高一英语 Unit 1《Friendship-Vocabulary and Useful Expressions》教案 新人教版必修1

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1、Unit 1 Friendship1. add 补充说,继续说 He added philosophically.add to 添加,增加 Her illness added to the familys troubles.add up to 总计,共计 All his school education added up to no more than one year.addto 把加到/进 She added sugar to her tea.词汇扩展: addition 加法,增加的人(物) additional 附加的,添加的2.make a point 提出观点 to the poi

2、nt 中肯,得要领 反义词 off the point=beside the point be on the point of 将要,正要 He is on the point of leaving.point out 指出 词汇扩展: pointed 尖的,有尖头的 pointless 无意义的,无目标的3.upset词汇辨析: 易混词辨析例句nervous在事情的发展过程中有一种害怕的感觉,等于rather afraidIm always nervous when I have to make a speech.anxious由于担心某事发生而感到焦急,等于worriedYour moth

3、er will be anxious until she hears youre safe and sound.upset由于某事的发生而感到心烦意乱,等于rather unhappyLosing the gold watch made him upset. 实义动词 need to do/dont need to(否)4.need 情态动词 need do/neednt do(否) 注:need主动表被动 need to be done = need doing 词组辨析:易混词组辨析例句neednt have done表示在过去本来没必要做却做了的事You neednt have worr

4、ied. Your son was safe.didnt need to do表示在过去没有必要做而实际上也没有做的事He didnt need to clean the floor since he was not on duty yesterday. calm down 镇静下来 The excited girl quickly calmed down.5. calm calmdown 使某人(物)平静下来 He took a deep breath to calm himself down. 镇静的,平静的(adj) Her voice wad surprisingly calm. 词汇

5、辨析: 易混词辨析例句calm无风浪,人的心情不激动You should keep calm even in face of danger.quiet没有声音、不吵闹或是心里没有烦恼、忧虑His health has turned all the better for him after a quiet holiday abroad.still没有运动或动作The room was still at the end of the speech.silent没有声音或不讲话He was silent for a moment, then began his answer.6.concerncon

6、cern oneself with/about sth/sb 关心,挂念 concern sb/sth 关系到,影响到 with concern 关切地 feel/show concern about/for sb/sth 担心某人 have no concern for sb/sth 毫不关心某人(事) have no concern with sb/sth 与某人(事)无关 be concerned in 参与 as far as I am concerned 就我而言,依我之见7.afraid be afraid of sb/sth 担心(害怕)be afraid to do sth 不

7、敢做某事be afraid that 担心Im afraid 恐怕(用于推测某种令人不愉快的事情)Im afraid so. 恐怕是这样Im afraid not. 恐怕是这样8.go through 仔细检查,审查 Our teacher goes through our exercises carefully every day. 经历,经受 He would go through fire and water for his country.(赴汤蹈火) 翻阅,浏览 Please go through all the related reference to finish your ar

8、ticle. 完成,做完 I spend several hours to go through the book. 花掉,用完 Ive gone through all the notebooks I bought last week.词汇扩展: go after 追赶,追求 go against 背叛,违背 go back to 追溯到 go in for 爱好,从事 go over 温习 go all out 全力以赴 come through 渡过(危机、疾病) get through 通过(考试),完成 look through 浏览,翻阅 pass through 穿过,通过9.m

9、ake+宾语+宾语补足语(名词/形容词/动词原型/动词过去分词) make him our monitor 让他做我们的班长 make us happy 让我们很高兴 make me wash the clothes 让我洗衣服 make your hair cut 理发 make+名词 (具有良好的素质、能力)可以成为 Ill make a good singer. 我可以成为一位出色的歌手词汇扩展: make after 追赶 make up 编造;打扮;弥补(for) make ones way 前进10.grow crazy about 变得对着迷 I grew crazy about

10、 music 10 years ago. be crazy about/over 对着迷 Im crazy about French films. drive sb crazy 使某人发狂(疯狂) The complicated problem drove her crazy. 11.daredare to do He dares to climb that mountain.dont/doesnt/didnt dare do She didnt dare sleep alone when she was a kid.do/does/diddare do Do you dare go outs

11、ide alone late at night?Daredo (情态动词) Dare he tell the truth to his mother?12.词汇辨析:易混词辨析例句too much修饰不可数名词,表示“太多”There is too much sunshine.too many修饰可数名词,表示“太多”He has eaten too many apples.much too修饰形容词,副词,表示“太”He is much too handsome!13.词汇扩展: look after sb 对某人负责,照顾 look up to sb 钦佩/尊敬某人 look down o

12、n/upon sb 轻视/瞧不起某人 look up 查询,查阅 look forward to sth 期待,盼望 look out (for sth) 当心,注意14.词汇辨析: 易混词辨析例句power用途最广,用于各种身心的、隐藏的、外显的力The power of the nature is very strong.power failure 停电strength体力She got her strength back after a break.force武力We should not solve the problem by force.ability能力He has the ab

13、ility to solve the task.energy精力The old man is full of energy.15.no longer=notany longer 不再(时间上) He no longer lives here. =He doesnt live here any longer. no more=notany more 不再(频率上) There are no more apples in the refrigerator. =There arent apples any more. suffer sth 遭受,蒙受(痛苦、疾病) suffer pain16. suffer from 患病,因而受损失 suffer from a bad cold suffer for 为而受苦 suffer for the things youve done17.be/feel/get tired of sb/sth/doing sth 厌烦某人/



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