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1、2022-2023学年高一英语下学期5月月考试题I.单项填空(共10小题,每题2分,满分20分)1.Cindy shut the door heavily and burst into tears. No one in the office knew_ she was so angry. A. Where B. whether C. that D. why 2. Tomorrow is Toms birthday. Have you got any idea the party is to be held? A. what B. which C. that D. where 3. is kno

2、wn to us all is that the xx Olympic Games will take place in Beijing. A.It B.What C.As D.Which 4. See the flags on top of the building? That was we did this morning.A.when B.which C.where D.what 5.You _ return the book now. You can keep it till next week if you like.A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. ma

3、y not6.The garden doesnt need .It rained last nightA.watering B. to be watered C. Both A and B D. watered7.When I awoke,I found my wallet .A.steal B. stealing C. stolen D. stole8.We made a rule to sing a song before class.A.that B./ C.it D. a9.But when I tried to step forward on the moon, I found I

4、was carried on the earth and fell overA.twice as far as B.as twice far as C.as far as D. farther10. you have grown up,you can make up your mind by yourself.A. Although B.Now that C.Since D. Both C and DII阅读理解(共两节,满分40分第一节(共15小题,每小题2 分,满分30分)A If you can speak English, you know a lot of English words

5、. You can read, speak and understand, But there is another kind of language you need to know, the language of the body. All over the world, people talk with their hands, heads and eyes. When Japanese people meet, they bow. When Indians meet, they put their hands together. What do American and Britis

6、h people do? Americans are more informal(非正式的) than the British.They like to be friendly. They use first names, they ask questions and they talk easily about themselves. When they sit down, they like to relax in their chairs and make themselves fortable. British people are more reserved. They take m

7、ore time to make friends. They like to know you before they ask you something of your home. When British and American people meet someone for the first time, they shake hands. They do not usually shake hands with people they know well. Women sometimes kiss their women friends, and men kiss women fri

8、ends. When a man meets a man friend, he just smiles, and says hello. Men do not kiss each other or shake hands.Even father and sons do not often kiss each other. 11. People can municate with each other using _ . A. only words B. only body language.C. only the English languageD. not only words but al

9、so body language 12. When Indians meet, they _. A. kiss each other B. bow to each other C. put their hands together D. just smile 13. In the U. S. A. and Britain _. A. men always kiss their men friends when they meetB. people would like to shake whenever they meet their friendsC. women are likely to

10、 kiss each while men arent.D. father and sons often kiss each other B In the past, man did not have to think about protection of the environment. There were very few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be unlimited. Today things are different. The world has bee too crowded. We are u

11、sing up our natural resources too quickly, and at the same time we are polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals.If we continue to do this, human life on the earth will not survive.Everyone realizes today that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none left. Yet, with

12、modern fishing methods, more and more fish are caught. We know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will disappear and nothing will grow on land. Yet, we continue to use more powerful machines to cut down more and more trees. We realize that if rivers are polluted with waste products from fa

13、ctories, we will die. However, in most countries waste is still put into rivers, but there are few laws to stop this.We also know that if the population of the countries in the world is to rise at the present rate in a few years, there will not be enough food. What can we do to solve these problems?

14、 If we eat more vegetables and less meat, there will be more food available for everyone. Land that is used to grow crops can feed five times more people than land where animals are kept. Our natural resources will last longer if we learn to recycle them. The world population will not rise so quickl

15、y if people use modern methods of birth control. Finally, if all of us think about the problem, we will have a better and cleaner planet in the future. 14. This passage mainly tells us about _. A. the problems we are facing today about environment and the ways to solve themB. the unlimited natural resources in the worldC. our rivers are being polluted by waste from factoriesD. the ways early man protected the environment15. Which of the following is NOT true? A.


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