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1、8A, Unit 6, Writing 教学设计Teaching Design课 题:8A, Unit 6, WritingSubject: 8A, Unit 6, Writing教学内容Teaching Content:A short newspaper article (The description on people and their jobs) Topic: A short newspaper article (The description on people and their jobs) 课 型: 写作课Course typeType: Writing教学时间:40分钟Tea

2、ching period教材分析:本课以一篇报纸小短文为题,其根本目的是让学生学习如何撰写描述人及其工作的说明文。教材以问题的形式罗列了写人以及写工作的众多要素,是希望学生能把经验型写作上升为理论指导下的写作,以此来指导学生培养探索以及归纳的能力。本课作为写作课型在本单元中主要是用以检验学生的语言输出能力。Material analysis: The topic of this lesson is to guide the students to learn how to write about a person as well as his/her jobs. After learning

3、quite a lot of words to describe something in Unit 2, Unit 5 and Unit 6, to guide the students to utilize them in a relatively theoretical way is necessary. This lesson is to check the students ability of language output.学情分析:新课标要求在英语教学中,应该激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神。9

4、0后的学生普遍对动漫极感兴趣,故此设计者以游戏的形式,列举描述人的要素,并用他们喜闻乐见的卡通人物作为猜测的对象,让他们感到英语就在身边,与他们的爱好同在,从而激发其学习的兴趣和探索的欲望。此外,设计者还利用描述职业的要素,以班主任为猜测对象,让90后的学生对班主任工作的辛酸有所了解,进而从情感上引导他们尊重班主任,用心地配合班主任的工作,自觉形成尊师重道之风气。Students Analysis: According the new curriculum standard, teachers should stimulate and cultivate students interest i

5、n English learning, help them to establish self-confidence, guide them to form good studying habits and effective learning strategies, and develop independent study ability and cooperation spirit. As most students born in the 1990s show great interest in cartoons, this lesson is designed to guide st

6、udents learning through playing. Students will involve in a guessing game, in which they have to guess what the target cartoon character is through a series of descriptive words about people. Besides, the head teacher of the class will be used as one target character. From the detailed description o

7、f the profession as a teacher, the students would learn how hard their teachers work for them and realize that they should respect and cooperate with their teachers.教学目标:Teaching Objective1.认知目标:了解描写人及其工作的重要性;发现并了解描写人及其工作的各要素和撰写说明文需要注意的要点。Cognitive Objective: Understanding the importance of and the

8、basic elements in describing people and their jobs; learning the criteria for good exposition. 2.能力发展目标:掌握描写人及其工作的各要素和撰写说明文需要注意的要点的用法。Ability development objective: mastering the skill of describing people and the exposition writing.3.情感目标:引导学生感受各种职业特别是他们身边的人班主任工作的职业精神,进而使他们尊重班主任,形成尊师重道的风气。Emotion o

9、bjective: Deepen students understanding of all kinds of professions. 教学重点:描写人及其工作的各要素和撰写说明文需要注意的要点的用法。Teaching main points: The writing skills of describing people and the key elements of exposition.教学难点:通过游戏呈现语料,如何能有效地引导学生通过小组合作的形式,发现与总结描写人及其工作的各要素和撰写说明文需要注意的要点的用法。Teaching difficult point:how to pr

10、esent teaching materials through games, how to effectively guide students to benefit from group learning, how to find out and summarize the key skills in person description and the key elements in exposition writing.教学流程设计:Teaching procedure目的Objective教师活动/方法Activity学生活动/学法learning strategy条件/手段Meth

11、od1. Leading inTo stress the importance of knowing how to describe people.Ask the Ss what they need if they want to know someone, however, they never meet him/her before.Give feedback to the teacher. Answer the questions.The whole class2. Task I To present the elements of describing peoplePlay a gue

12、ssing game with the Ss listing some words for describing people. Play the game. Speak out the name of the character and then conclude the words in groupsIntergroup competition& group cooperation3. Task IITo present the language used in describing peoples jobsPlay a guessing game with the Ss, offerin

13、g two complete paragraphs. Play the game. Speak out the name of the jobs. Intergroup competition4. ConclusionTo guide the Ss to conclude the important components of a description on people and their jobs, including elements to write; correctness; coherence; diversity of language. Present the paragra

14、phs used in the former games and have the Ss sum up.Sum up the important components of a description on people and their jobsGroup work5. writingTo encourage the Ss to write a short newspaper article on describing people and their jobs using the conclusions their have drawn.Tell the Ss to write a sh

15、ort newspaper article for the school news paper on one of their classmates as well as his/her “job”.Write the article in groups. Team member 1 checks “the elements”, Team member 2 “correctness”, Team member 3 “coherence”, Team member 4,5,6 “Abundance of language”, the little teacher is responsible f

16、or the whole newspaper article. Any team that shows their fruit to others will be awarded. Each team produce one article.Group cooperation6. PresentationTo check the Ss product.Have the Ss show the product and give possible advice.Present their productgroup work7. SummaryTo review what they learned in this classHave the Ss sum up some



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