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1、UNIT10Youresupposedtoshakehands.课时课时2SectionA(3a-2c)一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1.Listen to a piece of light music and you will feel relaxed(放松的).2.As students,we should value(珍惜)the time when we study at school.relaxedvalue一二三四五3.Mr.Green is leaving for Moscow,the capital(首都)of Russia,next week.4

2、.We usually have lunch at noon(中午)in the dining hall at school.5.My father was angry(生气的)at me because I broke his mobile phone.capitalnoonmad/angry一二三四五二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空6.Its important for us tokeep(keep)a healthy lifestyle.7.Im sorry to keep you waiting(wait)at the gate for half an

3、hour.8.She invited some friends tovisit(visit)her new house that she bought last month.tokeepwaitingtovisit一二三四五9.【易错题】In order to keep healthy,my father will make an effort togive(give)up smoking.10.Its unbelievable to complete the task without making(make)any mistakes.togivemaking一二三四五三、根据汉语提示完成句子

4、三、根据汉语提示完成句子11.I was just going out when an old friend droppedby(顺便访问)my home.12.You mustnt cheat in the exams no matter what reasons you have,because teachers and parents may get mad at(大动肝火)you.droppedbygetmadat一二三四五13.China is making an effort(努力)to help more developing countries.So great.Im prou

5、d as one of Chinese.14.We should make plans(做计划)before doing anything.makinganeffortmakeplans一二三四五15.2023大同第一中学期末改编I think we young people should give more care to the old.I agree.After all(毕竟),were all going to grow old someday.Afterall一二三四五五、词语运用五、词语运用根据语篇内容,填入恰当的单词每空一词Many foreigners move to Chin

6、a because of a strong interest in its culture.One man has turned his interest into love and this love made him write many books about China.He is William,an American 22.who/thathas lived in China for over 30 years.His Chinese name is Pan Weilian.His Chinese friends call him“Lao Pan”.who/that一二三四五22题

7、点拨题点拨:分析句子结构可知此句为定语从句分析句子结构可知此句为定语从句,22空后的句子空后的句子修饰修饰American,人作先行词人作先行词,且所填词在从句中作主语且所填词在从句中作主语,因此因此填填who/that一二三四五In 1988,Lao Pan first came to China and worked as a teacher at a university.But Lao Pan did not begin to understand China 23.until he and his family took a 3-month drive around the coun

8、try.until23题点拨题点拨:由句意由句意“直到他和他的家人在中国开车旅行直到他和他的家人在中国开车旅行3个月个月,老潘才开始了解中国老潘才开始了解中国”可知空处填可知空处填untilnot.until.直到直到才才一二三四五These experiences gave him ideas for his books.Since then he has written thirteen 24.booksabout China.These books give the world a fuller picture of China and Lao Pan is proud 25.ofwha

9、t he is doing.booksof24题点拨题点拨:由本句中的由本句中的“haswrittenthirteen”及下一句中的及下一句中的“Thesebooks”可知此处填可知此处填books一二三四五Lao Pans new book includes his forty-seven letters to his family back in America.The letters show Chinas development in different periods.Lao Pan often says he loves China and its people so much.He sees it as a life-long task to let more westerners know 26.whatChina is like.He will continue telling the nations stories to the world.26题点拨题点拨:分析句子结构可知分析句子结构可知know后为宾语从句后为宾语从句,且所填词在且所填词在从句中作宾语从句中作宾语,从句意为从句意为:中国是什么样子中国是什么样子,故填故填whatwhat一二三四五


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