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1、全套设计(图纸)加 401339828摘 要 专业论文设计图纸资料在线提供,优质质量,答辩必过液压机是一种利用液体压力能来传递能量,以实现各种压力加工工艺的机器。复杂形状的大型薄板拉伸件或薄筒型件,宜于在双动拉伸液压机上进行拉伸。液压系统采用大流量插装阀系统。模具行业、汽车行业、家电等行业有广泛的应用。通过对液压机的特点及分类的分析,确定了本课题的主要设计内容。在确定了液压机初步设计方案后,决定采用传统理论方法对 6301030 设计、计算、强度校核,采用 AutoCAD 设计软件对上横梁、底座、拉伸滑块、压边滑块、拉伸缸、压边缸、顶出缸、立柱、机身结构进行了工程绘图,确定其液压系统的设计方案

2、,给出了液压系统的工作说明书,并对其进行了可行性分析,最后对整个设计进行系统分析,得出整个设计切实可行。 关键词:液压机、液压成形、液压系统 I Abstract of By analyzing the hydraulic-press machine both in domestic and foreign, this main content the article was determined. After determining the preliminary design plan o f the hydraulic-press machine, the traditional met

3、hods was used to design and examination the body of Y28-500/800 hydraulic-press machine .The 2D and 3D graph about the top-beam, lower-beam, active beam, goes against the cylinder, the column, the final assembly drawing were draw by using the software of AutoCAD and Pro/E. Meanwhile, I also used the

4、 software of ANSYS to finite element analysis of key parts. After referring to the hydraulic system of hydraulic, the hydraulic press has three beams and four columns, which was produced by someone company and consulting massive books about it, designing the project of the hydraulic system, and draw

5、ing up the schematic diagram of the hydraulic system, at the same time, producing the manual of the hydraulic system, and analyzing the feasibility of it. Finally, a total analysis to the whole design was done, and the result that the whole design was feasible. Keywords Hydraulic press Body of struc

6、ture Hydraulic system 目 录 1 概论 . 1 1.1 液压传动与控制概述 . 1 1.2 液压机的工作原理与组成 . 1 1.3 液压机的分类及型号 . 4 1.4 液压机的基本参数 . 5 1.5 液压机的发展史及特点 . 6 2 液压机本体结构及设计理论 . 9 2.1 液压机本体的特点及用途 . 9 2.2 主要技术规格 . 10 2.3 液压缸的设计、计算及校核 .11 2.3.1 液压缸的部件 .11 2.3.2 液压缸的设计、计算及校核 .11 2.3.3 液压缸的结构计算和校核 . 13 2.4 柱塞 . 20 2.4.1 柱塞的结构. 20 2.4.2 柱塞的表面质量 . 20 2.5 立柱设计、计算及校核 . 21 2.5.1 概述 . 21 2.5.2 受力分析 . 21 2.6 横梁设计、计算及校核 . 30 2.6.1 横梁的结构设计 . 30 2.6.2 横梁的强度与刚度计算 . 32 3 液压系统设计 . 37 3.1 明确系统的设计要求 . 3



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