )10.当你向别人介绍你的妈妈时,应怎样说:A. This is my mother. B. This is my friend.六小小翻译家。 (12分)1. Here you are. 2. I like hamburgers.3. The apple is red.4. Look at my nose.5

7、. I have a new car6. Good afternoon.七给下列句子选择正确的英文翻译 (14分)( )1. 我喜欢米饭 A. I like chicken. B. I like rice. ( )2. 你叫什么名字?A. Whats your name? B. Whats my name?( )3. 晚安A. Good morning! B. Good night!( )4. 我能看看它吗?A. Can I help you? B. Can I see it? ( )5. 我能喝一些果汁吗?A. Can I have some juice? B. Can I have some water?( )6. 谢谢你A.Im sorry. B.Thank you.( )7. 吃一个苹果A.Have an apple. B. Have a pear



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