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1、In the information age, when almost everyone in every office is a knowledge worker, were paid to process information. And since theres an infinite amount of information, theres an infinite amount of work. For everyone.So your boss is probably giving you enough work every week to fill three weeks - i

2、f you let it. If you work a certain way, it could also fill only three days.My point is that people who feel overworked in some respects choose to be overworked. Here are five choices to make instead:1. Force your boss to prioritize. 要老板优先化Because processing information is not an objective task, you

3、 can do a good job or a bad job or any kind of job in between. Which is to say that you dont have to do a great job with everything. You cant, right? Because your boss is giving you too much work.So you have some choices. First, you can try to force your boss to prioritize. Say to him or her, If you

4、 want me to do project z perfectly, then you need to get projects w, x, and y off my plate.Maybe your boss will think project z is so important that he or she will clear your plate. But most likely, your boss will say, Forget it. You need to do everything. This is an open invitation to start experim

5、enting with cutting corners.2. If your boss wont prioritize, do it yourself. 如果老板不肯优先化,你自己来优先化Please dont tell me you dont believe in cutting corners. Its the laymans term for prioritizing, and you probably perfected it as a way of life in college. In fact, cutting corners is what college teaches be

6、st.Over the course of a semester, you were assigned sixteen 400-page books to read, plus you had to write papers about them. You also had to show up for classes to find out what was going to be on the tests. Of course, there was no way you could read all 6,400 pages you were assigned - that would be

7、 impossible in the allotted time.So you figured out what you could skip. You determined that the best way to get out of the reading was to go to the lectures, because professors lecture about what interests them, and their tests reflect their interests.Now back to your workplace, where you have too

8、much work to do. Heres how the losers handle it: They complain about being overworked. They keep accepting more work, and trying to do it perfectly, and complain. And their bosses keep dumping it on them and saying theres nothing they can do about the workload. Meanwhile, neither of them is prioriti

9、zing, neither of them is taking responsibility for the situation, and each is blaming the other.If you boss insists on giving you more work than you can do, you should start cutting corners. Do everything very quickly, and ignore the idea that it needs to be done perfectly - it cant all be done perf

10、ectly. Your boss refuses to prioritize for you, so youll have to do everything as best as you can.3. Get comfortable with ignoring some tasks. 心里踏实地去忽视某些任务For some of you, even doing things less than perfectly will take too much time. In this case, youll have to blow some stuff off. So experiment an

11、d see which things can fall through cracks without anyone noticing.You already do this. Someone at work sends you an email demanding a response. But before you have time to reply, another recipient does so, so you just delete the original message. Try this approach with work youre not a central forc

12、e on and see what happens.4. Stop complaining before it ruins your life. 在过度的工作破坏你的生活之前,停止抱怨I can already imagine the comments flying about this column. Some of you will say that youd be fired for following the above advice. But whats your choice? Youve already told your boss you have more work than

13、 you can get done in a day, and he or she didnt scale back. Do you want to continue to just complain about it every day? Probably not, because complaining is toxic.Besides, do you really want to work 15 hour days to get extra work done for a company that doesnt respect its employees time? Why should

14、 you give up your personal life because your boss cant prioritize?Instead, take control of your life and create a situation where you stop complaining about having too much work. If youre fired for not doing all the work, you probably didnt want to work at the company anyway. And if youre not able t

15、o scale back, consider that you might over-identify with your job to the point that youre working harder than you need to because you cant imagine not being perfect.5. Take responsibility for being overworked, then change it. 对工作过度负责,并改变它OK, suppose you love your work and youre happy working 15-hour

16、 days. Thats fine. Just dont complain about it.What Im saying is that if you complain about having too much work you should look in the mirror - its your own fault, and you can change the situation by drawing boundaries at work. Be an adult by taking responsibility for your time, and complain only when you have a solution.Star performers dont talk about being overworked, they talk about time management. The b


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