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1、Cloze Test 高三(14、16)班 刘泽莉教学基本信息课题 Cloze Test 学科英语学段高中年级高三教材一、指导思想与理论依据根据考纲对短文改错题的设计和命题,考察学生在阅读理解的基础上对语法和语用知识的掌握情况,通过语篇的形式,着重考察考生的综合语言运用能力。二、教学背景分析题型分析 2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试大纲的说明(课程标准实验版)就短文改错的设计与形式给出了具体的说明:共10小题,每小题1分。在一篇100-120词左右的语言材料中有10处错误,每句最多两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或划掉。要求学生10分钟内完成10处错误。学生情况 短文改错题是学生的失分

2、最多的题。主要是很多学生不重视复习语法的知识点,通过这部分题型考点的分析,应该能够让他们重视语法知识点的复习。大部分学生最多只能改到两三个错误。三、教学目标(含重、难点)Goals:1. Let students master what will be tested in cloze test by analyzing the sample tests.2. Make students know how to make effective preparation for the cloze test.3. Students can build up confidence to do the c

3、loze test in exam.教学重点1. Let students master what will be tested in a cloze test by analyzing the sample tests2. Make students know how to make effective preparation for the cloze test.教学难点 Let students master what will be tested in a cloze test by analyzing the sample tests. 技术准备Multi-media blackbo

4、ard and worksheets四、教学流程示意 Checking and thinking Analyzing and researching Lead- in Cloze Test PracticeSum upHomework五、教学过程I. Lead- in (2minutes)T: Today well learn something more about Cloze Test. Are you ready?Ss: Yeah! Were ready.T: Very good. Firstly, Id like you to know the goals of the lesson.

5、 Please look at the blackboard .Are you clear?Ss: . 【设计意图】通过让学生了解本节课的教学目标,使学生对本节课的目标明确.II. Checking and thinking(8minutes)T: Look at the screen and take out the exercise .Have you finished it? Next, Lets check your answers. To the first sentence, whats your idea? Whats your answer? Ss;T: Any questio

6、ns? Ss; After finishing checkingT: Who would like to share your ideas about how you finished the sample exercise? (Ask several students to give their ideas.)Ss:T: Well done, lets conclude your ideas. Firstly, look through the passage to get the main idea. Secondly, pay attention to analyze long and

7、complex sentence structures. Thirdly, focus on context of situation. Finally, check what you correct are grammatical and work out the difficulties.【设计意图】通过核对并分析2014年高考样题,从而掌握考点。培养学生分析问题,解决问题的能力。III. Analyzing and researching(15minutes)T:Lets look at the sample and find out what are tested in it .How

8、 many verbs are tested ,including Predicate and non-infinitive? How many conjunctions? Adjective? Adverb? Pronoun? Article? Modal verb? Noun?Besides, prepositions, auxiliaries, phrases and special sentence patterns are the key points to be tested. According to what we just learned, try to turn the p

9、assage into a cloze test. Besides, these points should be tested in the cloze test. If necessary, you can discuss with other students or ask me for help.After several minutesT: Have you done that? You know different people have different ideas. Let me show you one possible version. And check what po

10、ints are tested. Ss:III. Practising and improving (15minutes)T: To make you master what will be tested in cloze test. Now, in your worksheet, finish cloze 1 in 10 minutes. After students finish, check the answer.【设计意图】学生通过限时独立完成一篇短文改错题,提高学生熟练掌握考点和分析解决问题的能力。IV. Sum up(5minutes) Today, we just learned

11、 what would be tested in cloze test and concluded some skills to solve problems. However, if you want to improve your ability to do cloze test, you should practise more 【设计意图】通过总结和学生自我评价,引导学生进一步有效复习。V. Homework Finish the two exercises after class.【设计意图】通过课后完成两篇练习,进一步训练学生熟练掌握考点并运用本节课所学到的答题技巧。板书设计:Go

12、als:1. Master what will be tested in cloze test 2. Know how to make effective preparation for the cloze test.3. Build up confidence to do the cloze test in exam.六、学习效果评价设计自我评价表我能做的事情Self-evaluation我能了解并熟练掌握常考的语法点。54321我能通过做练习题分析考点,并掌握应对方法。54321我能把学到的答题技巧运用到短文改错题中。54321通过备考策略和答题技巧,我能树立做短文改错题的信心。54321


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