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1、人教高中英语必修要点短语句型总结必修五Unit 1必背短语 / put forward = come up with提出draw a conclusion得出结论In conclusion最后conclude sth from.从.推断出 .be infected with染上 .(疾病)scientific research科学研究remove.from.把.从.移开,去除expose.to. 使.裸露于 .be exposed to.裸露于cure sb of sth治疗某人某病 inform sb of sth通知某人某事accuse sb of sth 指控某人某罪 remind sb

2、 of sth使某人想起某事 rid sb of sth使某人挣脱某事rob sb of sth抢劫某人某物suspect sb of sth思疑某人某事in the neighborhood在周边 在周边link A to B = connect A with B = relate A to B将 A与 B联系起来combine A with B将A和B结合起来with certainty确定地contribute sth to.向.捐献,捐款;给 .供应(忠告、建议);投稿contribute to sth = lead to sth有助于,是 .的原因;促进某事物make a contr

3、ibution to.= make contributions to.为.做出贡献apart from = besides.之“外除,而且”或是 expect“除.之外”positive 积极的 必定的 确实的 negative消极的 否定的be strict with.对.严格的make sense有意义 讲得通 make no sense没意义,讲不通make sense of. 理解 理解 common sense知识be enthusiastic about.对.充满热情be cautious about.对.小心的,谨慎的attend a meeting/a lecture/scho

4、ol参加会议/听报告/上学attend (on/upon) sb照顾某人;侍奉某人attend to办理 对付 款待 专心 注意face /meet a challenge面对 / 对付挑战absorb sb s attention吸引某人的注意力be absorbed in.全神贯注于 .suspect sb to be.思疑某人是 .blame sb for (doing) sth因(做)某事而责备某人be to blame(for sth)(对某事 )负有责任,(因某事 )应受责备blame sth on sb把某事归咎到某人身上announce sth to sb向某人宣布、通知某事I

5、t s announced that.据宣布instruct sb to do sth命令某人做某事follow one s instructions/advice遵照某人的指示/ 建议lift up举起 抬高prevent.from.=stop.from.=keep.from.阻拦 .做.so clever a child = such a clever childcome to an end结束lead to以致 通向at times有时be responsible for = take the responsibility for对.负责make room for为.腾地方必修五Unit

6、 2必背短语the United Kingdom结合王国the United Nations结合国the United States美国consist of.= be made up of.由.组成divide .into.把.分成 .(整体分成部分)separate.from.将.分分开,隔断clarify one s views/position澄清,说明某人的见解 / 立场be unwilling to do不愿意做某事to one s credit为.带来荣誉,值得赞美,在.名下 on credit以赊购方式conflict with.与.相矛盾for one s convenienc

7、e为了某人方便起见at one s convenience在某人方便的时候If it is convenient for/to you若是你方便的话It is convenient for sb to do sth对于某人来说做某事方便attract one s attention(to.)吸引某人.的注意力于attract sb to sth 吸引某人注意到某事attraction 吸引力,吸引人的事物 / 地方leave out 省去 遗漏 不考虑 leave alone无论 别惹 让.独自待着leave aside搁置 leave behind忘带留下 leave for sp 出发去某

8、地leave off 停止 中断 let out 发出quarrel with sb about sth就某事与某人争论take the place of = take one代替s placebreak away from.挣脱 (拘束 )走开 break through 获取打破break down机器损坏 损坏 身体垮 精神崩溃 汽车抛锚break into闯进 突然开始 break out爆发 突然发生break up 分手 分裂 崩溃 break off中断 break in 打断 插嘴arrange sth for sb为某人安排某事arrange for sb to do sth

9、安排某人做某事(much) to one s delight = to one s (great)令人delight(很)快乐的是What delights me most is.最让我快乐的是 .be delighted at/with/by因.快乐be consistent with.与.一致的make a list of.列.的清单remain standing for one thousand years已然矗立千年on special occasions在特其余时辰It s a pity that he didnt accept the job.It s a pity that.令.

10、人遗憾的是必修五Unit3必背短语sth leave/make a(n)good/bad/deep impression on sb.某物给某人留下好 / 坏/ 深刻的印象sb be impressed by/with sth某人对某事印象深刻impress sth on sb使某人铭记某事impressive adj.印象深刻的take up拿起;接受;开始;连续;占用 take off 脱下 腾跃 成功 take down记下 takeover接收 接收take in吸取 理解 收留 欺骗take on表现(新容颜意思等) take over接收 接收set up建立give up放弃tu

11、rn up调高 出现pick up捡起 好转 收听有时学会染上 hold up 耽搁 阻拦suffer from受到;忍受as a result结果,因此as a result of=because of=due to=owing to=thanks tosb/sth由于 由于be similar to sth.与.相似previous to sth.在.从前;先于be surrounded by被.所包围surroundingsn. 环境tolerate/stand/bear/put up with doing容忍做某事tolerancen. 忍受lack for nothing什么也不缺a lack of sth.缺乏某物for lack of sth由于缺乏某物be lacking in缺乏 .be back on one s feet恢复


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