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1、明清民俗钱币论文:中国明清民俗钱币视觉兀素内涵及应用研究【中文摘要】民俗钱币是人们利用具有特殊吉祥和厌胜意义的文 字与图像,用来厌服邪魅、避祸和求取吉祥的特殊钱币。它内涵十分 丰富,涉及到古代社会的政治、经济、民俗、宗教等诸多方面,是汉 唐以来重要的传统文化载体。它不具有货币职能,而只是在形制上与 货币相似。它们是人们客观需求和文化发展的衍生物, 完美诠释了我 国钱币艺术、宗教文化和造型艺术。其主要内容与古代宗教中的巫术 有关。民俗钱币的数量巨大、种类繁多,反映了不同时代人们的精神 生活和物质生活。其中尤以明清的民俗钱币为盛,明清处于我国封建 王朝的末期,封建的民俗传统文化也发展到了一个极致和

2、高度, 这一 时期的民俗钱币汇集千年民俗钱币的精华于一身, 无论是在造型还是 在内涵上都是前者不可相比的,浓缩了多彩的民族特性和丰厚的文化 内涵。本文在梳理钱币和民俗钱币的历史发展脉络的基础上,分析了民俗钱币的视觉要素与产生的社会意义,分别从内容、宗教、工艺三 个方面对民俗钱币的视觉元素进行了探讨, 通过分析民俗钱币的“形” 与“意”,研究民俗钱币的视觉元素,并在此基础上分析了民俗钱币 视觉元素与内涵在现代的应用方法, 最后结合现代理念,就如何更好 地传承民俗钱币的“形”与“意”,尤其是民俗钱币所蕴含的“意” 对于现代设计应用的启示意进行了探讨。 从挖掘民俗钱币的视觉元素 入手,最终达到追根溯

3、源、古为今用、学以致用的研究。对明清民俗 钱币的视觉元素及内涵进行研究,不但可以更好的学习和传承中华民 族传统文化,而且可以学习和分析中不同时期的人文面貌和风俗文 化。对于我们进一步探索明清民俗钱币的艺术价值和研究继承传统文 化都有着重要意义。【英文摘要】 Folklore money refers to a special ki nd of currency with special lucky meaning and symbols.People use it to overcome the in ternal fear towards the ghosts and spirits and

4、 long for good luck. ItinvoIves politics, economy, folk culture and religi on of an cie nt China and could be viewed as animportant cultural medium since Han Dynasty. It does not fun cti on as money and just looks like money. In esse nee, it is the derivative of cultural of the society and offers a

5、perfect explanation onmonetary art, religionart and formative art. Itis related closely to witchcraft in ancient religions.The huge qua ntity and abundant variety of folklore money in dicates the spiritual and material lifeof the time it was made. During the Mi ng and Qi ng Dyn asty, folklore money

6、developed to itsprime, due to the fact that it was the end of feudalist society of China, whe n folk culture has bee nfully developed. This helped create a folklore mon etary culture sec ond to none of that duri ngtheother periods of time.This essay offers an in troductio n to historicdevelopment of

7、 moneyand folklore money,together withan in sight into visual and social eleme nts fun cti oning in folklore money. It discussesvisual elements in the respect of content, religi on and craftsma nship by a comprehe nsive an alysisof the meaning and shape of folklore mon ey. Also it probes into the mo

8、der n applicati on of sucheleme nts as well as how to inherit such a culture.More important it explores thatways of applyingthe meaning of folklore moneyto modern design. In all, it starts from exploration of visualelements offolkloremoneyand develops to the degree of learning from thepast and lear

9、ning forapplicatio n. The study of folklore money regarding its visual elements and cultural connotation does notonly help with learning and inheritingtraditionalChineseculture, but also becomesa good way ofanalyzing the humanistic characteristics and folk customs. It has the far-reachi ng meaning for boththe exploration of art value of folklore money in Mi ng and Qing Dyn asty and the in herita nce oftraditi onal culture.【关键词】明清民俗钱币 视觉元素 文化内涵 现代应用【英文关键词】Folklore Mo ney in Mi ng & Qi ng Dyn asty购买全文在线加QQ 13993 8848即付即发同时提供论文写作指导和学术期刊发表服务在:本立为学术立献总库合作提供I如有异溟请与总库或学校联系0



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