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1、Lesson19 My Favourite colours教材分析:本课主要介绍了有关颜色的七个词black, brown, green, orange, pink, purple, white, 学生们已经多次接触过这些单词,应该能够认识这些颜色的名称。本节课通过学习掌握这些词汇的拼写和运用,在实际交流中用各种颜色的词汇表达自己的喜好。教学目标:1. 知识目标:对表示颜色的七个词black, brown, green, orange, pink, purple, white能够达到听、说、读、写四会的要求。能用语言I / We / They like_. My /Our/ Their fav

2、ourite colour is_.表达自己对颜色的喜好。2.能力目标:能够用语言谈论不同颜色,表达自己的喜好和感情。3.情感目标:通过学习各种颜色的词汇,培养学生对生活的热爱之情和审美观。通过课堂教学培养学习英语的兴趣。教学重难点:1.四会掌握有关颜色的七个词:black, brown, green, orange, pink, purple, white。2.运用语言对不同的颜色进行描述,表达各自对颜色的喜好。教学过程:Step I. Warming-up Greetings:Hello, boys and girls. How are you? What are you wearing?

3、 What colour is your_?(亲切的问候给学生营造轻松、愉快的课堂。通过自然的交谈引出本课的主题“颜色”,为七个颜色单词的讲授作铺垫。)Step II. Presentation Black, brown, green, orange, pink, purple and white.1. Introduction1) The students have learned “ red, yellow, white” before. Use the question and answer drill to lead in. “ What colour is it? Its” “ Ar

4、e they the same or different?”( Review “the same” & “different”) Use some different coloured cards to demonstrate the key words “ green, orange, pink, brown, purple, black and white.” Use different questions such as: What colour is it? Is it _? Are they the same or different?2)Let the students say a

5、nd spell the key words for a few times. Ask them to say something colourful. 2. Practice1) A game: Wheres my white cat? (Use the CAI) Ask the students to talk about the pictures with the key words theyve learned.2) Use the student books and the audiotape No.1. Ask the students to read the sentences

6、then circle, underline and point to the key words according to the directions. 3) Magic Bag: Ask the students to touch the object and guess what colour it is. (通过创设语境、利用提示性的问题、教师的描述等方法来唤起学生对颜色的感知经历、让学生通过问题、语境进行自主尝试。引导学生自己说出不同颜色,从单词教学上升到语句的训练继而大胆地放手给学生大量地机会,激发学习的热情,鼓励他们用语言描述不同的颜色,锻炼学生的口语表达能力和语言的综合运用能

7、力。) I / We / They like_. My /Our/ Their favourite colour is_.1. Introduction1) Lead a dialogue. T: I like pink. My favourite colour is pink. Whats your favourite colour? S: My favourite colour isT: Who likes green? S:T: We like green. Our favourite colour is green.(通过对话引出单词our, their.在本节课的教学中只要求学生能够

8、理解即可,在第26课中重点讲解。)2. Practice Practice the dialogue with the cards for a few groups.3Student book: part 2 Listen carefully and try to find out what colour Jenny and Kim/Steven and Danny like. (通过听音回答问题清晰地呈现出课文内容,检测了学生的理解能力,帮助学生理清思路,突出了对学生听的能力的培养。)Step III. Consolidation & Extension1. Ask the students

9、 to write down their favourite colours and try to find their friends in groups. ( 这一活动为学生创设了独立运用新授语言知识的机会,可以充分运用本课的词汇、短语进行综合性的语言操练,不仅能有效地将前后两部份内容结合起来也是对以前所学语句地复习运用,也体现了学生从学说到自己会说、运用语言表达自己对颜色喜好的学习过程。)2. Homework:Finish your chart and ask your family members whats their favourite colour. (通过设置问题、布置任务型

10、作业,让学生巩固本课知识。)板书设计: Lesson 19 My Favourite ColoursI like greenWe orangeThey purpleMy favourite colour is brown Our pink Their black White课后评析:本节课教师紧紧抓住本学段教学特点和本课书的教学重点展开教学,注重创设以学生为中心的教学氛围,注重在情景让学生感知、理解和运用语言,注重运用多种教学活动激发学生学习兴趣,让学生通过主动参与、积极体验,获得语言能力的发展。努力实现对学生综合运用语言能力的培养。1、注重在交流中学习语言。本节课教学伊始,教师就通过一段轻松

11、的“free talk”,询问学生“你今天穿的是什么衣服呀,它是什么颜色的 ?”很自然的就切入了本节课的主题:颜色。同时走到学生中间的谈话也拉进了教师与学生间的距离。而由于本课的7 个要求四会的单词学生曾经反复接触过,本节课重点放在对“形”的记忆上。因此新授环节教师通过“What colour is it ? Are they the same or different ?”引出并学习单词。随着学生对单词的掌握,教师又提出“Can you see something in our classroom?”以及“I like pink. My favourite colour is pink .

12、Whats your favourite colour?”随着交流的层层递进本节课的教学内容一一呈现并学习。 2、注重在情境中感受语言。本节课教师在呈现新知时结合图片、实物等直观教具,以及语境的创设唤起学生对颜色的记忆,避免了汉语的介入,培养了学生直接用英语思维的习惯。接下来CAI 课件的情境,创设了一个信息差,让通过猜一猜的形式引用刚刚学到的表示颜色的词。“Where is the white cat? Is this the white cat? Yes. It is the white cat./ No. It is a brown monkey.” Our ,their 的运用虽然不是

13、这节课的教学重点,但是对于学生来说并不容易理解及初步运用。 教师通过“I like pink. Who likes pink?”这一语境的创设,引出“Our favourite colour is pink.”使学生能够理解。3、注重在活动中体验语言。 教师在教学中注重学生的参与和实践,通过几个有趣又富有意义的活动让学生的学习兴趣以及语言的使用都有所提升。让学生通过参与、实践以及主动的尝试与创造,获得语言能力的发展。 magic bag 环节通过摸一摸,想一想,猜一猜,来运用本节课表示颜色的单词说话。学生们积极踊跃,兴意盎然。小记者环节让学生运用本课句型询问,记录。体现了学生从学说到自己会说、运用语言表达自己对颜色喜好的学习过程,使语言的学习与实际运用浑然天成。



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