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1、Period 1 ReadingThe General Idea of This Period:This period in eludes Warming up, Readi ng and Comprehe nding ofUnit 1t introduces the story of the Amber Room , which can help the students learn how to talk about cultural relics and realize that we should protect cultural relics and what should be d

2、one with the cultural relics.The students also can learn how to talk about cultural relics and learn some read ing strategies such as skimmi ng and sca nni ngpscrsuTeaching Aims1. Learn the following useful words and phrases fancy, style, jewel , in return , reception , light , mirror , wonder, at w

3、ar, remove, furniture , secretly, woode n, doubt, rema in, mystery, apart, take apartXX2bscrsu2. Help the students understand the structure o f the following sentences 5XX2bscrsuIn return, the Czar gave the King of Prussia 55 o f his best soldiers.P2xx2bscrsuThis was a time whe n the two coun tries

4、were at war.P2X2bscrsuThere is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a trainfor.P25XX2bscrsUAfter that, what really happe ned to the Amber Room rema ins a mystery.P2xx2bscrsuI think highly of those who are searching for the AmberROOm.P25XX2bscrsU3. Help the students learn to talk about the story

5、of the AmberROOm.5XX2bscrsU4. Help the students learn how to talk about cultural relics and have the sense of protect ing cultural relicsXX2bscrsuTeaching Important Point:How to tell the story about the Amber Room and talk about culturalreliCS5XX2bscrsUTeaching Difficult Point:Help the students unde

6、rstand the cultural relics and realize what should be done with the cultural relics5“2bscrsuTeaching Methods1. Fast reading to get the general idea of the textbscrsu2. Careful readi ng to un dersta nd the passage betteX2bscrsu3. Explanation to help the students master some Ianguage poi ntS.5XX2bscrs

7、U4. Discussi on to help the stude nts un dersta nd better what theyve learned and to use the kno wledge theye lear ned in this period 5XX2bscrsUTeaching Aids1. A tape recorder.2. A multimedia.Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Warmi ng upT : Look at the three groups of pictures and discuss thesequesti on S5“

8、2bscrsu1. Do you know these places?2f you know , what do you know about the places?3. Which one would you like to visit?Why?Group 1 The Pyramids in EgyptGroup 2 The Great Wall/Ch inaGroup 3 Sto nehe nge/Brita in Salisbury plainT: Please tell the reasons for their importanee.S1: Symbols of their coun

9、tries.S2: A concrete annotation of their cultures.S3: Have a memorable significanee.S4: Bring in money from tourism.The warm in g-up exercise helps the stude nts realize that there are some well-known cultural relics both at home and abroad.Ask the stude nts to try their best to th ink of the cultur

10、al relics that they knO W.5XX2bscrsUT: Now, class, look at the title of this unit.Tell me what the topic of this unit is.5xx2bscrsuSs: The topic of this unit is cultural relics.T: Do you know what cultural relics are?Ss: Cultural relics are something that has survived for a long time, often a part o

11、f something old that has remained when the rest of it has been destroyed it tells people about the past.XX2bscrsUT : Very good, also we can say: Cultural relics are traces or features surviving fr om a past age and serving to remind people of them.Just like what you said , they represent the culture

12、 of a place and some periods of history.Of course, some of them are in dan ger because they are being destroyed.Then can you give some examples of the cultural relics that are in the n eed of being protected?X2bscrsuS1: The Great Wall.S2: The Big Ben.Ss: .T: Yes.You are right.Now do you want to know

13、 more about these cultural relics?5xx2bscrsuSs: Yes.Step 2 Pre-readi ngT : What is your favorite city?Why?What makes a citygreatxx2bscrsuS1: a long historyS2: cultural relicsS3: many great peopleS4: important events taking placethereT: All of you have done a good job.Now let come to the text “In Sea

14、rch Of the Amber Room .5xx2bscrsuListe n to the tape and fin ish the comprehe nding exercise5XX2bscrsu1. The suggested answers to the comprehending exercise txx2bscrsu1) B 2) D 3) B 4) A 5) C2. The suggested an swers to the comprehe nding Exercise 25xx2bscrsu1) The Amber Room was not easy to make.vN

15、S2) Catherine II didnlike everything about the Amber Room when she first saw it.S) 5xx2bscrsu3) The Amber Room was take to Konigsberg and hidden there in1941.VS) 5XX2bscrsU4) The Russia ns diddtcare about the Amber Room.vNS 5xx2bscrsu5) The Ru ssians don think the Amber Room will ever befoun d.vNS)

16、5XX2bscrsUStep 3 Detailed Readi ngT : Read the text again and answer the following questions:5XX2bscrsU1. What was given to the Russianpeople as a great gift by Frederick William I, the king of Prussia5?X2bscrsu2. Why it is called the Amber room and how many tons of amber were used to make the Amber Room?x



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