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1、Unit 4 What would you do?备课人:张健夫教学内容分析:一、 教学目标1、 语言目标Talking about imaginary situations .(谈论虚构情景)2、知识目标 表示现在及将来情况的虚拟条件句所引起的虚拟语气的用法与结构。3、能力目标根据本单元所学知识,让学生能对与现在事实,过去事实及将来事实相反的事用虚拟条件句表达。二、 重点知识1、重点单词:Medical research tie worry energetic confident permission herself bother annoy fairly plenty listener k

2、nowledgable rest shelf cover deep correct burn knee hurt offer refuse helpful 基本要求 会读 会写 会用2、 重点短语:What if ., notin the slightest ,plenty of , get along with., letdown, come up with , come out , rather than , hidefrom , take a long walk , ask ones permission , right away .基本要求 会读 会写 会用3、重点语法:1)、Gram

3、mar : 条件状语从句2)、if 引导的非真实性条件状语从句 即基本要求 理解其含义,会用虚拟条件句表达不能实现的愿望、假设、怀疑、建议、猜测、可能或纯粹的空想。Period 1教学目标:Section A 1a-1c 语言目标:1.生词和短语: million, medical, research2.重点句子:What would you do if you had a lot of money?能力目标:Enable the students to understand and talk about imaginary situations.教学重点: Talk about imagin

4、ary situations, worries/problems.教学过程:Step 1 Revision and Lead-inAsk one or more students to show their work.T: In the last unit, you were asked to do a project on a famous persons childhood and how he/she became successful. Now whod like to display your project on the classroom wall? Eg , EdisonThe

5、n ask the students to tell what they can learn from Edison.T: Edison had a really different childhood from us. He was the greatest inventor in the nineteenth century. Of all his inventions, electric bulb, is one of the most important. But just imagine what the world would be if there is no electric

6、bulb? Today were going to learn how to talk about things that havent happened. Step II Listing and SpeakingAsk the students to read the picture on Page 26.T: When we talk about things that havent happened, we can use the words I would or Id. Now look at the picture on Page 26. What can you see in th

7、e picture?S: We can see some people, a school, a zoo, a research lab, a bank.T: What are the people in the lower part of the picture doing?S1: Maybe they are thinking about the answers to the question shown in the picture. S2: The woman is reading a newspaper and they are all thinking of the answers

8、 to the question. T: Pretend you are the people in the picture, what would you do if you had a million dollars?S3: Id buy a beautiful car.Write buy a beautiful car on the blackboard. S4: Id build a research lab. S5: Id give it to the Hope Project.S6: Id travel around the world.S7: Id give it to medi

9、cal research. Ask for more ideas from the students. Write their ideas on the blackboard. buy a beautiful car, travel around the world, give it to the Hope Project, build a school for the poor children, build a library for our school, build a research labShow the following to the students and then as

10、k them to practice in pairs. -What would you do if you had a million dollars?-I would (Id) _. T: Now work in pairs and make dialogues. Sample dialogues:1. What would you do if you saw someone stealing something? Id call the police.2. What would you do if you lost your bike? Id buy a new one.3. What

11、would you do if you saw a girl crying in the street. Id help her find her mother. 4. What would you do if the teacher asked you to sing a song to the class? Id say yes. Step III Listening Ask the students to listen to the recording and compare their answers with those in the recording. T: Next well

12、hear a conversation about how to spend a million dollars. The recording will be played twice. For the first time, listen to get the order you hear.Play the tape for the first time. T: For the second time, please number the picture in the order you hear them. Play the tape for the second time. Then c

13、heck the answers. Notes:1.hundred, thousand , million, billion (十亿)词前面有数词或several一词时要不能加s ,反之,则要加s 并与of 连用, 表示数量很多如:several hundred/ thousand/ million/ billion people几百/千/百万/十亿人 hundreds of trees 上百棵树2. 1.if 引导的非真实性条件状语从句,即虚拟语气通过动词形式的变化来表示说话人对发生的动作或存在的状态所持的态度或看法的动词形式称为语气,虚拟语气表示说话人所说的话不是事实,而是一种祝愿,建议或

14、是与事实相反的假设等。If 引导的条件状语从句分为真实和非真实条件句,非真实条件句应用虚拟语气。如果要表示与现在或将来事实相反时,其虚拟语气结构为:句型条件从句主句谓语动词形式If+主语+过去式(be动词一律用were)主语+would/could/might/should+V原形如:If I had time, I would go for a walk.如果我有时间,我就会去散步。(事实上我现在没有时间)If I were you, I would take an umbrella.假如我是你的话,我会带上雨伞。(事实上我不是你)I would say no if someone aske

15、d me to be in a movie.假如有人请我当电影演员,我会表示拒绝。(事实上瑞没有人请我当电影演员) Step IV Homework 1. Ask the students to do more practice as required in 1c on Page 26. 2. Ask the students to prepare for the next period: Think about if you have any worries or problems in daily life. Period 2教学目标:Section A 2a- 4语言目标:1.生词和短语: tie, worry, what if2.重点句子: If I were you, Id take a small present.能力目标:Enable the students to deal with problems and worries.教学重点: Talk about problems /worries.教学过程:Step 1 Re


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